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The Secret Behind Ganesha’s Superhuman Intelligence | Sadhguru

his wife parvati using her tantric power she made the shape of a baby and breathed life into it and shiva lands up from somewhere with a flick of his sword he took off the boy's head he has to bring this boy back to life so he looked around a boneless limbs they had and they spoke in a language which nobody could decipher because he got a head which was not human he was supremely brilliant [Music] so mana sarovar is uh significant because [Music] it is culturally significant because whenever shiva is a bit of a vagabond householder he goes away so his wife pad with me instead of staying in kailash she comes on here because that's all iced up she comes down here at least there's cold water so she lives here largely so more time was spent here than there so many things happened here one of the things that happened was ganapathi was born here so he's not elephant-headed he's ganapathi ghana means the khanas who were shiva's companions generally they are described as distorted and demented human beings of beings not human beings they did not have human form they had strange forms and they had limbs which did not have bones the boneless limbs they had and they spoke in a language which nobody could decipher they spoke like hackafunny and they seem to be always inaborated or at least they behaved like that [Music] so they were called ghanas and they were the permanent companions of shiva all the time with him others came and went but they were always there so when one of these outings that shiva went he went away 12 years there are many cultural and scientific reasons we give for as to why he went away for 12 years because largely whenever he went he went away for 12 years so once he went away and after 11 12 years he came back pahwat is sitting here on the banks of this lake i want you to imagine you're the just only woman sitting on the banks of manasseh over like nothing here she wants to have a baby she's unable to have a baby because she was seed is not human so it's clear that she cannot have a baby with him but when she's alone when she's with him she's fine when he's gone for long periods her maternal instincts took over she wants to have a baby so one day she smeared herself with sandal paste head to toe waited for a period of time then slowly peel off all the sandal paste when you do this a certain amount of your skin or your cells will come away making use of this using her tantric power she made the shape of a baby and breathed life into it a nice little boy came and she was very happy in the company of this boy and he grew up grew up just the two of them nobody and shiva lands up from somewhere nobody knows where he goes him and his friends land up full all inaugurated and happy come to see his wife he's that kind and parvati wants to have bath so she set up a small barrier and asked the boy to watch out that nobody comes this way so the boy took this duty as a worry he's very proud to guard his mother so with the spear in his hand he's walking up and down he's looking for trouble he wants to somebody should come now and he must fend them off he desperately wants to do something for his mother he's in that state and shiva and his friends landed up so he wants to see his wife he's coming that way and the boy stopped him and questioned him who are you you're asking me who are you with the flick of his sword he took off the boy's head and went to see parvati very happy to see his wife after 12 years but the wife saw blood on his sword and she screamed and he got the works then he doesn't know what to do he thought after 12 years he'll get a great welcome here she is freaking on him she said you have to bring him back to life he said that's not possible it's he's decapitated he's finished i don't care what has happened i want him back to life now if he wants to have his wife he has to bring this boy back to life so he looked around the ghanas they were all there so he looked around and the leader of the ghana he asked him what he said okay so he laughed off his head and put it on the boy's head first head transplant so now the boy had a human body and a ghana's head that to chief of the ghana's head and he had a limb which was boneless boneless limb so he become a ghanapathi the chief of the ghanas somewhere down the line artists from sivakashi in tamil nadu because they had never seen a ghana but the place was full of elephants a boneless limb means they could not imagine beyond an elephant so they slowly made that into an elephant whatever they do even today everybody calls it only ganapathi nobody calls him gajapati okay some people have started writing songs these days calling him gajapati but it doesn't stick ganesh ganapathi is what sticks because he is ganesh he's ganapathi he is the king or the leader of the chief of ghanas because he got a head which was not human he was supremely brilliant because of this extreme sense of intelligence he did not allow anything to be an obstacle in his life every obstacle in life can be cleared if you have the needed intelligence isn't it so this is what he proved so we called him vigneshwara he removed all the weakness because his intelligence is of that level if you do not know about writing his scriptures he told vyasa your dictation should be non-stop if you stop i'm going to drop the pen and go away because i'll get bored with you this is the level of intelligence means not to boost your belly but to boost your brain because he's known for his brain not for his belly but today to our children we have said we have made it clear he's known for his big belly not for his big brain he was essentially known for his big brain so ganesh chaturthi should be about boosting the brain not the belly isn't it [Music] my [Music] you

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