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The Power of Gayatri Mantra | Sadhguru

[Music] what you call is gayatri what you call as many other things in yoga we call this tantra yoga [Music] improper usage of sounds powerful sounds can cause serious problems someone brought this lady to the program and she had lost her voice almost six or seven months so almost eight months before she came to me mantras need to be done with certain care [Music] guy 3 is a powerful process very different in its nature it is not something that's entirely focused towards one's internal or spiritual growth or that dimension it involves various things so this was generally thought to every householder so that for the not so focused people some substance some support for well-being health success and other aspects of life so gayatri is not necessarily for a spiritual serious spiritual practitioner it is more for a householder for whom spiritual process is also one aspect of his life it's a possibility if it's properly initiated we don't generally do those things here because except for the devin spiritual process here is devoid of all ritual internalizing the process is little more sophisticated and subtle but far more reliable than external processes [Music] when we use external processes to create inner dimensions it leads to a certain limitation of space and time as to what we do and what we do not do you can't be 24 hours spiritually on if you are involved in an external process it's a good support it's a good aid but it's just that it's a good support in terms of support there are many other ways to support this above all those who are initiated by us here we support them in a completely different way they they just have to they just have to ask for it and wherever they are there is a support system support system not in terms of teachers and volunteers and staff energetic support is available wherever they are so because of our ability to provide this support to every human being wherever they may be we did not establish rituals of support it is it is one of the most popular things that's been done in the country for a long time long time means particularly in the last thousand years i think since adi sangra he propagated this big time because when he came there was a certain degradation of general population so he wanted to teach something that's mass [Music] like today we are doing asia kriya mass [Music] gayatri is a certain process which involves many things and considering the nature of what it is [Music] i'm not saying it's relevant today to always be relevant but socially and structurally it is not so fitting into modern life as it is because of the things that are needed to make this happen in today's world because almost a huge population on the planet today does not stay in the same place i want you to understand i want to look back and see 500 years ago most people in their whole lifetime they got up and went back to sleep in the same place in the same building for their whole lifetime without one day of being out that's how life used to be today i think uh very very few human beings are like that people like me [Music] uh if i sleep on the same bed for two nights i think it's a fortune so those days are gone because of that certain rituals and certain ways of doing things the relevance of that has come down substantially i'm not saying the relevance of the basic practice is gone now but social things have changed situational changes have happened which doesn't facilitate those type of practices much it's best they're internalized internalized processes can be done anywhere we are not depending upon what kind of atmosphere we are in what kind of people we are with it doesn't matter so yoga is 100 internalized [Music] what you call this gayatri what you call as many other things in yoga we call this tantra yoga when i say tantra yoga today tantra has found very ridiculous expressions particularly in the western nations and people think if you utter the word tantra they're thinking about unbridled promiscuity now tantra just means technology [Music] there are various types of tantras so if you employ technologies where external material is involved that's called tantra if you employ technologies where no external material is involved it's completely internalized then we call it yoga if you want to create tantric processes right now anarchy is happening in the devi temple it's a kind of a tantra a puja happens it's a tantra an abhishekam happens it's a tantra these are techniques or technologies to create certain impact but now if you want to do tantra you need the form of the devi you have so many limitations tantra is useful when people are not willing to do anything by themselves they want somebody else to do it for them so one person who's learned how to do it facilitates it for everyone the danger of tantra is exploitation there was a fabulous tantric culture in this country in the last two generations we've beaten it down because it led to such states of exploitation and turned so ugly we thought it's better without it so the last two generations have really pushed ritualistic way of life out because it was so exploitative so internalized processes the safety of it is nobody can exploit it it's you somebody can inspire you somebody can initiate you somebody can induct you into your powerful process that's it there is no room for exploitation at the same time there is no need to throw everything out that would be like throwing the baby with the bath water you don't have to throw everything out carefully maintain tantra it's okay i want you to obliterate this silly idea that you have tantra means sexuality no it's got nothing to do with sexuality it has got something to do with using external means to make things happen whatever because both yogis and tantriks are more like scientists making seeing how to make it work they might not have fit into the moral codes of a particular society at a particular time in history because of that they might have gotten this label because of that they've gotten this label but otherwise it is nothing to do with sexuality it's about learning to use external material for your well-being not just yours the larger group of people so gayatri belongs to [Music] that realm nothing wrong with it it's just the suitability of today the mantras are a powerful process but they need to be properly used properly initiated improper usage of sounds powerful sounds can cause serious problems i happen to be in united states and someone brought this lady to the program it was a seven day event and she had lost her voice almost six or seven months or almost eight months before she came to me was totally gone she's seen every doctor every expert voice gone she can't speak a word simply empty hair comes out when she tries to speak without any sound they have not been able to detect anything improper with her vocal cords or whatever everything is proper but she can't speak so naturally when nothing is there they will say maybe there is a pol

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