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The Love You Search For | Gods message today | God’s message Now | God’s message for me today

my child I have crafted the universe with an affection that is vaster than the cosmos itself and in every Starry corner of it my love resides immutable and infinite this love the fabric of all existence stretches out far beyond the bounds of what you can see or even imagine and within this Grand tapestry your heart is cradled just as the sun does not cease to shine even when the clouds gather so my faithfulness does not waver even when Shadows Fall upon your path know this my precious one as you stand beneath the vastness of the sky whether it be draid in the HSE of down or the Dark Velvet of night that it is but a mere shadow of my unwavering constancy my faithfulness is as unfailing as the course of the constellations and with such knowledge should you not be moved to a reverence that stirs the soul when you offer praise to me you become a mirror reflecting my glory it is a profound truth that as you turn your face towards me in Earnest adoration you begin to reflect my image more clearly to the world it is as if you are a moon a glow reflecting the light of a sun unseen in the night each word of worship each note of a hymn is like a hammer and chisel in the hands of the Holy Spirit shaping you into my likeness this transformation it's not always painless but it is always always purposeful remember the love that reaches to the heavens also descends gently upon you it Cascades over you like a Cascade of purest Joy emanating from the Heavenly Realms when you lift your gaze to me you will find me always with a smile that outshines the dawn bestowing upon you a love so profound that it transforms even the deepest sorrow into a distant Echo this love is like an endless stream and you my beloved are invited to immerse yourself in its Waters to let it wash over you to let it sustain and renew you no matter the aridity of the desert you may find yourself wandering you might feel at times that your circumstances are a tangled not too complex to unravel but within this love there is no tangle that cannot be undone no night that cannot be overcome by the day cling to this truth and let it be the anchor for your soul a hope both sure and steadfast and yes there will come a day when you will rise when you will Ascend beyond the blue and on that day My Heart Will Rejoice for There Is No Greater Joy for a father than to welcome his child home the glory that awaits you is beyond words a tapestry of light life and love interwoven awaiting your touch your presence as you walk this Earth remember that I am ever beside you my presence is as real as the air that fills your lungs as tangible as the ground beneath your feet each step you take let it be in communion with me talk with me as you would with a friend for there is no detail too insignificant for my ears share your hopes and dreams your fears and failures and let me carry them with you you see my love for you is not a passive thing it is active and Alive moving within and around you it is there in the laughter of a child the kindness of a stranger the beauty of a sunset it is present in the helping hand of a friend and the comfort of a warm embrace this love my love is the thread that connects every moment of joy and every Pang of sorrow in your worship let your heart be light and in your prayers let your words be true remember that I hear more than just your words I hear the language of your heart there is no need for pretense in my presence no need for eloquent phrases or grand gestures a simple thank you a humble help me a whispered I trust you these are the offerings that move my heart and so dear one as you continue on your journey keep your eyes fixed on me let your worship be a fragrant offering and your life a testament to my NeverEnding faithfulness live in the the assurance that you are loved beyond measure held within the Embrace of a father whose love knows no end reflect on this hold it close to your heart I am with you now and always in every high and every low and it is in this Divine communion this unbreakable bond that you will find the strength to overcome the grace to persevere and the courage to shine my light into every corner of the world be at peace my child child for you are mine and I am yours forever intertwined in an eternal dance of divine love and unshakable faithfulness the heavens themselves declare it and all of creation sings In Harmony to the rhythm of my heart the heartbeat of a love without limit Without End this moment this very second is a Divine appointment a sacred Gathering between between us feel the Gentle Touch of my love wrap around you like a blanket on a cold evening for in me you will find the Refuge your soul craves you see I fashioned you with infinite care knowing each of your days before one of them came to be I crafted your laughter your tears your quirks and your passions every fiber of your being is wonderfully complex and I Delight in you immensely you are my Masterpiece created in my image a reflection of my love but I know you my beloved I know how easily your heart can become entangled in the web of your own desires and Ambitions you chase after the Winds of what may seem right striving with all your might to grasp what you believe will satisfy your deepest longings yet often you find yourself weary your hands empty your spirit parched I see you striving pushing and pulling attempting to mold your life into the picture perfect vision you've painted in your mind pause for a moment breathe allow my spirit to guide you into Stillness be willing to let go to release your grip on the life you have planned so as to receive the life that I have purposed for you remember my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways as high as the heavens are above the Earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts in your journey you may find paths blocked and doors closed but trust in my Divine wisdom for every know you encounter there is a greater yes behind it a blossoming opportunity to grow to learn to embrace the true essence of life life I have for you the struggles the setbacks they are not to harm you but to strengthen your faith to weave endurance into the fabric of your character walk with me talk with me let us reason together share with me your heart's concerns your secret dreams your fears and doubts I am not a distant deity watching from the unreachable Heavens I am here closer than your next breath intimately involved in the unfolding story of your life in me you will find your true purpose your calling and your ultimate fulfillment consider the lies of the field how they grow they neither toil nor spin yet I tell you even Solomon in all his glory was not AR raay like one of these if I so clothe the grass of the field which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven will I not much more clothe you oh you of little faith therefore do not be anxious saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear seek

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