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The Incredible Benefits of Surya Namaskar | Sadhguru

surya kriya is an effort and a wonderful effort to bring your system in synchronicity with the rest of the solar system it's called surya namaskar because mainly to activate the solar plexus your physical health your psychological health your spiritual possibility everything is determined by this surya kriya is the practice surya namaskar is dumbed down a little bit [Music] the word hatta means harm in sun time means moon without sun and moon there is no harder you can so [Music] historically because i am not a scholar i do not know when they use this name for the first time as namaskar or surya namaskar [Music] but the practice [Music] the practice the way [Music] it's thought different ways in a few different places i'm not talking about the distortions am saying consciously thought in different ways in a few different places for different purposes within our sum i think largely many people are practicing four different versions of surya namaskar i practice a different version that makes it five largely it's called surya namaskar because mainly to activate the solar plexus to generate the heat in the system to raise the samath prana or the solar heat in the system when we say solar it is not just symbolic i want you to understand all heat that you experience on this planet is essentially from the sun stored and released in many ways all hydrocarbons have formed the way they have formed essentially because they're all sun-baked if you take a piece of wood and burn it it is only releasing the solar energy if solar energy is taken away the whole planet will freeze into solid ice the research says in 18 hours time all the oceans will become solid ice in 18 hours if the sun vanishes right now by day after tomorrow morning everything will be solid ice nothing will be liquid so everything is run by solar power you may think we are generating power by thermal or by gas or by this no everything is happening because of solar power only exception could be i'm not sure about this i would like to know the technicalities of it could be the breaking of the atom that is not solar and that's why it is considered the most effective and the most dangerous because you are not using the normal powerhouse of the solar of the system which is the sun so when we activate the sun in the system the body begins to glow and shine everything if you have certain types of problems which manifest usually in the form of excess mucus in the system not just in your nasal passages all over the mucous levels can rise one who is doing surya namaskar for him his glandular secretions and mucus levels will be very easily balanced and in good shape and this determines a lot of things about you not just your physical health your physical health your psychological health your spiritual possibility everything is determined by this depending upon how much of soul or energy within you or in other words how balanced are your secretions if your glandular sacral secretions are slightly imbalanced it's very hard even to sit here and listen forget about meditating or doing something else it'll make you feel crazy because chemistry will go wonky so this is one of the simplest and the most effective southerners to bring that balance now when we commence the yoga school we will start teaching a certain form of sun related practice very much like surnames car but it's called surya kriya because it involves a certain level of breath and other things surya kriya is an effort and a wonderful effort to bring your system in synchronicity with the rest of the solar system surya namaskar and there's one more called surya shakti these are country cousins finer things if you tell people not everybody will understand so you can kind of make it dumb it down a bit if you bring a certain synchronicity with yourself and the larger body is the smaller body the larger body is the solar system if these two things are together your physical psychological and material well-being will happen without effort everything that you do will happen well so surya kriya is the practice surya namaskar is dumbed down a little bit surya shakti further dumb down more for building muscle and physical culture it's very aerobic in nature it's a complete exercise you don't need any equipment if you're in a hotel room wherever you are you do the necessary surname or surya shaktis you will see you are completely fit [Music] you

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