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The Difference between Indian and Native American Mysticism With Sadhguru in Challenging Times

to everyone wherever you are. Well, the musics, Sounds of Isha, Ah, the Native Americans who are referred to as Indians, and of course Indians (Laughs) from India, it's nice, a good meld of these two cultures in the form of music. Wonderful. Here we are at Bear Lake, Utah. A little over 6:30, Sun is yet to come up; no sign of him (Laughs). Temperatures are somewhere around six to seven degrees centigrade, hmm, fire is all around me. Ah, but as you know, hmm, the, the virus is still picking up momentum in many parts of the world, including United States and India, and a few other countries. Still in India, deaths are over a thousand per day. United States, around nine-hundred per day. Well, though in India, the fatality rate is low, as economy opens up, different social activity opens up, we're seeing surges happening. In United States, ah, people are predicting an autumn surge. Largely I think economic activity here is reasonably on, at least on the roads, on the highways, all the trucks are plying, maybe, at least, sixty percent of the usual traffic. And unfortunately, the President of United States and the First Lady, also have fallen victims to this, hope they recover soon. Well, many ministers, many people in the administration including our Vice President of India also Covid infected. I hope, Shri. Venkaiah Naidu recovers quickly, considering age, they must take care. I'm sure doctors will do the best, but this is of great concern that people who are well protected, if it's happening to them, the regular population which needs to go out and do things on the street, the challenges of it. And some of the statistics or some of the studies show that seventy percent of the people who get infected don't spread the virus to even one more person. But the ten percent who are considered as super-spreaders – in case they are very happy, they’re in some way super – this ten percent is giving to… at least ninety percent of the infections are because of them. That means each one of them is giving to a minimum of nine to ten people. But seventy percent is a responsible population – once they test positive, they're not giving it to anybody else. That's fantastic news. We just have to make this seventy percent into hundred percent. That is the real solution actually for virus problem and various other problems that we have. So, people who are calculating, “Post pandemic, what do I do?” Please don't jump into that too quickly. Nobody told you, it is like some kind of a thing on a particular date, we can say, “Virus over and we're going to do something new.” No, it will not happen that way. We… I hope… I know like the important thing is that we must come up with the treatment protocol. Like we have managed various other killers, like tuberculosis, malaria, dengue, we have a (an?) effective treatment protocol. Because of that we think we are free from it – but it's all over the place anyway, but we are managing without being worried about those things because we have a treatment protocol. The same needs to happen with this, that we must have an effective treatment protocol. I'm sure lot of work is being done in that direction. And that could be one of the reasons for the number of recoveries. Ah, but at the same time there is still no consensus on, “This is the way to treat this.” That needs to happen. Today happens to be the World Animal Day. No, I'm not talking about you (Laughs). I'm talking about the World Animal Day, 4th of October is the World Animal Day (Laughs). I'm sorry. A little bit of the fire smoke in my eyes. The wind is changing direction, hmm, it’s okay. It's all right. Ah, just to give you – if you already do not know – two-hundred million animals killed for food, daily on land. And three billion including aquatic life everyday killed for human consumption. Two-hundred million land animals and three-billion aquatic creatures being killed for human consumption of 7.6 billion people. This amounts to seventy-two billion land animals, and 1.2 trillion aquatic animals for food, every… every year. In the last fifty years, hmm, I’m sorry. In the last fifty years, the meat consumption in the world has gone up six-fold. One reason for this is the weakening of the soil and vegetable matter not having substantial strength in it; substantial nourishment in it. This is one reason why meat consumption have gone up. And another reason is meat industry is aggressively pushing their products. And another reason is, unfortunately, whatever is done in the West, particularly in America, everybody thinks that is the right thing to do. Now, every doctor in the world is telling you, but… that red meat could be the cause of various ailments. Whether it is cardiac problems, whether it is cancer or various other issues are because of consumption of red meat, it has to be brought down. But in India, many doctors are saying, “You must eat meat. Otherwise there's not enough nourishment.” They're not very wrong beca… Unfortunately they're not very wrong, because it is said that in the last twenty-five years, the vegetables that you buy in the market in India, their nourishment value has come down by forty percent. This is the first generation where we have a clear picture of the value of nature and the grave situation we are facing. Maybe we are the last generation who can do something significant about it right now. I hope that significant action happens. I've been meeting important people in America, who could, Ah, who have the necessary technologies, and also access to fund, so that significant things can be done in tropical lands because fixing the tropical lands is the quickest way to turn the climate change effects, reverse the climate change effects upon the planet. Just the Cauvery Calling project by all estimates shows that if we plant these 242 crore or 2.42 billion trees in the Cauvery basin of 83,000 square kilometers, it would sequester anywhere between nine to twelve trillion liters of water and eight to twelve percent of the carbon sequestering that we as a nation and India has promised the world in Paris accord, whatever we have promised, eight to twelve percent of that could be fulfilled just by this one project. You know why (Laughs) I'm pushing it like I'm possessed with Cauvery. Yes, I am! If you are not, you will be sorry. And your children, the next generation of people will look back at us with resentment, not with pride, not with respect, not with regard, but with resentment. Well, out of the fifty-one million square kilometers of land used for agriculture, forty million (Laughs), forty million square kilometers, that is seventy-seven percent of the agricultural land is used to raise Ah, meat-giving animals and their food. Yes, seventy-seven percent of the agricultural land is used to raise cattle and their feed. If only if you reduce this two-hundred (million?) animals killed for food daily to hundred million, that is, if you reduce your meat diet by fifty percent – I'm

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