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Terrence Howard: “They Lied To Us For 2000 Years!”

you know what's interesting in 1856 a man from Liverpool named Richard Dover stat challenged the Dewey decimo system and said that it was wrong and created an entirely new system to show how it can be brought into correction so I'm not the first person to State this that's a number of people did it but look up Richard do stad try and find him you won't find him because he's been erased from history almost your view on Consciousness and energy sounds very similar to what Dr Robert Lanza proposes in biocentrism um so that may be of interest to you if you haven't read that text but uh about 5 years ago you spoke about harmonic wave sequencing and how that could harmonic wave resequencing resequencing and how that could possibly solve cancer or genetic elments within the next 5 years I think that was about 5 years ago so is there much progress on that and how do you propose that this resequencing would actually recode people's genetics in order to prevent them from getting simple our DNA is made up of what five elements right hydrogen carbon nitrogen phosphorus and oxygen do you know how they're arranged the phosphorus sits right here in the middle and you've got four oxygen atoms surrounding it then there's another phosphorus two more oxygen atoms now these are the the legs of that double helix these are the legs now the the ladder steps on it they become the adenine the guanine the camine and thine thyine the at tcgs it turns out hydrogen they used to think that energy the the body transferred or understood the Energy Information through electricity they're finding out it's through frequency well guess what hydrogen sounds like it's a key of E guess what um and it's a color yellow that's what proper physics gets you to H oxygen is a chartreuse and it's the key of f over F SHP now they used to like I said information used to be thought about as just electrical information passing on but I got a question for you have you ever been at a party with some of your friends you ain't seen in 10 years but you was like 14 you hung out and there was a song that came on you was like and everybody got up and was live at that moment now say 10 years later you got a friend with you he's a good guy but he wasn't there when me and my boys formed this so when that song comes on our DNA tightens tightens tightens there's a particular song a scale in the genomes for each and every one of us now when that song is played when your particular Prime resonant frequency is played guess what happens your DNA celebrates and tightens everything else gets pushed out harmonic wave resequencing the carbon is also the key of E and yellow nitrogen is G and all these play a song so say that the F over F shars of the oxygen the green is only hitting at an an F why because there's another frequency coming in from a generator over there that's changing it and causing it to change so this F now hits the oxygen and when it hits when when this this no the F hits the carbon so the instead of hitting as a fshp it hits as an F so when it hits the carbon at an e it doesn't hit it quite right so the Domino don't file right so the next Domino hits wrong and so now we have a Mal formation happening within our DNA because the frequencies are being pushed off but when we hear our tone we tighten back up so yeah I in the process of building the harmonic wave resequencer with another doctor who has been able to successfully cure AIDS and cancer and it's well underway but I wanted you guys to understand how that works it's so simple you do not need to tear the human body apart when all you can do is use frequency to bring it back to its normal space in the dim glow of midnight Terrence Howard descended Ed from the Shadows bearing secrets that could shatter reality itself do you think that the reason that we have like economic crises for example is because we are not understanding um our numbers correctly according to your theory well I think we have an economic problem because we are the only creatures in this universe that use currency there are no other creatures that use currency in order to exist why is it that we chose this strange thing that isn't even real other creatures they drink water they eat fruit they eat other animals we exchange with currency and our system of exchanging with currency is flawed because of greed there's not an e like if 1 * 1 equals 2 we've got an equilibrium of balance 1 * 1 equals 1 you've got loss when 1 * 1 equals 3 or more you're talking about overunity and super Symmetry and that's how you get to Universe to work for you instead of us using just the solar volot off of it you also use some the polar the um p Electric effects of it you use other things to make greater Unity but 1 * 1 equaling 1 when it could also a dollar pound times a pound equaling a pound when it could also equal $4 or $10 or $100 does that makes sense to you do you think the banks are abusing that what's a quarter time a quarter if I ask you ask anybody in this room what's a quarter time a quarter that's 25 * 25 the court the computer will tell tell the calculator will tell you it's 6.25 but we know 25 P * 25 p is 625 that's £625 but the computer or the banks only have to give you 6 and A4 Cent reference for it well let's say you put a dime times a dime go oh let me get this out say you take a dime times a dime you put that in your in your calculator it says 1 cent 0.10 * .10 is 1 cent but we know a dime times a dime is a whole dollar but the banks gives us money based on that evaluation is that fair and I might get shot about talking about this right now but I've got a book coming out called does a dollar time a dollar equal a dollar or does a dollar time a dollar equal $2 and in the process not only do I explain the depth of the platonic solids but I also introduce the new Teran wave conjugations that replace this ukian way of life and gives us a threedimensional way of seeing the world the moonlit alley echoed with the weight of Terrence Howard's Revelation a clandestine truth that had remained veiled in the recesses of his enigmatic mind that's what I'm saying do you want to see the world in 2D or do you want to see it in 3D cuz our math right now is 2D our math is black and white and stick figures I want the world and and and multicolor spectral Vision as you're saying 1B * 1B is equal to 2 lb but it's 1B squared which doesn't make any sense because you've got a squared unit squared one pound squared you can can you divide pounds can you divide money if you can divide it you can multiply it all these things that I showed you guys I've patented all these things you know why I patented it them because in 1926 a man named Walter Russell wrote a book called the univers of one and in it he introduced an entirely new periodic table and there he he introduced the two heavy water elements and then plutonium and and duum both of those all four of those elements that had never been discovered he sent out to 800 different

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