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Terrence Howard Talks About a 6000-Year-Old Secret (OMG!!!)

these were the Undisputed you know fundamentals of God and they said that they pulled it out of the flower of life I want you guys to know about a 6,000 year old secret I was able to open up the Flower of Life properly and find the real wave conjugations that we've been looking for for 10,000 years Terrence Howard unveils his 45-year quest to unlock the hidden frequencies embedded within the Flower of Life revealing the elusive wave conjugations sought after for Millennia well science is to explain natural phenomenon okay the whole point of science was to explain natural phenomenon and should coincide with what takes place in the observable universe and that should strengthen one's [Music] faith I mean there's you got to remember we've been here since the very beginning you know there and there is no good or bad M it's just your perspective that you're sitting from is it beneficial for everyone around or is it not well apparently I did that at the last passage because when I came into this life I woke up remember don't forget don't forget don't forget don't forget don't forget and the first thing I did was worked out the Flower of Life when I was 6 years old I started making these pieces there's something that has to build up and there's something that needs to tear it down you know what we call the tearing of it down we call that we call it evil or bad but that's the process of magnetism or radiation Howard delves into the duality of creation and destruction emphasizing the intricate balance required for Cosmic Harmony if you lose that little spark that kept you motivated that little peace like this is my vocation I'm a I love acting half the time but there's some downfalls of it you know a lot of act end up with um personality identity crisis and conflicts because you have so many characters you're playing Secrets buried within the Flower of Life captivated Minds throughout history from Newton's clandestiny Pursuits to Pythagoras's fervent quest for enlightenment I want you guys to know about a 6,000 year old secret 6,000 years mankind has been trying to decipher this one little [Music] thing called The Flower of Life now do you know the Flower of Life have you guys ever seen this before now you know this is one of the oldest symbols in um human history right or do you not know this symbol was found in the temple of Osiris in Egypt and it had been molecularly burned into the wall and it's 6,000 years old this the same symbol has been found in the The Forbidden temples in China sitting under the Fufu dogs and the foot on it the Flower of Life saying whoever controlled that flower of life controlled the universe there were secrets in that flower of life that D Vinci spent his whole life trying to uncover there were secrets in that flower of life that Newton spent his whole life in secret trying to uncover the same secrets that Pythagoras was desperately trying to uncover but the problem was they kept seeing this in a two dimensional space they couldn't get it out of this two-dimensional frame and as a result they got stuck in this plane a flat plane now what D Vinci and all of them wanted to do they were trying to find a way to bring this flower to life because what is inside of it well apparently there were Secrets inside of it shap they C the mcba and all of those other things out of it but they were misled by something I think called a straight line Howard challenges conventional thinking urging us to abandon ukian Notions and embrace the natural curvature of the universe you guys believe in straight lines you believe there's straight lines in the universe well let me hit you with something all energy in the universe is expressed in what it's in motion if something is still there's no energy kinetic right all motion is expressed in what you look at galaxies are they expressed in straight lines expressed in vortices all vortices are expressed in what waves all waves are curved show me a straight line in nature you show me where the plutonic solids come from where do they have their foundations in our universe are there any straight lines if you look at anything there are no straight lines that's been the mistake we've been looking at these straight lines this ukian way of thinking and missing the curvature of nature so here we are back with the curvature of Nature and you have all these little pieces now this is always been an information system so comp compare some of these points take a point here and say well what's the space in between all of these things now they've said that all the in between spaces if this is the Earth and this is the moon right here all this in between space is it filled with what a void there's nothing in the void well I found that there is something in the void the elementary fundamental particles that they've been searching for at the CERN collider the hedron collider and CERN I found that their energy signatures matched perfectly to some of the pieces that I was able to pull out of here reflecting on the origins of religion Howard traces its roots to astrology and astronomy Endeavors to decipher the mysteries of of the heavens we were told as Witnesses you got to stay away from astrology stay away from astrology I'm like why stay away from astrology why do I need because they told the truth about Christmas told the truth about Easter told the truth about holidays all of this stuff but why stay away from astrology well it turns out all religion has come from astrology and the astrology was astronomy and they were trying to make sense of the heavens and how time passed and these these bodies and it turns out the Sun going through the 12 constellations they anthropomorphized those 12 constellations and they became the disciples Da Vinci's feudal attempts to bend straight lines epitomize Humanity's struggle to perceive the inherent curvature of space I mean everyone keeps trying to tell me don't say it's forever but I've spent 37 years pretending to be people so that people can pretend to watch and enjoy what I'm doing when I made some discoveries in my own personal life with the science that you know Pythagoras was searching for I was able to open up the Flower of Life properly and find the real wave conjugations that we've been looking for for 10,000 years why would I continue you know walking on water for tips when I've got an entire generation to teach a whole new world that that's a big remark what what what do you intend to to do well let me put it this way all energy in the universe is expressed in motion all motion is expressed in waves all waves are curved so where does the straight lines come from to make the platonic solids there are no straight lines so when I took the Flower of Life and opened it properly I found a whole new wave conjugations that expose the in between spaces that's it's the thing that holds us all together Howard unveils groundbreaking discoveries linking the Flower of Life to the wave particle duality 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