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Terrence Howard: I spent 45 years searching those HIDDEN frequencies

how can something times nothing equal nothing how can my hand go through nothing and disappear this is what 1 time one equaling one has got us this inconsistency of our monies and our economy is sitting in the balance and until we make that change we're in trouble we're going to be stunted as a as a species Terrence Howard's Revelation shakes the foundation of mathematical logic questioning the fundamental Axiom of 1 * 1al 1 one now my biggest question well another thing based on what's my greatest accomplishment would have been to question uh mathematical fallacy that 1 * 1 equal 1 because How could an action times an action not have a reaction and I initially brought it invented discover well I can say I invented it but I didn't invent it you can't invent that which makes the Universe I discovered the Lynch pin and tried to introduce it as the grand unified field equation you know expressed in Geometry it's it's everything but all of these wave conjugations all of these states of matter all of these things there's time it's time for that to be Chang now we have changed all of our our buildings to be the aerodynamic our airplanes are no longer based on a two-dimensional ukian way of life but our math is still based on a two-dimensional way see what I had to do what they didn't know when I first came out and talked about the number system they didn't know that I had already discovered that in the calculator they didn't know that I had already built and discovered um four super symmetrical systems based off of 1 * 1 equaling 2 The Logical inconsistency of 1 * 1 equal 1 prompts Howard to question the very essence of multiplication and its implications if you had an iPhone it's really great just go to your calculator and you heard me say that 1 Time 1 equals 2 you get in a lot of trouble for saying let's here's let's here let's understand the the the meaning behind it if to multiply means to make more to increase a number how can 1 * 1 equaling 1 be part of the multiplication table you know because every action has an natural reaction so I was like how did they come up with this um irrational and and illogical set of things if if to multiply means to make more then how can 1 * 1 equaling one be part of a multiplication table it fails to satisfy the turn multiply so questioning that and in the in the first second third grade as I came along uh that c that courage towards curiosity and an unb out passion towards finding the truth which therefore the Bible or any other book has to be held you have to question it demonstrating the absurdity of the mathematical fallacy Howard provides irrefutable evidence using a calculator exposing the illogical Loop in mathematics and I think in order for us to reach the future we have to examine that do you guys know about um Loops in math do you believe in Loops do you know the square root of two do you think that's a loop do you believe that the square root of two is the square root of two yes or no hands up no hello oh I want y'all to take out your phone for a minute then we're going to do one thing everybody got a phone put it on the calculator and turn it to the side so you can get all the long numbers out of it okay now I want you to put in two and square root it two hit the square root you'll get 1.414 213 562 37395 dot dot dot right now I want you guys to do me a favor Cube it it'll SE right over there be X to3 can y'all do it have you cubed it it'll see 2.82 42 71 2174 6190 now that makes sense I want you guys to do me a favor divide it by two got that number cube it again divide by two Cube it again and I want you to do that until the end of your lives and that number will still come up with 2.82 4271 2174 6190 any other number that you above two that you put in and you Cube and you square Cube and square and divide by two by the six operation it has moved into an exponential number that you can't even imagine any number below two that you do that same operation with it will go into an exponentially small matter and number this is what we call a loop it is illogical it doesn't make sense and it does not make math make sense Howard's Pursuit Of Truth truth leads him to uncover the deceit embedded within quantum physics theories built upon the flawed Foundation of mathematical fallacy doesn't that cancel out the very first laws of of motion every action has an equal and opposite reaction so I was like how can 1 * 1 equal 1 well then I went to the calculator oh my wife I'll call her in a second um my love I went to the calc calcor and if you go to your calculator you put two in hit two so you got to turn it side turn it to the side turn your calculator to the side hit two all right and then go to the square root which is on the far left second column third one from the top okay second one from yeah second third one from the C you'll see the square root of two hit it it says 1.414 213 562 373 095 yep now I want you to cube itbe hit x to the thir which is in the third and I want somebody else to hit times two okay so I'm cubing mine you Cube it you're going to get 2828 4271 2174 6190 okay that's the same value you get when you multiply it by two now do me a favor divide it by two divide by two hit equal Y and Cube it again hit x to the 3 mhm divide by two you get back to 2828 4271 217 4 6190 divide by two hit equal go back to x to the 3r you're going to see this Loop you're going to go back from 1.414 213 562 37395 you'll be back at 2828 4271 2174 6190 that's like saying X Cub is equal to 2x which is equal to X Plus X that's an unnatural equation but every quantum physics and quantum mechanics Theory and equation is B based off of that mathematical fallacy that lie embracing skepticism Howard challenges the status quo advocating for critical inquiry into mathematical principles long taken for granted you know I need to know whether because the truth does not matter being examined it's just the lie that doesn't like being examined you're not supposed to ask those things but the truth always welcomes thorough examination you know rigor that's what we're supposed to that's what our math was supposed to do so how do you have where the square root of two when you Cube it has the same value as a square root of two when you multiply it by two that's like making X Cub = 2x which is equal to X Plus X that's an unnatural equation so that means the math is off how can you multiply by zero but you can't divide by it without it becoming an Infinity when division is an is the inverse operation of multiplication that's how you check multiplication is you divide it back so if you can't divide it back then it's unreal and you know this and the scriptures Jesus didn't mind being questioned no so why would the why would the Bible or the people that profess promote the Bible why would they question or be upset with someone questioning whether these Traditions are actually from the Creator and if they're from the Creator you'll know so for me it it was im

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