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Simple Ways to Transform Your Health | Sadhguru

the forces working upon life upon this planet varies from one latitude to another because of a certain shape and a form it takes it could become differently competent [Music] it is because of this that uh you know being in contact with the earth is a very important part of one's health and well-being [Music] i know the medical community would make fun of this but i 100 stand by this [Music] the question is uh being in a certain part of the planet does the celestial geometry work upon you in a particular way the nature of the larger human system or the deeper human system how it functions definitely is impacted by the location it makes them different as you know [Music] with it is true with every other life the planned life and the animal life which is very comfortable in southern india would uh will would wither away in uh anywhere around uh new york state or in that part of the world because the life here has evolved it's not just the weather it's not just the weather and the volume of sunlight or cold that happens yes those are a big impact too but why life has evolved the way it has evolved has something to do with the location it is a fact anthropologically recognized fact that a certain race of people when they migrated from one geographic location to an entirely different geographic location many racial features in their physiology will slowly change and over a period of time there is a distinct change to a point where you could not recognize how they were at a certain time for example india has been a cauldron of racial mix for a long time but you will see how being at this location on the planet of course the temperatures the weather all these things have an influence but apart from that just the nature of the food that they eat nature of how the what planetary position they are how it is altered their physical features and how they completely changed is quite unbelievable it is central asian people who came down as the audience about 8 000 years ago just see how people in georgia i'm not talking about uh united states georgia i'm talking about the georgia georgia okay in central asia how those people look and how people who have come from there who lived in india for over six to eight thousand years how they look you will be amazed how they have changed everything about them has changed so there is whether there is food there is latitude which makes the difference because the speed at which the planet is spinning has different effect of centrifugal and centripetal forces working upon every object upon the planet the forces working upon life upon this planet varies from one latitude to another so based on this the impact upon how the body shapes itself and because of that because of a certain shape and a form it takes it could become differently competent it's unfortunate that every difference certain human beings turn it into a discriminatory process otherwise if you study the differences that the planet has produced different types of life forms that it has produced even different different types of human beings that the planet has produced it's amazing and incredible and there is a whole lot of things to know about this and india's latitude and longitude largely makes them inward focused then outward this does not mean others cannot do this everybody can do this there is also a cultural evolution that happens over a period of time the many factors but definitely being in different parts of the world the body becomes competent it's not like if you move from one place to another now in next two years time everything about you will change need not unless you're willing to change you could resist that but changes will happen in spite of your resistance even in your own lifetime just because geographically you are located in a completely different space it's very difficult to gauge this because the amount of cultural influence and other social influences are so big and so intertwined that you cannot really separate this but suppose we had looked at the world before the migration started before we started traveling as we are traveling today you can clearly see the distinction as to how planet generated a certain type of life in a certain part of the world this is true with every other life and definitely with a human being too you also i think interjected with a question about the food i must tell you this in yoga the prescription for eating the food is how much distance a man can walk in a day in a single day how much distance you can walk that should be the radius of the area from which you must eat you should not eat food which is grown far away from you because the body that you carry is essentially a piece of this planet if it is a piece of this planet if you're eating food from that specific area and you're living on that area there is a constant interaction between your body don't think this happens only after you after you find your symmetry spot even today as you are sitting here if you sit in this place your body and the earth or this this part of the earth on which you're sitting is in a constant state of a very profound interaction it is because of this that uh you know being in contact with the earth is a very important part of one's health and well-being in in the yoga center we are always giving people to work in the garden if they are not healthy so that they are in touch with the earth this being in touch with the earth today in modern space has reduced itself to a mud bath well you must be in touch somehow it doesn't matter how you do it either with the mud bath or by working in the land whichever way or sleeping on the floor or whatever you do essentially you're trying to be in contact and food is a transaction whatever's in the earth you're taking it into the body it will function best if it comes from that peace or that area of earth on which you're living so generally the prescription is like this how much you can walk in a day that should be the radius of land from which you eat that is if you are growing food on your own farm and eating you will see within a month's time suppose you live on a patch of land grow your own food and eat within a month's time you will see a distinct a very distinct change in the healthfulness of your body i would say if this one thing this one simple thing is done i think we can bring down the incidence of cancer on this planet by 50 to 60 percent i would stand by this i know the medical community would uh make fun of this but i hundred percent stand by this at least 50 percent of the incidence of cancer could be brought down if we are in touch with the earth that we are living upon and the food comes from the area in which you live not from somewhere else right now if i go for breakfast in this hotel probably the fruit comes from new zealand they told me the fish comes from vietnam and i don't know what else come from where so just because we are able to transport things around and there are supermarkets which

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