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Simon Sinek । 30 Minutes for the NEXT 30 Years of Your LIFE

[Music] I did a little experiment with a homeless person not like on them it's not like electrodes with them voluntarily helped me because the whole idea of giving right you've all walked down the street and you've all seen someone begging and you either have or haven't thrown a few pennies in their cup when you do you feel good you bought that feeling that is a legitimate commercial transaction you know commercial transactions are defined as the exchange of consideration there was an exchange of consideration here you gave money you got the feeling of Goodwill you paid for that feeling if you didn't give money you either feel nothing or you feel bad you can't feel good by not giving all right you paid for that feeling so now the question is how is that person encouraging us to give the joke is they act like every corporation in the world they talk about themselves me me me me me me me right like they sit there with their little Outdoor Advertising little sign right and it says I'm homeless I'm hungry I got 12 kids I'm a veteran God bless they got it all in there trying to feel to somebody the religious vote the veteran vote you know the child sympathizer surround yourself with lots of pets go for that one too all in an attempt to get something from someone takers not givers right all about me well what do what do corporations do we've added more RAM we've added more ROM we've added more speed this one's number one we're the biggest we're the best we've been around since 1969 we're better than them we're faster than them we're more efficient than that one me me me me me me me me me me and so even if we buy their product guess what I don't really feel much so I did this little experiment I found um um a nice homeless lady on the uh Streets of New York who's willing to help out and I learned that with her sign which was pretty typical I'm homeless I'm hungry blah she makes between $ 20 and $30 a day for you know for a day worth of work 8 to 10 hours of sitting there selling Goodwill 8 to 10 hours she'll make $ 20 to $30 $30 is considered a good day I changed her sign and the new sign made her $40 in 2 hours and then she left it's one of the reasons she's homeless is cuz she's decided that she only needs $20 to $30 a day to live if she stayed she would have made $150 the point is she made 40 bucks in 2 hours what did the sign say the sign said if you only give once a month please think of me next time it has nothing to do with the taker it has everything to do with the giver and what are the objections people give when they don't give I can't give to everyone how do I know that they really need it and so I address both those concerns I know you can't give to everyone so if you only give once a month my cause is legitimate I will still be here when you're ready to give 40 bucks 2 hours make it about them not about you the fact of the matter is 100% of customers are people and 100% of clients are people and 100% of employees are people I don't care how good your product is I don't care how good your marketing is I don't care how good your designers if you don't understand people you don't understand business we are social animals we are human beings and our survival depends on our ability to form trusting relationships do you ever watch um uh Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel I was flipping through the channels one night and Deadliest Catch came on and on this episode just random they were in a huge storm now for those of you who don't know Deadliest Catch they take these crab fishing boats out in the Bearing Sea which is like terrible and they put cameras on them and we watch right the reason that's I guess significant is because these crab fishermen have I think one of the top five deadliest jobs in the world you know I don't know what the exact number is but dozens of fishermen die every year doing this so they have cameras only on five or six of the ships even though there are many many many ships that go out fishing every season and they don't really come into proximity with each other because you know the ocean's huge and they usually sabotage each other and give each other false information cuz they're all competitors they're all looking to get the crabs and you know make sure that they find them somebody else doesn't and you know it's business right it's just business it's okay we all do the same thing in our own companies and in this one episode this big huge storm was so violent that they had to bring all the pots which are the big cages that they catch the crabs and they had to bring little the pot back on the boat uh and wait out the storm and just by dumb luck one of the boats that had cameras on it was in proximity of a boat that didn't have cameras on it and so they filmed they had secured all their pots on the deck and so they started filming the other boat and they filmed a guy climbing on the outside of the cage securing the pots and all of a sudden a huge wave hits the side of the boat and the guy is not there anymore and the people on the boat with the camera start screaming Man Overboard Man Overboard Man Overboard and they turn their boat towards where they think he might be he's a stranger they don't know him they don't know the the crew members of the other boat and yet they react and they turn towards him and they find him in the drink and for those of you who don't understand how dangerous this is if the water is so cold that if you're in the water for I think that it's a minute or a minute 30 hypothermia will set in and you die and they come upon him and he's screaming don't let me die don't let me die and they pull him on board not out of the woods yet they strip off his clothes because it's wet and cold and they wrap blankets around him to prevent hypothermia from setting in and he survives and it's overwhelming and the captain comes down and it's all on I mean you can go watch it on TV the camera comes the captain comes down and he hugs this stranger this young man his competitor he hugs this guy as if he's his own son I lost it everybody is crying and you realize what happened here was a human interaction and the reason they risk their own lives to help this other person even though they spend every other day trying to get ahead and sabotage is because at the end of the day they're all crab fishermen and they know something about each other and they know something about the risk that they all take to do this and when push comes to shove they will put themselves out there to help each other for no other reason than they get it they're one of the same I will promise you that every single member of that crew that day went home with a feeling of fulfillment I promise you that every single person on that crew that day felt more good in their hearts and in their jobs than the richest day they've ever pulled in my question is is what are you doing to help the person next to you don't you want to wake up and go to work for the only reason that

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