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Save Soil: A Movement that Began 24 Years Ago | Sadhguru

Sadhguru: Well a tragedy is unfolding. Most people will see tragedies only when it comes with a bang. But if you are sensitive, you can see it happening all around you. It's not that suddenly we thought of "Save Soil" movement. Last twenty-six, twenty-seven years we have been working on this. Sadhguru: So some of the world bodies, what they predict is, in another twenty-five, thirty years, India is going to face such a serious drinking water shortage. In the last fifteen–twenty years, many small streams and rivulets that you had seen when you were children, no more exist. They're just gone. Sadhguru: This is not a joke. This will bring untold suffering to human race, untold suffering. The way you are handling the land, in the next fifteen years' time there will be no monsoons for you, only storms will come, huge fury of rain which will just drain the soil. Both environmentally and otherwise, it looks like our intention is to leave a desert for our children. Not a live world. It’s time we did something about it. If we don’t do this, there is no point being a human being. These sixty million people in Tamil Nadu, if they realize what needs to be done, just in five years' time you can have the whole place green. Speaker: Today, the spotlight is on a project called Green Hands in India. Sadhguru: We started a mass campaign, and six years I spent planting trees in people's heads. That's the most difficult terrain, believe me (Laughs). Sadhguru: It's unfortunate that seven lakh trees is a Guinness record. I want to see that everybody breaks the record. Sadhguru: 114 million trees if you plant in Tamil Nadu, 33% green cover will be there. So a time has come, if you don't fix it, there'll be nothing to fix after sometime. The planting trees thing came up essentially because we wanted to save the soil. If farmers are committing suicide, just know it's not the bank, it's the land. The land is getting weaker and weaker. Just we are pumping poison into the earth like crazy. Suppose all the worms got poisoned, and they died in big numbers, let's say, people will die in millions; just like that. I took thousands of people… What they are breathing out, the trees are inhaling; what the trees are exhaling, they are inhaling. Bringing this experience into people that what you think as myself is not within the boundaries of your physical nature, it goes well beyond that, This is not a protest, nor is this an agitation. This is a campaign to raise awareness that our rivers are depleting. Everyone, when I say everyone, everyone who consumes water must Rally for Rivers (Cheering/Applause). Why this journey? It may not happen in our lifetime, but we have to set the direction now for a solution. Sadhguru: The water that comes down in the form of rain, we are not able to put it into the soil mainly because there is no organic content, and there’s not enough trees and vegetation. If we plant this 242 crore trees, your lakes will be full; your wells will be full; above all, soil will be damp most of the year and that is what is needed. This is why Cauvery Calling (Applause). The very body that we carry is soil. Without soil being rich and well, this body and every other life cannot be well. So, in terms of ecology, in terms of climate change, the most important thing is that we need to have a conscious approach as to how we manage our soil, how we rejuvenate our soil, how we revitalize our soil. Sadhguru: Conscious Planet is launching "Save Soil" movement, to bring about policy change to regenerate soil. As a part of this (Laughs), I am 65 and I am riding 30,000 kilometers – a lone motorcycle journey; 30,000 kilometers across twenty-four nations to activate support from the citizenry, to assure the governments, long term investments will be appreciated. So, it is extremely important that soil regeneration is enshrined in the policy of every government on the planet. We must change the narrative on the planet that soil is a wealth, a legacy we have received from previous generations, and we have to pass it on as living soil for future generations. We are in a cusp of time, if you do the right things now, in the next fifteen to twenty-five years, we can significantly turn this situation around and regenerate the soil. But if we allow this to progress like this for another thirty to forty years, after forty years if we attempt this, then it could take 150 to 200 years because that much loss of biodiversity would have happened. From 21st of March, for one hundred days, the whole world, every human being on the planet should talk soil. We must hear the word "Soil," "Save Soil" everywhere to see that the narrative on the planet changes towards the most vital aspect of our life – the oil. Each one of you should reach as many people as you can to make this happen. Many global leaders, influencers are already participating in the movement. Be a part of this and let us make it happen. Speaker (His Holiness The Dalai Lama): From my part as much as I can contribute. Speaker (Mark Wahlberg): We're gonna save the soil, do your part. Speaker (Marc Benioff): …and saving the soils. Speaker (Rosario Dawson): Our future, our children's future, and our planet's future depend on it. Speaker (Jim Gray): Save the soil. Speaker (Jane Goodall): We know what we must do. So, let's make it happen! Speaker (Klaus Schwab): Lets' make it happen. Speaker (Sza): Let's make it happen. Speaker (Rebecca Tickell): Let's make it happen! Speaker ( Let's make it happen! (Overlapping conversation) Sadhguru: Let's make it happen! (Overlapping conversation) Speaker (Mark Benioff): Let's make it happen! Multiple Speakers: Let's make it happen!

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