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Sadhguru’s Opinion on Abortion | Is ABORTION a Human Right?

Shift our focus to the United States of America, a country where guns are more accessible than abortion. Recently in Texas, of women sought permission for a high risk. Benazir for anything. With a heartbeat. She immediately declared a criminal Initially granted by a lower court. But the Texas Supreme. Court denied an. Abortion, claiming her life wasn't at risk. Let's see. Sadhguru's view on this similar question. Six weeks that they're pregnant. See I'm not for this kind of loss. Right. But at the same time, I want you to look at the little broader aspect in this country. There have been many people who are killed their own daughters. I'm particularly saying daughters because that happens more to girls. It also happens to boys because the father believes, after all, you're my child. If you don't behave the way I want, I will kill you. It's happened. No, not one or two. It's happening quite a substantial number that you cannot ignore. The number that kind of numbers happened So where does this right come? Because it is because of me. You're born, so you must do what I want you to do. So I will take your life So, similarly, it's my own. I will do whatever I want. This will not go. At the same time, a woman has a freedom to do what she wants. But what she wants does not mean you can take it to any level of the responsibility. There was a time when women had no means to prevent pregnancies. All right. Today there is substantial means, isn't it? So I would say within five, six or ten weeks or 12 weeks or 14 weeks, you must terminate if you don't wish but allowing the child to grow. I have seen cases I'm saying this particularly because I've seen people, they have boyfriends and they got pregnant. Now it is five month pregnancy. This really came to me a few months ago and the boyfriend left her some fight between them. She went away. Now she wants to abort the child. This is not OK. You cannot go on like this. I think some kind of number of weeks we can fix. In my judgment, I think before 48 days, if it happens, it's best. But sometimes a woman may not be able to know that she's pregnant. Let us allow ten weeks, 12 weeks, maybe 14 weeks. You can't go to 25 weeks, 30 weeks and try to terminate a child. It's not nice because it's alive a living life. You must understand, of all the creatures on this planet, a fetus as a life is the most helpless life. Yes. Even a little child, a two year old child. If you try to do harm to him, he will bite. He will do fight. He has some defense. A fetus is totally in your mercy. You must treat it with at most compassion. Because of your convenience, you can't do whatever you want. At the same time. Does somebody else decide this? No. A woman should decide this. There's no question about that. But at the same time, some kind of norm has to be there. That within this much time, it must happen after the child is grown. There is substantial study saying the child has even emotion towards the mother. You don't kill a life with has emotion, isn't it? That's that amounts with something else. So I think both sides take extreme positions. This is the problem. Let's take a more humane and practical position. Why? Why are you for or against something? It is a question of life, isn't it? How do we handle this life? With what, due respect, do I handle this life a lot? It has been happening. It's yesterday or the day before. That is some information saying the male female, a male female proportion in the country has improved. Congratulations But at the same time, why was it down Female children were born after. Because they didn't go for sonogram. This that they're born. And the girls. Simple. Thing. What's being done in the villages is they just pick some paddy granules and put it in them. Out it goes. Get stuck somewhere. And the child dies in a terrible way just because it's a female. So now if I can terminate a child in five, six months, why not after ten months when the child has come up? I'm saying the logic will extend itself. You must be careful about taking up causes, because where will what is the consequence of what we do today? Tomorrow? To what extremes will people take it? This must be taken into account because what I am saying is not a rarity. How many thousands must have been killed? Only a few are caught alone. Only a few are caught. Thousands have been killed because a five day old child, if he dies, people will then think something happened to the child. Infant mortality is there. How much of this infant mortality is actually murder? Nobody knows. OK. So we must be careful what we argue for. This is not about this versus that. A more humane way of handling life is definitely needed.

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