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Sadhguru in Vienna – LIVE | 28 March | 6 PM CEST | 9:30 PM IST

Speaker: Good evening everyone and welcome to this historic Conscious Planet Save Soil event in Vienna, Austria (Cheering/Applause). We hope to take a moment to highlight the significance of this event and the Save Soil movement, that Sadhguru is launching. Rather than a doomsday calling, the Save Soil movement is a rallying call. We have a window of opportunity to be the generation that brought ourselves back from the brink, rather than the ones that fell through, this important time period. Tch. With this in mind, Sadhguru is on a one-hundred-day journey, across nations as a lone motorcyclist, meeting global leaders, influencers, citizens and their elected representatives, to raise awareness and restore soil health. Are we with him (Cheering/Applause)? We'd like to play you a short video now, to introduce you to the Save Soil movement. (Video plays) (Cheering/Applause) Speaker: Sustainability is an issue that confronts us more now, than in any other time period. We're all acute… acutely aware, that any action we perform now – positively or negatively – has an effect on generations to come. But in the last few weeks, we've seen an overwhelming support for the Save Soil movement, both abroad and here in Austria. We'd like to play you a short video now, to show you some of these highlights. Thank you. (Video plays) Sounds Of Isha music – English Soil Song Lalale Lale Lale… (Cheering/Applause) Sadhguru: Should I wear it? Should I wear it (Cheering/Applause)? Thank you. Oh, that's great (Laughs). (Sadhguru's presence) Sadhguru chants Kaalo Na Jaanaati… Sadhguru: Namaskaram and good evening to all of you (Cheering/Applause). Participants: Welcome to Vienna! Sadhguru: Thank you, wonderful people of Vienna and the wonderful city that you have. Well, all the many wonderful things that we human beings have created, have also cost us immensely in a different way. In creating one thing, we are destroying another thing. This does not mean we should stop creating. We just have to be a little more transformed in the way we create things, that's all. Just now, this chant what I did now, essentially – I'm… I'm just coming to a simpler meaning of that – what it means is, your life is essentially a combination of time and energy. Time, as you sit here, for all of us, it's rolling at the same pace. (Gesturing to a participant) Hey, are you a pirate? Okay. No (Few laugh), please show who I'm talking about. Come on! It happens, be seen man, come on. They won't know why I made that comment. Yeah (Cheering/Applause)! All of us have been pirates, doing very clandestine things when it comes to life on the planet. Horrible things, because there is no way to do anything, without taking something from another life. Hello? If we eat, we take something from another life. If we build a building, we take something from another life. Everything that we do, we take something from another life. Only thing is, are we conscious that we're doing such a thing? If we were conscious, just our humanity would function in such a way that, we would do it a little more gently. We cannot avoid it completely, but at least we would do it little more gently. And doing that little more gently, has become very important now, because as we sit here, our time is rolling out. Did it ever happen to you that, you felt one day was wasted, so you rewound that day and you lived it again? Hello? You did? You did rewind time (Few laugh)? Oh! Then you will be still thinking you're eighteen, but you will become eighty, if you keep on rewinding and thinking it's my eighteenth birthday. Well, it'll be eightieth birthday and you won't know, that's a problem. Nobody can rewind time; it's rolling away. Hello? Not one minute can we rewind. So, there is another ingredient which makes our life… You want me sit… sit down or walk around and talk? It's okay? Participants: Walk. Walk around. Sadhguru: I could even come there but, I heard you have 50,000 cases (Laughter/Applause) going in the city (Laughs). So, there's another ingredient to life which we call as energy – life energy. So, when it comes to time, we cannot enhance time, because I know this for last many years, I've been requesting a few extra hours per day. But whatever I do, they're not giving me even an hour or a minute extra, only twenty-four hours. No… no use being a yogi, mystic, all this (Few laugh). They're not giving any extra time. Hello, they should at least grant me some extra time in a day, isn't it (Few laugh)? No. Because they never gave me extra time, I neither ate properly nor slept properly, all my life in these forty years. For twenty-seven years, on an average, I slept only two-and-a-half hours; these days, getting little lazy and sleeping little more. So, because they didn't give me extra time, various other things are always in… little crazy. But there is another aspect to you which is called as life energy. If you… if you manage this well, if you keep this in full intensity, you will see, what somebody does in ten years, you can do in one year. That means, if both of them live for hundred years, you would have lived thousand years in terms of impact and in terms of experience, because when it comes to life, there are only two things. One is profoundness and pleasantness of experience; as you sit here, how pleasant or how profound is your experience of life. Another is, when it comes to activity, how impactful are you? This is all you got with life. You may think you are doing many other things. "No, no, I'm building a family. I had a baby, I achieved this, I achieved that." All these things are about seeking profoundness of experience. So, these are the only two things – profoundness of experience, pleasantness of the same thing, and impactfulness of activity. For both, profoundness of experience and impactfulness of activity, you must be able to engineer your energies in a more organized and purposeful way. Otherwise, you yourself are a big impediment in your life. See, if you look at the world, I'm just seeing, people are labeling every segment or every stage of life… every stage of life as a problem. Infancy is a problem because you are like this – you can't crawl, you can't walk, that's one problem. Toddler – diaper problem. Teenager – hormonal problem. Middle age – crisis (Few laugh). Old age – horrible (Laughter). Death (Gestures). Everything is bad. No, no. This is the nature of life. Nothing is bad or good about it. You can make it whichever way you want. There's nothing good about life, there's nothing bad about life. It's a spectacular phenomena. If you ride it, it is fantastic (Gestures with a clap). If you get crushed (Gestures with a punch) by it, it's a terrible thing. Now, when was the last time somebody came and stabbed you with a dagger? Participant: Me? Sadhguru: Yeah! Participant: Hasn't happened. Sadhguru: Hasn't happened, even to you (Overlapping conversation), it didn't happen. They haven't even poked you

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