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PRAY FIRST Before You Focus On Your Problems

one thing that my mother would say to me all throughout young adulthood was son leave it to God she would often say that about every single problem I shared with her she'd ask have you prayed about it have you looked in God's word concerning it if I said yes her answer would be well leave it to God and if you think about it how many of us try to carry our own burdens when Jesus wants to be our burden Bearer how many of us want to take our problems our issues and struggles and try to fix them without so much as prayer offered to the Lord for guidance for wisdom or intervention leave it to God what is in your life that you need to take to the cross and Trust Jesus concerning it what is it that you need to leave in God's hands when I think of leaving my burdens in the hands of God the story of the shunamite woman comes to mind in Second Kings 4 verse 8 to 37 we're told that the shunamite woman was a kind and generous woman who lived in the town of shoonam one day she noticed the prophet Elisha passing through her Town recognizing him as a man of God she invited him to her home for a meal impressed by her Hospitality Elisha wanted to bless her in return he promised her that she would have a son within a year despite her and her husband's old age true to Elisha's word the woman gave birth to a son the following year however tragedy struck when the boy suddenly fell ill and died the devastated woman took her son's lifeless body and placed him on Elisha's bed in their home she immediately set out to find Elisha for help here's what the Bible says in Second Kings 4 verse 25 to 26 after her son had died the Bible reads so she set out and came to the man of God at Mount karma when the man of God saw her coming he said to gahazi his servant look there's the shunamite run at once to meet her and say to her is all well with you is all well with your husband is all well with the child and she answered all is well this woman maintained that all is well even after the unthinkable happened upon seeing the woman Elisha sensed her distress and sent his servant gehazi with his staff to lay it on the boy's face however the woman insisted on accompanying Elisha herself when they arrived at her home Elisha prayed to God and miraculously the boy's life was restored and he sneezed seven times indicating his complete recovery the story of the shinimite woman teaches us several important lessons the woman's generosity and Hospitality towards Elisha demonstrated the value of kindness and taking care of others her actions led to unexpected blessings in her life Elisha's prayers and faith in God resulted in the miraculous restoration of the woman's son this reminds us of the power of prayer and the importance of seeking God's intervention in our lives but perhaps the most powerful lessons were taught in her story are the power of trusting in God's promises and the value of taking our burdens to God despite her and her husband's old age the shinimite woman believed in the promise given by the prophet Elisha she teaches us the importance of having faith in God's word even when circumstances seem impossible and then when tragedy struck the shinimite woman immediately sought out Elisha for help she wasn't seeking Elijah but rather The God Who Elisha served this teaches us the significance of bringing our problems and concerns to God knowing that he is able to provide Solutions and comfort in times of need so I encourage you today whatever situation you find yourself in take it to the Lord in prayer and leave it there in closing let me remind you that the Bible says in Psalm 55 verse 22 cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you he will never permit the righteous to be moved autonomy 31 verse 8 says it is the Lord who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you or forsake you do not fear or be dismayed this is God's word to you he will not leave you he will not forsake you he will finish the work he called you to do everything God has for us is contained in these simple words I will never leave you whatever you need from the Lord he will supply it because he will never leave you if you feel inadequate that's good because you will depend even more on the Lord God never starts anything he does not finish Ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 to 17 says I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his spirit and your inner being so that Christ May dwell in your hearts through faith and I pray that you being rooted and established in love notice that the Bible says so that Christ May dwell in your hearts through faith Jesus Christ will only dwell in your heart when there is faith Faith dispels fear Faith calms a troubled heart faith is the cure for a troubled heart God's word tells us not to let our hearts be troubled it's telling us to have faith have faith that Jesus Christ will save you and rescue you from anything you could face in this life Psalm 50 verse 15 says call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver you and you shall glorify me [Music] God wants you to call him he says trust me in your times of trouble and I will rescue you strong faith comes as a product of great trials circumstances change people change social norms and public perceptions change but the word of God remains true forever in the Book of Matthew Jesus says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away that's why we can stand confidently in him that's why we can cling to him when we feel like we're slipping away into the chaos of life he will rescue us and place our feet back on Solid Ground what does it mean to be unshakable in your faith it doesn't mean never having doubts it doesn't mean never being afraid simply means that when Trouble Comes our way we don't panic we don't lose hope we don't turn to the world or to ourselves for answers instead we are able to rest in the promises of God the thing about Daniel and Paul and Moses was that they understood the stakes they understood that even if nothing went their way even if they ended up suffering deeply it would be worth it because knowing Jesus was so valuable so precious to them can the same be said for you do you treasure Jesus above your own life he is worthy and he wants you to experience Abundant Life by trusting him and obeying his word [Music] so when Trouble Comes Your Way stand firm be unswayable be immovable be unshakable foreign [Music]

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