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Open your mind and make things happen | Motivational story of creative thinking |

[Music] hundreds of years ago in a small town lived a small business owner along with his young and very beautiful daughter he ordered a last sum of money to a loan shark the loan shark was a very old unattractive and lust hungry man that just so happened to fancy the business owner's daughter he had an evil eye on her and wanted to marry her by any means he decided to offer the businessman a deal that would completely wipe off the debt he owed him so he said to businessman that he would wipe out all of his debt if he could marry businessman's daughter this proposal was met with a look of disgust from businessman and he refused it businessman's daughter was also standing by him and watching all this after that the loan shark played a trick he gave businessman and his daughter a proposal which they cannot refuse the lone shark said that he would place two pebbles into a bag one white and one black the daughter would then have to reach into the bag and pick out a pebble if it was black the dead would be wiped but then the lone shark would marry her and if it was white the debt would also be wiped but the daughter would not have to marry the loan shah after that he said to businessman if he does not agree to this too then he will have to pay all of his debt right now now the business man was helpless and he had no other option but to accept his condition then standing on a pebbles-tuned path in the businessman's garden the lone shark bent over and picked up two pebbles while he was picking them up the daughter noticed that he picked up two black pebbles and placed them both into the bag then he said to the daughter to reach into the bag and pick one pebble the girl walked slowly to the bag she drew out a pebble from the bag and before looking at it intentionally dropped it into the midst of the other pebbles of same color then she said to the loan shark oh how clumsy of me i accidentally felt this stone but never mind if you look into the bag for the one that is left you will be able to tell which color pebble i picked the paper left in the bag was obviously black and seeing as the loan shark did not want to be exposed he had to play along as if the pebble the daughter dropped was white and clear her father's death [Music] if we see in our life we will find that many times in our life such difficult situations come when we get nervous and then we do not understand what to do in such difficult times we should maintain our mental balance and must use our intelligence if we see in this story the daughter had three choices as to what she could have done first she could refuse to pick a pebble from the bag second she could take both pebbles out of the bag and expose the loan shark for cheating third she could be capable from the bag fully knowing it was a black and sacrifice herself for her father's freedom but she kept her mind calm and acted intelligently if she had not kept her mind stable at that time she could have panicked and have to marry the tall man likewise whenever we come across any difficult situation in our life always keep your mind calm and use your intelligence only then we can get out of the difficult situations in our life this is words of wisdom inspiration stories thanks for watching and keep smiling [Music] you

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