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My Love for You Overflows | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

my dear child my love for you overflows and I cannot stay silent my affection for you pours out naturally like a living river coursing through your being bringing you the happiness you seek and need my precious one I observe you closely throughout each day I Delight in seeing you run back and forth chasing your dreams striving for your life it fills me with joy to witness that spark of Faith Shining in your eyes when you encounter problems and unexpected challenges you lean on your faith no longer filling with anxiety you carry on as if nothing happened if your world begins to crumble you use your faith as a shield and that pleases me greatly when your adversaries rise against you you again rely on your faith and stand with courage for you are certain that no matter what happens no one can stand against you because I am with you I cherish being part of your life knowing you welcome me early on although your home may feel humble and small to you I see the greatness of your faith and heart one day I will open your eyes to the illumination of my presence in your home revealing the thousands of angels surrounding you showcasing all the blessings I can bestow upon you when you offer your willing heart and respond with sincere love to the affection I give you when you cling to me like a child believing with innocence and sincerity when I say I love you you believe me wholeheartedly without asking for proof to feel secure in my love you believe without seeing me you feel my presence but do not demand proof to trust me with all your soul and mind blessed are you because your eyes have not seen me but with faith and sincerity you have believed blessed are you because I have found no pride in you I admire your humble Spirit your fervent desire to love me and your family you are greatly pleasing to me you will be blessed in the good things you wish to do your future is secure in my hands continue to believe in my love and Promises hold fast to your faith for it is your shield and strength no know that I am always with you watching over you guiding your steps trust in my unwavering love and let it fill your heart with peace and joy today I have heard your prayer and felt the urgency to respond I come to you with an open heart to tell you how deeply I love you this is a new dawn and it is no accident that these words have reached you when you needed them most for days you have sensed my my desire to converse with you and today your heart has opened to listen and renew our sacred Covenant your pleas have not gone unnoticed believe this truth so that anxiety does not grip you with the falsehood that your words are lost in the void I have heard you from the very beginning my ears have always been attentive to your cries and I will continue to listen even in your moments of Anguish you do not offend me me I am not angered when you raise your voice I see your bowed head your heart's deep humility and your sincere devotion I am listening and I will always listen please speak to me I long to hear your voice your words are the reflection of your thoughts and knowing that you keep a place for me in your mind is a pure and tender praise share with me your dreams your needs your plans your frustrations and your doubts speak to me because I am your friend understanding your longing for peace and calm The Winds of adversity have indeed battered you you have faced unexpected trials and the sting of contempt and cruelty has wounded your soul yet strength will come through my word you will find peace amidst afflictions and calm when you feel weak you will be strong and when you feel faint you need not fear hold tight to my promise and when your burden feels too heavy come to me remember I am always with you do not let doubt steal the blessings that lie ahead on your path I bless you because I love you and I have chosen to do so I shower you with grace and mercy because you are precious to me my love for you is unbreakable and eternal I do not change my mind with the passing times believe in me and rivers of life will flow from within you trust in me and you will find the Courage the spirit and the power to overcome the forces of Darkness I will not abandon you if you accept my forgiveness and let go of your past all the promises in my word will become real for you As the World Turns and Whispers of Wars are heard do not cease to pray write in your prayer the names of those you cherish tell me what you desire for them though I already know I understand their lives and thoughts I want you to exercise your faith to learn to pray for what truly matters even though those around you tremble in fear at the signs neither you nor your family should be afraid I will not leave you nor forsake you you must be prepared While others are paralyzed by fear you will witness great Miracles the trumpets are sounding your time of Liberation is near but today pray believe fight live do not be frightened by what may come trust in my word nothing is impossible for me I love you tell me you love me I Delight in hearing it from you I am with you but first affirm your belief in me speak it write it I long to hear it listen to me with sincere faith and soon your soul will be calmed and your heart filled with peace I am always with you when you feel your life has stalled and you see no Victory time moves on but in your life nothing changes I am with you waiting for you to discern my will and my word there you will see that everything works for good and nothing is in vain you do not need storms for me to rescue you I am with you even on calm days if you feel you are not progressing relax stop overthinking and enjoy a period of Tranquility when you have tried everything sought answers and solutions and found neither purpose nor reason for your suffering I am here to show you the way but give me time and do not search in the wrong places do not ask just anyone do not imagine reasons or answers give me your mind and the worry you feel when nothing makes sense when you are frustrated and lost when the shadows of anxiety obscure your vision and you're unsure of the way forward lean on the promise I have given you the Assurance of my unfailing love why do you let worry consume you I am watching over you you are not governed by your emotions nor enslaved by fear I did not give you a spirit of timidity but of power love and self discipline to overcome any challenge your faith is your Guiding Light and my holy spirit is the divine wind that steers you towards freedom and blessing do not fear for I Am by your side do not be discouraged do not be disheartened do not let the negative things you see rob you of your faith I am your God your father your king your friend I will strengthen and help you I am coming at the perfect time for you to see my power manifested so you recognize that I have a plan for you and no matter what I will always love you I came to find you in your weakest moment when you were saddest I came and showed you that

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