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My Love For You is Eternal | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Sa

my dear I'm with you at all times listening to every word you speak and feeling each pulse of your heart you felt the pinch in your finances watched his Prosperity seem to slip away day by day yet I assure you the phase of struggle is diminishing the time of difficulty and scarcity is nearly over with a new chap ready to unfold in your life stand up rejuvenated in spirit and faith and affirm the arrival of restoration and prosperity declare with conviction that blessings are on the horizon abundance is starting to flow and my peace which transcends all understanding is settling within you don't lose hope but let your heart be filled with it keep your eyes on me and hold on to my promise that I'll never leave you or abandon you even when obstacles seem too big to overcome come and crises feel overwhelming continue to have faith remember nothing is too hard for me and my power is Limitless to change your situation and heal every aspect of your life believe that the difficult times of lack and trouble are fading away and a new chapter of blessings and prosperity is beginning for you Embrace this promise and trust that even in hard times I'm acting on your behalf to bring you good things and abundance don't let fear or doubt freeze you in your tracks open up your heart and mind to belief and start to confidently Proclaim that good things and blessings are on their way shut your eyes and picture the wealth and blessings that are coming by doing this you'll see my power at work transforming your circumstances faster than you could imagine my child even when you're surrounded by uncertainty and challenges hold on to the certainty that My Love Won't Let You falter and my support is always enough to sustain you understand that each difficulty you face is a chance to grow stronger in your faith in me don't be afraid to take on the faith Journey I've laid out for you I'm always with you guiding and supporting you with my powerful hand and keep in mind that faith can move mountains and when you trust in me there's no limit to what we can achieve together in your life stand up with bravery and purpose confident that my intentions for you are filled with hope and prosperity speak out with faith and assurance that blessings will come in abundance and prosperity will fill every aspect of your life approach each day with hope and thankfulness knowing that I am your refuge and solid strength even in the midst of turmoil believe that the tough times you're facing are only momentary while my love for you lasts forever hold on to your faith and trust in my steadfastness because even during hard times I am on your side working to improve your situation and fix your financial struggles so cling to my love and mercy and live no knowing that your financial health will be rejuvenated your debts settled and your worries lightened from now on let there be no trace of lack in your household not for you your children or their offspring I promise to shower you with plenty and meet every one of your needs remember it's during the tough times that my light shines the brightest and in my presence there's no space for lack or hardship thus open your heart to hope and proceed with obedience and loyalty have faith that I will never let you down and your life will stand as a witness to my incredible Provisions my dear one accept this message with joy and thankfulness in your heart state with assurance that your finances will bounce back your debts will be cleared and success will follow all your endeavors for you are my beloved child and I desire to see you walking in the the fullness of my blessings I only ask that you keep your heart open to my voice and direction do not worry about tomorrow or fear what may stand in your way keep your Gaze on me the author and perfector of your faith trusting that I am powerful enough to provide all that you need remember that as long as you remain in me no matter what may come no matter what you face nothing and no one can separate you from my love my grace is more than sufficient to restore your finances and supply all your needs just trust in me and in my eternal purpose you will see how everything you undertake will flourish and yield abundant fruit come closer my child my daughter I have exactly what you need my grace and favor are with you I hear the pain in your heart and the cries from your hurt soul I'm aware of your sadness and the challenges you en counter I also understand your thoughts those that distract and trouble you I'm familiar with your exhaustion and the stress each issue brings you every day I know everything about you my dear child because nothing is hidden from me today I want you to understand that I felt every tear you've cried and every bit of pain you've endured right in my heart I've been with you all along never missing a single moment by your side there's never been a time when I've been away from you because my love for you is Everlasting and without conditions there is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you so even in this moment when you may feel sad defeated or downtrodden I remind you that I am always with you and there is no way that I will leave you or forsake you even in the darkest moments therefore do not fear here opening your heart to me my child I understand you completely inside and out I'm aware of your strengths and achievements but also your weaknesses and mistakes I know there have been times when you've felt far from me lost and without guidance yet I want to assure you that during those times my love for you has never waned no matter how often you might drift away or disappoint me I'm always here waiting for you to come come back to me ready to offer you endless forgiveness and the peace and joy you're seeking come closer to me my child delve into my words for they hold the comfort and insight you need to overcome your obstacles in them you'll find your way through and answers to all your problems just place your trust in me and I promise that through my grace you'll rise rise above every challenge remember my love for you isn't based on what you do or earn my love is unconditional a gift of Grace freely bestowed upon you so come into my presence beloved child here I am ready to help you and to welcome you with open arms let me heal the wounds that have scarred your heart come to me with your burdens and concerns I will carry them for you for my power is able to transform any pain into strength and any sadness into hope take a step of Faith at this moment beloved child and lay everything before me I will instill in you strength courage and Valor to overcome the sadness and depression that afflict you so much you just take my hand and let the light of my presence dispel the darkness in your life do not fear in doing so for in the midst of the storm I will be your Refuge when you're surrounded by sorrow I'll be your peace when you feel alone I'll keep you company and when you're in pain I'll be your Solace and you

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