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My Love for You is Boundless | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child lean in closer and give me your heart for just a moment I ask for your complete Focus my deepest desire is for your happiness for you to feel light and free to leave behind those nights where sleep seems a distant dream to move beyond your grief and to step away from the shadow of sadness forever my love for you is boundless I've shown it time and again but I long for you to truly understand and feel it deep within your Soul tell me now speak from your heart are you ready for a change in your life do you yearn to be free from the weights that have held you down do you wish for a heart overflowing with joy answer me quickly if you truly wish to climb out of that deep Darkness listen closely to what I'm telling you now start today without delay no more putting things off see how I'm right here ready to clear your doubts speaking directly to you you know I'm real you don't need any more proof of my commitment to you yet I'll show you not just for your faith but to also shine a light for the doubters around you begin this very day the first thing in the morning even before you get out of bed before you leave your room start with a moment of thanks even if you're not feeling up to it or if yesterday left you so mixed up that being thankful feels hard just close your tired eyes and give thanks be grateful for your life for the opportunity to talk with me for your faith no matter how small it may seem appreciate the people around you even if they sometimes make things difficult they love you in their way be thankful for your ability to think to read to absorb these words and to choose a shift in perspective over dwelling on negativity with each New Dawn focus on the positive the pure the kind strive to find the good in every situation even in adversity look for the bright side remember what doesn't break you makes you stronger here you are standing or kneeling alive and unconquered the trials you faced have made you stronger proof of your toughness though these times were tough remember you have life you've become incredibly courageous even through the toughest times you've turned to me seeking guidance so as you start your day close your eyes and give thanks for everything the good and the seemingly bad alike fully Embrace gratitude and see how it transforms your heart lifting you to a spiritual realm where you see beyond the hurdles before you every challenge hides either a blessing or a lesson each meant to strengthen you and gift you with wisdom that sets you apart in a world where many flaunt their gains your wisdom deep and Powerful will shine through it's a wisdom not of this world but from your Divine father While others take pride in their knowledge yours is a direct gift from my Throne this wisdom blossoms from your daily practice of gratitude brightening your spirit as you enter my presence with thanks I'll fill your heart with Indescribable Joy here's my promise start your day with gratitude then delve into my word your Bible and let it change your life read absorb memorize pen down and Ponder my teachings voice it and when you encounter Trials take a moment breathe deeply and give thanks for the opportunity to grow remembering my words to you my holy spirit will come to you guiding you in ways you've never experienced the key to feeling my Supernatural presence is to always be thankful and to immerse yourself deeply in my word both day and night without wavering I share these words with you out of love and care you can feel it like a gentle touch to your soul bringing you the kind of joy you felt in your younger days pay carefully attention and you'll find yourself recalling the freshness of the countryside after rain the soft touch of a breeze on your face and what's most wonderful is that as you listen to my messages daily you'll feel as if my arms are wrapping around you for protection and my holy spirit is there Leading The Way start today as I have guided begin your day with gratitude lean on my word for support and strength absorb these messages in prayer write them down and share them with a heart full of love I assure you today you and your family will receive immense blessings a time will come when what you lack now will be plentiful for my promises are sure and will become reality for all who wait with faith and patience I understand exactly what you and your family need and what will benefit you I've laid out Grand plans for you so there's no need to be scared of the challenges you're facing now hold tight to the words I'm giving you respond to Life's hurdles not with anger or negativity but with Hope and Faith let me paint a smile on your face as my Holy Spirit blesses you clearing away the fog of confusion and dark thoughts don't think for a moment that I'd punish you for your mistakes yes you felt the sting of your choices faced hardships and endured pain but it's not in my nature to push you further into despair please don't Point your finger at me for your losses I haven't taken anything from you ask yourself when have you ever actually seen me take back the blessings I've given someone might have misled you speaking falsely about me but I'm truthful there's no ill will toward you here if I sacrificed myself on a cross for you why would I ever curse you you've come back to me repentant turning away from wrongdoing I've already forgiven you your past errors are wiped clean what more do you await don't get the wrong idea if troubles come if conflicts spring up out of nowhere and it seems like your foes are getting the upper hand don't be scared or lash out in anger I bear no resentment towards you and if you've been led to believe believe otherwise it's time to question the truthfulness of those claims haven't you seen what I've said in my word I am the almighty God loving you with a love that lasts forever I promise eternal life to you it's not my wish for you to be lost this matters deeply find a quiet place confess your mistakes to me in silence share your uncertainties open your heart to me in the quiet of the early morning cry if you need to I want you to break free from any regrets and guilt for good I will touch your soul helping you see the beautiful plan I've set into motion for you don't lose hope or be overwhelmed by sadness because of what's happening around you know in your heart that I cherish you I'm not upset with you I bear no grudges it's not my desire to see you in pain I will speak to you as the morning breaks showing you my glory so you can catch a glimpse of me in your soul you'll feel my presence and a wonderful feeling will sweep over you from head to toe I'll show you my incredible Everlasting and genuine love you'll be certain you're mine you belong to me my dear one I watch over you with nothing but pure and gentle love day and night don't be uncertain about me any longer or think about it what would I gain from your suffering you're wise enough to know that actions have consequences a misstep can lead to

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