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My Holy Spirit Surrounds You | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child the time for wonders hasn't ended my words remain powerful and Alive my Holy Spirit surrounds you and keeps filling you up I know you're in a tough spot and really need me but don't be scared or upset I'm right here with you even if it feels impossible to you and your loved ones that a miracle can happen I will honor your faith and devotion your steadfast trust and P patience in waiting for me will be rewarded with a miracle on its way the blessing you've been hoping for will come and when it arrives I want you to embrace and cherish it because it will be even more wonderful and greater than you asked for I'm excited to bless you my dear child here's what I ask of you stand up and be courageous just like the faithful ones who followed me long ago you too can perform one ERS heal the unwell command the skies to gather clouds and unleash a downpour of blessings to end these trying times but what's most essential is the love that fills you Shields you and changes your life in extraordinary ways if it's a miracle you seek then a miracle you shall receive you're walking the path of belief shaping the future with hope in your heart the invisible becomes visible through my sacred words my promises come true the things that seem unattainable you will do embrace the mindset of a Victor bold steadfast hardworking patient with humility and pure thoughts I am with those who have simple Faith who don't chase after their own benefit but yearn to conquer their struggles dedicate their lives to me and follow my guidance through you I will enact one wonders greater and more powerful than you can Envision you will receive it wait patiently for this process is preparing you to receive wisdom and strength you will see it you will feel it in your heart when the moment arrives and on the day you receive your blessing kneel down remove the shoes from your feet for the ground you tread is Holy I'll talk to you once more about what's ahead and the things you're going to do do don't lose hope your time of Triumph is near tell me you trust in me walk beside me though the storm rages find safety In My Embrace Your Faith might wobble with the gusts but remember I get you I'm your God and your Confidant your moments of Gloom won't bring my judgment and it's crucial you know that I am the one who can Aid you when threats Loom never Pledge Your unending loyalty to anyone but me don't entrust your spirit to others you belong to me you are my beloved child my love for you stands firm even as storms howl and winds thrash even when ocean waves rise to challenge you in my shelter I keep you safe my hand always set to defend you I too comprehend Agony I grasp The Sting of betrayal when friends turn away way when foes wound your heart with spikes of Spite and Scourge your spirit without kindness or pity I understand the depths of love giving your all even when met with disregard I see you and feel your struggles remember you are important to me when you're overwhelmed with sorrow and worry know I'm here watching and caring for you you're significant in my eyes believe this and let go of those negative thoughts you're existence is precious to me I will bring into your life those who will cherish respect and uplift you Kindred Spirits to guide and support you you are valuable to me I care for you deeply you are esteemed and loved by me bring your troubles to me lay down your fears in moments of reflection recall how I've stood by you during tough times and Sorrows I've been there in every challenge every low point I held your hand and guided you safely your prayers today won't go unheard I remain unchanged the guardian of your well-being still keenly observant of your needs continue to believe immerse yourself in my teachings remember my promises that fortify your spirit approach me with the same trust as before understand I haven't altered my love for you is steadfast I hear your concerns even when you feel distant you're facing tough times but I'm right here with you just as I was during your joyful moments don't be disheartened by occasional doubts or believe that your errors have made me deaf to you I am very pleased to hear your sincere heart when my spirit tells you that you have sinned you acknowledge it immediately and come before me saddened what I'm telling you is true there is rejoicing in heaven when you sincerely repent of every error sin and wickedness the challenge You're encountering Now isn't a penalty I don't spend my energy seeking to tear down my children each time they slip I embody love I am your maker I am your parent I recognize your flaws I despise sin I won't stand for it I'm ready to forgive you yet don't sin again let not arrogance malice or defamation reside in your heart avoid judging others without truly understanding them shun repeating falsehoods refrain from spreading untrue testimonies treat people as you treat yourself and do not put anything or anyone before me in your life I want to be the first the only one your lord your God value my words listen to them again I do not want you to forget anything I'm telling you I'm helping you to come out of your situation I'm guiding your steps I answered you before I will answer you again today I do this because I love you I am not angry I have no reason to be you have forsaken the paths of wrongdoing and I shall restore I will be with you in times of adversity when you need me most in those distressing moments when troubl surround you and you feel that your faith and spirit have entirely Departed I will be there to lift you up and reignite your faith I shall provide you with such strong encouragement that any fear will flee from you my beloved child know that I'm closer to you than anyone else could ever be I understand your struggles and your fears intimately when you feel overwhelmed and weak I'm right there offering you the strength and courage to overcome those challenging moments whenever you reach out to me for guidance amid life's unexpected twists and turns I listen with a Caring Heart remember I am here not to judge but to lift you up so that you can triumph over any obstacle I'm actively shaping your emotions to ensure you feel empowered to conquer every challenge with poise and Assurance Beyond just your feelings I am nurturing your soul your spirit and your mind I am bestowing upon you my Divine wisdom enabling you to navigate and succeed in your endeavors bringing Pride to your loved ones so let go of your worries I am unveiling to you how I see you and the incredible potential I have embedded within you for Success hear my words with the love I pour into you and the gifts I've granted believe more in yourself and maintain your faith in me you need not fear life's hurdles for I Am everpresent by your side orchestrating events beyond your wildest dreams my love for you is boundless and I rejoice when you dedicate time to me pray daily and involve me in every aspect of your life making me a priority your

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