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Most Mysterious Beings In The Book Of Revelation! (Not Even CERN Could Come Up With This)

the Nephilim the 24 Elders the four living creatures the Demonic Locust from the bottomless pit here are some of the most interesting but mysterious beings in the word of God the four living creatures in Revelation 4 the Bible tells us that there are four living creatures who spend all day and night praising God the prophet Ezekiel described them in Ezekiel CH 1 also from within it came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance they had the likeness of a man each one had four faces and each one had four wings as for the likeness of their faces each had the face of a man each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side and each of the four had the face of an ox on the left side and each of the four had the face of an eagle thus were their faces their wings stretched upward two wings of each one touched another and two covered their bodies and each one went straight forward they went wherever the spirit wanted to go and they did not turn when they went now I looked at the living creatures Behold a wheel was on the earth beside each living creature with its four faces the appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the color of barrel and all four had the same likeness the appearance of their workings was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel when they moved they went toward any one of four directions they did not turn aside when they went as for their rims they were so high they were awesome and their rims were full of eyes all around the four of them when the living creatures went the wheels went beside them and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up the 24 Elders Revelation 4:4 said around the throne were 24 Thrones and on the Thrones I saw 24 Elders sitting clothed in white robes and they had crowns of gold on their heads who are these 24 Elders why 24 why are they so distinct why do they have 24 Thrones they wear white robes and they have crowns what does all this mean one school of thought is that they are the symbolic representation of 12 Tribes of Israel and 12 Apostles another school of thought is that these 24 Elders are representative of the church the fact that they sit on Thrones indicates they reign with Jesus Christ and the church is repeatedly said to rule and reign with Christ for those who think these 24 Elders are Angelic beings This is highly unlikely because nowhere in scripture the Angels ever rule or sit on Thrones there's very little information about these mysterious figures but what we do know is that they are very distinguished in the sense that they have Thrones and crowns of gold the Nephilim in Genesis 6 we read of the sons of God interm Maring with the daughters of man as well as characters called the Nephilim who lived in the land who were these people called the Nephilim were they a race who came to be through the mingling of Fallen Angelic beings and the human women they are however known as great warriors and biblical Giants some have even gone as far as stating that the Nephilim were half human and half angel but were the Nephilim engineered by God's enemies in order to destroy his plans for the human race If This Were to be the case the wickedness and sin that was in the world plus the contamination of the human race well then it would make sense that the Great World Flood had to happen to destroy every living thing right however there is a recurrence of the Nephilim and numbers 13: 32 and 33 which is long after the flood in addition several ancient cultures including the Babylonians Greeks and Romans all made note of a giant race that was almost superhuman in nature so you see the Nephilim are surrounded in mystery if you've heard the story of David and Goliath you know Goliath was referred to as a giant many believe he was a descendant of the Nephilim however the Bible is silent on on many things concerning the exact origin of the Nephilim or their apparent demise or disappearance the Demonic Locust from the bottomless pit Revelation chapter 9 during the seven trumpet judgments the fifth trumpet unleashes demonic Locust according to Revelation 9 a star falls from the sky and unlocks the bottomless pit releasing a massive cloud of smoke that blocks out the sun and pollutes the air now just imagine waking up one day to find that the sunlight and air has turned dark from smoke coming out of a bottomless pit just imagine the chaos the sun is barely visible casting everything in a dim State Panic sets in as people realize this isn't just a temporary weather phenomenon but a catastrophic event and I guess everyone would be asking what is in that bottomless pit well the answer is that there will be demonic locusts Unleashed on the earth the description of these locusts is almost surreal in its vividness they have the appearance of armored horses with golden crowns and human faces but their hair is like that of women and their teeth are like those of lions the sound of their wings is like the noise of an Army on the March and their tails are scorpions with stingers that inflict unbearable pain this is a terrifying image that would strike fear into the the hearts of anyone who saw it evil principalities the second group of beings are evil principalities and in Daniel 10 we're told that Daniel was praying and fasting for 3 weeks so that God would speak to him an angel of God Appears to Daniel and says since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before God your request has been heard in heaven I have come in answer to your prayer but for 21 days the spirit Prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way then Michael one of the archangels came to help me and I left him there with the spirit Prince of the kingdom of Persia take note of this an Angelic messenger from God was on his way to give Daniel the answer to his prayers when an evil spirit Prince from the kingdom of Persia blocked him and the spirit Prince was so powerful that Michael one of the arch angels of God had to intervene now in Daniel 10:20 the Angelic messenger is still speaking to Daniel and says and now I must return to fight with the Prince of Persia and when I have gone forth indeed the prince of Greece will come so here the Bible mentions two Spirits or rather two territorial spirits that had a designated geographical area that they managed the Prince of Persia and the prince of Greece one school of thought is that throughout the world there are these evil entities that control different regions because if you go to some parts of the world there are countries cities even that have a very high level of activity when it comes to Witchcraft other areas or countries there is unusually high level of activity for a certain crime like murder and for other areas in the world they seem to always be in conflict and unrest either way in Daniel 10 we're introduced to two evil entities that are more powerful than ordinary demons because they control a particular

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