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Most Important Thing In Your Brain

namaskaram sguru they say pain is an inevitable part of life is that so if we were like any other creature without the intellect that you carry right now the nature of the intellect is it must be sharp if it's not sharp it's no good yes or no right now the problem is you have a sharp knife in your hand but you don't have a steady hand you all the time poking yourself if you had the mind of a wild boar I don't think you would be so hurt unless you were shot because you have the intellect of a human being which is sharp and your hand is not steady every day you're cutting yourself for some reason whatever pain or pleasure pain or pleasure within you happens only from within you isn't it so at least what happens from within you must happen the way you want it isn't it no what happens in the world see we cannot control it what happens within you must happen the way want it isn't it if your mind took instructions from you would you cause pain or joy for yourself what would you cause please make a choice I'm going to bless you Joy Of course so the problem is not about pain the problem is you have a complex computer all right but you have not read the users manual that's a whole problem if your mind took instructions from you for sure you would keep yourself in the highest level of pleasantness yes what is your choice for yourself highest level of pleasantness at least for yourself what you want for your neighbor may be debatable but what you want for yourself is very clear isn't it it's not happening not because of some something going running in your life just that your mind does not take instructions from you it's as simple as that it's time to take charge of that what is a miracle has become a misery manufacturing machine on the planet human mind is the most sophistic cated instrument you can find on this planet yes or no do you agree with me but it's turned into a misery manufacturing machine all human misery is manufactured here isn't it so don't romanticize pain that means you're not interested in human well-being there's a lot of romanticizing of pain all the time in the world the moment you romanticize pain it means you are not interested in human well-being you're playing with it there is music around human pain there is sin movie around s human pain there's drama around human pain there's a lot of romanticizing of this because whatever is the condition of the people in some way they have to Elize that if you're by choice painful if that's your choice I have no issue you want to be Blissful but you're painful this means you have a mind which doesn't take instructions from you which out of control this out of control nature if you romanticize see right now there are a lot of things freaky things that people do they're romanticizing those things they are compulsions somebody's getting drunk somebody's getting drugged out somebody is doing something else these are not done as a conscious choice these are compulsions within a human being if these compulsions if you romanticize you will never seek well-being neither for yourself nor for others I'm saying even if you put through the most horrible situations either you can come out using that experience as a better human being or you can use the experience to become a horrible mess so whenever something hurts you there are two options you can either become wounded or you can become wise this is the choice the more things hurt you early on in your life the wiser you should have become isn't it but unfortunately most people become wounded this is simply because they just need an excuse to turn their own intelligence against themselves that's all especially if the world around you turns against you is it not very very important that your intelligence stands up for you

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