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Listen To This & Start Your Day Focused On God | Morning Inspiration and Encouragement!

now let me tell you this what we don't realize what we sometimes forget is that even when god does something for us or when he is doing something for us the enemy is always always trying to take it from us trying to distract us cause noise cause an interruption so that we can focus on everything but god that's why there is a need for us to be sober and diligent not fearful don't be fearful because that spirit of fear is prevalent right now be sober and diligent keep your eyes on the prize which is jesus not fear keep your eyes on god's word not on every report that comes out with a new theory about what's going on in this world draw near to god and he will draw near to you resistance means struggling and likewise for us as christians to build our strength to build our faith we need to resist the devil we need to go through some struggles we need to fight against the tempting ways of this world and believe me it's a fight it's a fight when your spirit man is saying no but your flesh is saying yes it's a fight when you want and need to be strong but you feel so weak it's a fight to press on when you feel like giving up and i encourage you don't you dare give up luke 10 17 says i have given you authority to trample over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy nothing shall by any means hurt you now you may not be trampling over serpents and scorpions but you can be trampling over weakness trampling over temptations trampling over sinful desires life is truly about choices where are your choices leading you will you accept that this is a struggle but choose to still believe god for a way out will you still choose to worship to pray yesterday is in the past and yes we struggle with our decisions but we have power over the enemy we've been given power to defeat anything and everything that may tempt us to make the wrong choice and risk our relationship with god and so understand me it's okay to struggle with making the right decisions but remember that although you may struggle ultimately you have the power to overcome and be triumphant to trust god in the light is nothing but to trust god in the dark that is faith true faith is keeping your eyes on god when the whole world around you is falling apart now the best quote about faith comes from matthew chapter 17 verse 20. so jesus said to them because of your unbelief for assuredly i say to you if you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you i wonder how many christians across the ages have tried to move mountains based on this verse you see faith plays a huge role in the bible whether it's in the old or new testament you're reading faith is paramount it's a central theme in scripture the book of hebrews traces the faith of the great biblical heroes across the generations from abel to abraham to moses to david and how they overcame great obstacles to accomplish the purposes god had for them but just what is faith what does it mean how do we get it and what does it mean to live by faith hebrews 11 verse 1 tells us that now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen this suggests to us that faith is not necessarily something tangible it's not something you can put your hands on and control faith is the substance of hope and the evidence of the unseen this means to me that if you can see it it isn't faith if you can explain it or control it it isn't faith most of us try to orchestrate and control everything in our lives until we are faced with things outside of our control and the truth is most important things in our life are out of our control we can eat healthy exercise and not smoke but disease can still come knocking on our door we can build magnificent buildings and structures but we still must bow to the power of a tornado hurricane or earthquake these things remind us that we are not in control but i want you to understand that it's during times like these when we feel out of control that we are reminded of the purpose of faith faith enables us to be comfortably out of control even though we cannot control things like disease nature or death we have faith that god has a plan and that god will have the last word god will never let you slip so i urge you brothers and sisters the lord jesus is king and he invites you to come to him for rest the bible says let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking onto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of god troubles can be a blessing for believers you see god uses our troubles to remind us that he is a deliverer he is a savior he is our hope and rescue god is faithful to empower you to stand strong and victorious and not to be defeated understand that we are overcomers the first principle to receiving a victory from god is to understand that he has already won the battle has already been fought and he has already won if we can only understand this we have the victory we have overcome and yeah it's a battle sometimes to be a christian but we know that christ told us to take up our cross and follow him as we do this we receive the rewards of victory in jesus friend there are many many reasons why god makes us wait however there are also many many benefits to faithfully waiting on god psalm 27 verses 13 to 14 say i believe that i shall look upon the goodness of the lord in the land of the living wait for the lord be strong and let your heart take courage wait for the lord waiting on god isn't just about waiting to receive that which you've prayed for no at times waiting on god is all about teaching you a lesson other times it's about developing patience within you or childlike faith within you at times god makes you wait until your own will bends and you become obedient enough to say not my will lord but your will be done have you ever thought about why it's so important to wait on god why can't we take matters into our own hands by faith why can't we make things happen and declare the name of jesus throughout the process as a young christian these were some of the questions i battled with i honestly felt as though sometimes god took too long to answer my prayers but here's the thing here's what i've learned the reason we wait on god the reason we are made to wait on him is because waiting symbolizes a lack of control it symbolizes humility and obedience or rather for some of us waiting is the very thing that will teach us humility and obedience god makes us wait because he is in control and his control it extends beyond that of a human he knows that if you're given an answer too soon with the way you are impatient with the entitlement mentality that you have or the need for control that you have he knows that an ans

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