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Listen To This and Change Yourself | Sadhguru Motivational Video

[Music] is consciousness a miracle what in your view Consciousness means same things can be looked from many different directions first of all what is a miracle if you put filth in the soil it becomes a miracle if you put a piece of bread into this this becomes a complex human body this is a miracle this one way of looking it when we see a miracle when what we see the phenomena that we see is not easily available to a logical process we say this is miraculous of course the word miracle has been taken to another place by religious groups and stuff but essentially in human experience a miracle means you saw yesterday you planted a seed and today it's become a beautiful flower it's a manacus because you can of course there is somebody there who can explain exactly how filth became a flower how the stinking filth became a fragrant flower can be explained but not easily available to human logic so we say this is miraculous calling something miraculous does not mean it is not available to any reason calling something miraculous essentially means we appreciate the magic of life well our parents gave us only one cell each they could have given us a million and made life easy but they gave us only one and here we are sitting talking all this this is a miracle well we can always talk about how cells multiplied what happened this this this but you can't do this in a drum you can't put this in a barrel and do this so this is a miraculous process that it's happening so one way of looking at it is you can explain everything about life another way is just everything in life is magical and miraculous what is logical logic is the most fundamental aspect of our intelligence if you don't have a firm sense of logic you will be all over the place but logic is a foundation we make a strong foundation for this building not to live in the foundation so we don't live in the foundation we make a strong Foundation because we want to build something else on it so in this sense whatever comes out of this Earth is quite miraculous how a worm like Caterpillar becomes a butterfly just about anything look at it from Human Wonder there is a miraculous process to it we can explain some physical aspect of how it happens but what intelligence makes this happen it is quite miraculous there's no question about it about Consciousness one thing is uh I have strived hard to remain uneducated and also stried very hard to remain uncivilized why this is so is because most of the striving in people's lives is to become educated to become civilized anything accumulated diminishes your perception both your education and civilization is an accumulated process once you accumulate these things and identify with those things your ability to see life as is becomes seriously impaired from this context it's very difficult to remain uncivilized and uneducated because from the moment you're born your parents every other adult the moment they see a child parent adults have a kind of an urge they want to Ed educate the child teach them ABC one to three marad little lamp something consciously remaining uninfluenced by all the information that's thrown at you in so many different ways school is not the only place where it happens at home anywhere you go people are throwing stuff at you to remain uninfluenced by that is a lot of work education is lot of work I understand this remaining uneducated is a lot more work I'm telling you because every moment somebody is trying to educate you knowingly or unknowingly so having said that to be able to look at life just the way it is then this word Consciousness if we're talking about a human being being conscious right now that all of you are conscious in that sense that is yes you're conscious human beings being conscious of course if you're not conscious there's nothing here for you but Consciousness an English word Consciousness doesn't really represent that but generally we think we are talking about an intelligence beyond our own intellect which is functioning within us right now when I say functioning well you can explain the physical process of many things but a piece of bread doesn't look like you feel like you nor does it have your intelligence but if you put it inside in some way it becomes you this is a miraculous and process of Consciousness see first of all human mind this brain Centric approach we don't look at it that way we see as there is a physical body there is a mental body when I say a mental body every cell in your body has enormous memory far more memory than your brain can ever hold because this remembers how your forefathers were a million years ago it's not forgotten a thing even the skin texture it's not forgotten to that extent so every cell in the body body carries enormous memory and the kind of functions that it is doing is unbelievable so it has Intelligence and it has memory essentially in human understanding what we call as mind is a certain combination of memory and intelligence so that is spread right across the system whether human beings have learned to use that or no because this whole thing about in the today's modern education process we made to believe only thought is intelligence no no our thought is rudimentary because it's only functioning from the little data that we have collected the data that I have collected how much ever I have collected it is still a minuscule in this cosmas it is like in the morning also we were talking about this if I give you a trillion piece jigsaw if you put five pieces together you say this is a bear if you get eight you will say this is an elephant if you get 12 you will say this is a dinosur if you get 15 maybe you will call it a whale I don't know just arriving at conclusions every time we get a piece of information is not the way to conclude about what we are referring to as Consciousness being conscious you being conscious let's use different words so that there is a distinction right now let's say you're aware I'm just replacing the word conscious replacing the word conscious with being aware you're aware in The yogic Sciences we call this prna you are right now prna if you fall asleep you are not conscious or you not aware let's use the word awareness to make a distinction but beyond intellect this intellect how it functions is operated by what we are identified with depending upon what we are identified with accordingly the intellect whals itself right now people are fighting for nation nationhood people are fighting for religion people are fighting for race people are fighting or whatever they believe in simply because they're identified with it and in their intellect this says this is the way they're not two ways about it two groups of people or two individuals when they're quing both of them believe this is it otherwise they won't risk their life hello when somebody pitches their life for something you must believe that it matters to them and they believe that's it unfortunately it is just that it is yo

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