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Let Me Help You | God Message Today | God Message for You Today | God Message for me Today

my beloved child I want you to know that I am here speaking directly to your heart you don't need to worry about the impossible tasks for I shall take care of them just as the winds and storms obey my command so too will the storms of doubt in your heart find peace come to me now and I will bring you the rest you seek I will calm the Restless thoughts and fears that trouble your mind I desire peace in your days and serenity in your nights you are blessed beyond measure but sometimes you overlook those blessings giving more importance to fears that will never come to pass or to people who hold no real power over you I urge you to remain calm pay no attention to the news gossip or threats from others for I am the one who holds your destiny in my hands even if thousands rise against you even if you face the consequences of your own mistakes do not be afraid you are my beloved child and I will protect you from harm even in the midst of chaos when those around you lose hope be strong and fearless for I will never abandon you this is a profound Testament of my love for you I am speaking to you right now reaching into your heart and addressing the doubts that have troubled your mind for so long [Music] I love you and I'm showing it to you at this very moment I am removing the scars that others have left on you the pain you endured at their hands but know this everything you have gone through has not been in vain today you possess the strength wisdom and maturity to listen and stand up for those you love your time of Liberation has come you are now ready to be a vess vessel of my love bringing my light to those in darkness however your enemies are aware of your potential which is why they seek to cause trouble and steal your peace if you allow them to disturb your sleep or if you lose your faith and sink into fear anxiety May once again overwhelm you but remember this truth my love for you is a measure meble my Mercy is boundless and my holy spirit will not allow you to be harmed so believe that even if you stumble and fall I will lift you up do not think for a moment that I have turned my gaze away from you if you stumble into the snares of your enemies I will rescue you if your faith falters and your heart is filled with negativity I will continue to fight for you cleansing your soul with my word I will not let anyone lead you away from my love whether it be swords or knives scarcity or illness conflicts or dangers for in all these things you are already Victorious you have turned away from Evil and surrendered your heart to me openly professing your faith in me as your savior and protector your loyalty is unwavering unlike those who complain and deny me when faced with challenges venting their frustrations recklessly they disregard my love but I continue to love them and never rest I urge you to distance yourself from the wicked and keep praying for them do not let their disdain for my word influence you move forward persist do not stay where you are today I bless you with Incredible strength March forward confidently facing the enemies and challenges that come your way you have grown you are brave among the brave a champion among Champions start each morning by igniting your faith with my word presenting your faith and requests before me remember nothing is impossible for me I am by your side ready to assist you in all things keep your composure and enjoy my peace for you are stepping into a supernatural life come I am calling you your place is here in my presence when you kneel down and pray with faith reverence and respect my armies will come to your Aid today I command you to remain calm do not let your heart be troubled find solace in the loving Embrace that envelops you tell me that you receive it for I have chosen to bless you you called out to me and I shall answer your life is about to change believe it I am giving you a new heart and those who know you will be amazed and receive unexpected help be thankful for many doors of blessing and New Opportunities will open for you believe in these words and share them never forget to pray speaking to me is simple just close your eyes and say Lord I need you and I will be by your side have faith for the truth is that my Pres pres will never leave you unless you turn away from my grace or reject the blessings I bestow upon you in times of confusion do not open your heart to false teachings do not let hatred enter your heart and do not join in speaking ill of those who have done you no harm and are not your enemies do not believe everything you see hear or read if someone speaks ill of another do not be quick to believe them do not fall into the Trap set by the enemy my eyes seek sincere loyal and faithful hearts that love me and respect my laws I am raising you up to inspire others to uplift your family and to share these Divine words not to partake in the sins of others I earnestly ask that if you don't understand my words due to worries take some time and listen again here all my messages it is my will that your heart comprehends this signal I have sent you many times you've asked for peace and tranquility and I will grant them to you but keep my words in your heart and remember them when the enemy like a roaring lion seeks to devour you and challenge your faith my voice is your guide your spirit receives it my word illuminates your path and gives you the strength to conquer any situation no enemy shall harm you if you remain Vigilant with my word on your lips and in your thoughts day and night when the wicked come against you do not fear I will give you strength and by speaking these words with faith all evildoers will flee your home shall be free from misery scarcity and illness no one shall stand against you for my word is a shield for your family I want to see your heart on fire your eyes wide open and your mind awakened you must be prepared to welcome numerous blessings and ideas the time has come to conquer new territories to reap the rewards of your sacrifice and effort nothing you've experienced has been in vain everything in your life is working for your good in your home your family and you will witness great Miracles and understand understand the purpose I have for each of you I urge you to respect all to not belittle anyone regardless of their age status or past mistakes do not judge Those whom I have forgiven support and help those you love grow by doing so I will bless you even more for I desire to pour blessings onto others through you rivers of Living Water shall flow from your heart to those you ENC en counter on your journey they will experience Miracles wonders and healings through you in your smile they will find the hope they seek and even those who do not follow me will come to realize that I am Real and True just as I have shown Mercy to you I will extend it to all who Turn Away From Evil and come to me with sincere Hearts today I am showering you with love dispelling the dark clouds of Despair and

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