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open your eyes because the tough times you're dealing with will disappear and the help you've been looking for is on its way the support you need will be given to you I love you and I'm proving it today you asked and I heard you I'm here to give you these promises so you can accept them with faith my word gives you assurance and my promise is solid your Victory is certain it comes straight from my Throne soon you'll get the rewards for your perseverance the award for your bravery the recognition for your steadfastness the Crown of Life and endless blessings say out loud and believe in your heart that you will receive them even if you're feeling really tired today don't be scared cuz I'm right here to give your legs strength and stability make your feet quick and uplift your spirit I'm here to light up your faith can you feel that spark inside your heart as you listen and read your soul is bursting with an extraordinary eagerness to get up and Chase more winds my dear child that's just how I am I care a lot about my kids and it hurts me to see them down and out beaten down by thoughts of losing and dying their body's suffering because of the heavy stuff they let stick in their minds I don't want to see you like that so every night when you shut your eyes and let me take over your rest I'll visit your dreams and whisper sweet nothing no more tossing and turning for you you'll sleep peacefully like a child and when morning comes and you open your eyes I'll be there stroking your hair and getting your soul ready for the day so you can get up determined to be joyful wonderful blessings are coming your way way you will see your family come together again and meet new people who mean well your journey continues leave the past and its tears behind I am setting you free from any chains and fears giving you Liberty as you Embrace this blessing make a promise to Value it I am strengthening your bravery you've always been brave and I am proud of your good heart your faith and your hard work to make things better when you find yourself successful and feel my blessings enriching your life with joy remember to come back to me daily even though you're strong and courageous you're still my beloved child I want you to be close to me to experience my love you'll always have a place in my heart I've seen your challenges your resilience in facing life's unfairness and obstacles I know your feelings well your tears and your calls for help for light for support you're never alone at night scared or isolated because I'm with you surrounding you with my presence and truth even if you can't see me know that I am there you can feel my presence every night when you go to your room and kneel by your bed to talk to me in prayer I'm right there with you I never leave your side I'm I'm always there giving you peace showering you with my love strengthening you and refreshing your faith I watch over you sending my angels to keep you safe from the fears that come at night it's because of me that you wake up with the energy to face and overcome each day's hurdles when fear and worry try to attack you I'm the one who stops them and keeps you from being overwhelmed have you noticed how sometimes you go to bed overwhelmed and sad but wake up feeling calm strong and refreshed your troubles will never be bigger than your God morning might last through the night but joy comes with the new day experience my love listen to what I'm saying and dream about the wonderful future you want but remember what I have planned for you is even better I've got incredible things waiting for you a future full of love unity success and New Opportunities maintain your faith do not allow sin to take hold of your life stand firm and when malevolent thoughts seek to seduce you recall my promise and remain steadfast in my ways when confusion clouds your mind when you feel powerless in directionless pray Speak to Me Feel My Love let my Sur ity enter your heart dispelling all fears and doubts do this my child and no enemy shall harm you I shall pour my peace upon you and it shall be your strength to make the right decisions on your journey I love you I am your father your protector your guide no harm shall befall you I am with you always listening to your prayers I shall restore what is rightfully yours I am pleased with your character though it has been assailed many times causing you pain you do not deserve I will keep showering you with Abundant Blessings accept them and don't worry about those who try to scare you you are greatly blessed hearing messages and insights that many have not stay strong and don't wander off the path people who were jealous tried to trap you in difficulties to pull you down and speak ill of you but you remain firm you haven't given up on your faith I praise you for seeing the importance of what really matters and ignoring the harmful words and schemes of your foes they can't stand the brightness Shinning from you my presence in your life annoys them and the blessing on your family makes them extremely angry while they lie so whack at night filled with frustration you sleep in peace because I'm watching over you your family your home and your job I will calm them down and change their focus they've seen that their actions don't bother you at all their family suffer because they turned away from my teachings and love I offered them guidance for their good but they ignored it and moved away from me but you chose to stick with me knowing that I have the answers and the way out of every problem you face you've given your yourself over to my plans completely you believed in my word entirely without doubt you know that not everyone is like you look around you many could be reving in my love but their hearts have hardened things have never unfolded as they desired and they blame me you are different now you understand well that your happiness and your future do not hinge on people your life and your blessings depend solely on me I want you to continue in this manner each day you shall become better stronger until even your enemies shall come to seek you out to beseech you to speak of me there is a greater blessing in store for you further down the road maintain that faith in your Fidelity I'll be with you every single day keep on fighting and never give up I cherish you deeply my timing is impeccable never too late or Too Soon you're hearing from me today because I have a special message for you I'm listening to your requests I'm not ignoring your please there's no delay on my part I'm not upset with you if I haven't responded yet it's because I'm preparing something even better for you what I plan to give you will exceed your requests I'll also provide you with wisdom to value and treasure your blessings the dream you've been holding on to is about to become reality soon within your reach get ready significant blessings and new opportunities are on their way you'll encounter new positive friendships and leave

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