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Best Prayers To Fall Asleep Blessed | Peaceful Bible Sleep Talk Down To Invite God’s Presence

in Philippians 4 verses 6 through 7. it says do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus just listen to what the Bible says it tells us that in every situation every situation pray about it offer up Thanksgiving to the Lord and here's the key part present your requests to God in a simplified manner we're being told to tell God about our problems tell God about what you're going through he's there he wants to listen he wants you to cast your burdens on him so let your creator know let him know where you are let him know what you're feeling what you're thinking and then the Bible doesn't say that there will be a sudden miracle the Bible doesn't say that everything will turn around in an instant no but it does tell us that the peace of God will come that means you don't have to stand there scratching your head asking Lord why when will you rescue me God no instead you will have the peace of God you will have the assurance that our loving God is still in control your heart won't be troubled and let me tell you something it's a great blessing to have the peace of God in the midst of Chaos Lord Jesus we bless your holy name we adore your holy name and we honor you master God right now we come and we stand on your word in Psalm 55 verse 22. it says cast your burden on the Lord release it and he will sustain and uphold you he will never allow the righteous to be shaken slip fall fail God we release our burdens to you and we release our troubles to you Lord right now we're trading our sorrows for the peace that you offer on our own Lord we will fall on our own we know that we will fail there's no way that we can handle all that this life presents us on our own so we willingly admit we willingly acknowledge that we need you King Jesus we need your grace we need you to step in Master we need your mercy we need your strength and your favor your word in Psalm 40 verses 1 through 3. it says I waited patiently for the Lord he turned to me and heard My Cry he lifted me out of this slimy pit out of the mud and mire he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand he put a new song in my mouth a hymn of praise to our God many will see and fear the lord and put their trust in him indeed we will wait patiently for you Lord you alone can place our feet on steady ground you alone can establish our way so father that's why we acknowledge you in all our ways because your word says you will direct our paths and so we praise you we cast our burdens on you because we know that in this life there is no Victory without you stand with us master Lord Jesus we look to you we look to you to help us to overcome adversity we know that the strength for us to conquer anything it's drawn from you King Jesus we will stand on your word forever father we pray that our lives would never be ruled by fear God we desire to live a life of faith we want to live a life that's led by the Holy Spirit Lord we accept that we cannot see the future in its entirety you're the one who sees all you're the one who knows all and we can take Assurance in knowing that our future is secured in you I don't have to know everything when I know the one who knows it all you are our security Lord and we know and trust that you're always always working behind the scenes you're working so that all things what work together for our good and so father we pray that you would help us so that we won't be consumed by thoughts of fear anxiety or worry instead God help us to set our minds on things above on Heavenly things and not on things on this Earth father we thank you for listening to our prayer may you get all the glory and all the honor out of our Lives as we patiently wait on what you have in store for us God we praise you for your goodness be blessed and be glorified in Jesus name amen let me tell you something God is truth the Bible says God is not a man that he should lie the Bible asks the question has he ever promised and not carried it through Saints the only time we are at a loss the only time we are at a disadvantage is when we choose not to trust in the Lord his faithfulness should be the reason we remain strong as believers Hebrews 4 verse 13 says and there is no creature hidden from his sight but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him to whom we must give account we should strive to abide in God's presence always the presence of the Lord is powerful because when you are in his presence there is nothing we can hide in the presence of God there is no sin no secret no unclean thought or selfish intention can be hidden from the Lord In God's Presence you can be liberated you can be at peace and you can find rest let us pray Holy Father we thank you for making yourself freely available to us we need your presence to be with us Lord because in your presence we have protection we are renewed and we are revived in our spirits your word in Jeremiah 29 verse 13 says and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart if we seek you wholeheartedly we will find you we thank you Lord that there are no special words we have to say thank you that there are no special rituals we have to perform in order to usher in your presence we don't have to perform good works to capture your attention but we only need to seek you wholeheartedly and we will find you Lord Jesus I welcome your presence into my life without you there is no life there is no hope or healing but your presence alone Lord your presence can transform your presence can heal and restore your presence Lord Jesus can renew and revive and so we need you in our lives your word in John 15 verse 5 says I am the vine you are the branches if you remain in me and I in you you will bear much fruit apart from me you can't do nothing may we abide in you always Lord make us more aware of your presence father in those moments when we feel far from you remind us that you have never once abandoned us as your children and you never will when we are distressed we only have to cry out the name that is above every name the name of Jesus Christ and things will begin to change with your Divine protection Holy Spirit penetrate our hearts in a radical way consume our lives in such a way that everyone around us can see the change within us all for the glory of Jesus Christ may we be soaked in your presence Lord shift the atmosphere in our homes let us be so enveloped by your presence Lord that every hidden Spirit of negativity and hopelessness will be driven out in Jesus name father where there is Darkness bring light where there is anger bring peace where there is pain bring healing speak and minister to every broken heart and surround the poor in spirit with love and comfort may your presence change us strengthen us and bring love into our homes soft in our hearts Lord so

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