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foreign [Music] lived in Japan about 500 years ago even after 500 years he still considered Japan's greatest Sportsman he was a great Samurai a philosopher and a sportsman he was raised as a Buddhist he was called can say which means his Fort Saint of Japan he was one of the world's greatest swordsman that anybody has ever seen Musashi entered around Japan all his life throughout his life he remained undefeated in 61 one-to-one fights in the last days of his life he went to live alone in a cave he meditated there for several months in seclusion then just a week before his death he wrote a book for his favorite disciple the name of that book was dokodo which means the way of walking alone he wrote down what he learned throughout his life in 21 principles in this video we will discuss about five principles of Miyamoto Musashi which can transform anyone's life these principles are not new but they are very accurate and effective because it contains the essence of Musashi's whole life which he wanted to give to his disciple if we can apply even one of these principles in our life then our whole life can transform so the first principle which Musashi gave us is accept everything just of eight years this is the first and very important principle of Miyamoto Musashi it means that if we remain attached to our ideas of how things should be in our life then there will be no lasting peace in our life in simplified language these principles means that if we want to live a happy and peaceful life then we need to accept everything that happens in our life there are only two ways we can live a happy and peaceful life either everything starts happening according to our wish or we learn to be happy in every condition now practically it is impossible that everything starts to happen according to our wish but it is possible that we learn to be happy in every condition therefore if we want to live a happy and peaceful life then whatever happens in our life we must accept it as if it is happening according to our wish this film miraculously transform your whole life because the time you spent worrying or complaining you can spend that time working on improving yourself by being conscious the next principle which Miyamoto Musashi gave us is do not seek pleasure for its own sake which means that don't do anything just for the sake of sensual gratification most of the people consider happiness that comes only from the senses like seeing eating hearing or touching but they forget that the pleasure drive from the sensors or offshore duration and indulging in excessive sensual pleasures can make you addicted to them or even harm your health for example if someone intoxicates just for the pleasure then this can lead him to become a drug addict or if someone eats more just to enjoy the taste of food then this can make him sick if we seek pleasure for only the sake of pleasure then you may have instant gratification but you will never get long lasting pleasure therefore instead of seeking pleasure for a while we should aim to do something of more meaning which will allow us to achieve a greater level of satisfaction make the purpose of your life bigger just leave the small Blazers to achieve this goal the happiness that you will get from this will be much bigger than the senseful pleasure the happiness you get without sensors is called Joy and this Joy last for a long time the third principle of Miyamoto Musashi is do not under any circumstances depend on a partial feeling this principle of Musashi suggests that there are thousands of thoughts going on in our mind that inspires us to do something and as soon as a thought arises in our mind and we get inspired to do something we immediately start doing it we start doing something only on the basis of a temporary feeling of our mind which can change after some time but later on we discover that this was not of my interest and then we start regretting our decision and then we change our way for example suppose a student has completed his study now he is looking for a job or he wants to start some business now many thoughts and ideas come to his mind then he meets a very successful businessman seeing the success of that businessman he decides to do the same business but after some time he feels that he is not passionate about the business he is doing then he leaves that business and start some other business now this student is taking quick action as per thoughts of his mind and thus he is depending on partial feeling of his mind this will give him nothing but failure therefore here Musashi says that do not do anything just by getting inspired by the temporary feeling that arises in your mind rather wait for some time let your mind be clear and let your mind be sure what you should do only then do something by doing this your chances of getting success in whatever you do will increase considerably Musashi's fourth principle is think likely of yourself and deeply off the world this principle of Musashi tells us that humility is a great virtue one should always be humble and should never be stubborn about Swan's thoughts and beliefs rather one should also listen to other people's views as well if we will only accept our own beliefs to be correct and do not listen to the views of others then we will never be able to acquire wisdom but when you don't just think that only you are right and also start understanding others point of view then you start learning in your life for example when your parents or teachers criticize you for something at that time if you do not mind their words and start understanding and seeing from their point of view then you will start to move forward in your life and start to become a better person with this quality you will start to see something better in the people around you and in the events happening in your life you will start seeing a lot of subtle details that you have missed till now therefore always acquire humility in your life and never be stubborn about your thoughts and beliefs the next principle of Miyamoto Musashi is do not regret what you have done this principle of Musashi suggests that man is the refugee of mistakes man learns in life by doing mistakes there is no such person in the world who has not committed any mistake in his life but important thing is one should always learn a lesson from mistakes and move forward in life always thinking about past mistakes will only hurt you and will not let you move forward in your life life moves only in the forward Direction there is no way back to past whatever has happened in past has happened we cannot Rectify it or correct it only thing we can do is just learn a lesson from our past and resolve not to repeat those past mistakes again we should not dwell in the past or regret our past actions rather we must live in the present moment this brings confidence and acceptance in US therefore whatever mistake you have made in the past or whatever wrong has happened to yo

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