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Let This Play While You Sleep | Blessed and Peaceful Prayers | Fall Asleep In God’s Presence

improve your prayer life with the grace for purpose prayer book a comprehensive collection of beautiful prayers that will minister to your soul to your family and bless your home order your copy today and begin to enjoy a powerful vibrant prayer life [Music] Jesus died on a cross he did rise again in Victory but the fact that he had such an unpleasant and painful death on the cross makes me think how great must his love have been to endure such pain how great of an example he said about being obedient to God the Father by him willing to sacrifice everything down to his life Luke 14 verse 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple here's the Amplified translation for that very same verse whoever does not carry his own cross expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come and follow after me believing in me conforming to my example in living and if need be suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in me cannot be my disciple so if I may ask you the question when you look at the cross what does the Cross stand for what does it symbolize to you many will say it stands for Jesus Christ and the ultimate sacrifice it stands for his death his burial and his resurrection others will say it stands for salvation it stands for eternal life it stands for love Holiness righteousness forgiveness it represents what Christ came on Earth to do and to give his life for us now since Luke 14 verse 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple the question is what do you stand for do you carry your cross and stand for the love of Jesus Christ do you stand to represent the life of Jesus Christ a life that was marked with righteousness obedience prayer and forgiveness are you carrying your cross see we need to truly examine ourselves the mouth can so easily profess something but it's in your heart and it's in your actions that the truth is revealed what do you stand for do you stand with a willing heart should God speak to you today would you be willing to sacrifice the most important thing in your life for him when people see you do they see the love of Jesus Christ in you do they look at you and think I want the Peace of this person's life I want the joy that this person has do other people look at you and see a disciple of Christ your life should be characterized by what you stand for by who you stand for pick up your cross Saints Matthew 10 verse 38 says and whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me the word of God is clear regarding this either take up your cross and follow Christ or you are not worthy of him what will your choice be now let us pray dear King Jesus help me to take up my cross and follow you I am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means that I have you I am willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you Lord I am willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambitions if they take me away from your will King Jesus there is nothing more important in my life than you father and so as I take up my cross produce good fruit Within Me no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of Love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement and constant Gloom produce in me a tranquil heart a peaceful heart Proverbs 14 verse 30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but Envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of Envy From Within Me Lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you Lord as I make the decision to follow you and be your disciple Take Me As I Am and begin a good work within me should you see that I don't have self-control or I'm not gentle then I ask that you would help me in that area Lord should you find me not to be long-suffering or impatient then I pray you would work through me and arrest these negative and ungodly character traits of mine when unbelievers look at me may they see the fruit of Christ in my life instead of endless worry and anxiety things that attack so many people in this world may they see that I stand on the solid rock that is Christ Jesus and in you there's no place for worry or anxiety instead of Pride or arrogance help me to stand for humility to stand for meekness Lord Jesus instead of me being controlled by impulses passions or lust strengthen me and Purify Me Lord so that I can be able to stand for self-control Let My Life represent who I stand for and that is you Matthew 6 verse 24 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and money I declare that you are my one and only Master you are my leader King Jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and I choose to stand to follow the Light of Christ I commit to you Lord Jesus and my honest request is that the Holy Spirit would work within my heart and mind so that I will have the kind of commitment that says not my will Lord but your will is all important it's not about my wants and my feelings but it's all about you Lord Jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility Holy Spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and desires help me to carry my cross Lord Jesus your word in Matthew 5 verse 6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied in you father I will be satisfied in you King Jesus I will be nourished by your goodness I glorify Your Name Lord Jesus be blessed and be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus name I pray amen and amen Lord Jesus we praise you your word in second Corinthians 12 verse 9 says my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ May rest upon me you are with us Lord and we are grateful as your children we are grateful that you are with us and your grace is always available and sufficient for our needs we choose to focus on the Healer instead of the sickness we choose to focus on the provider instead of the lack we choose to focus on the Waymaker instead of the obstacles ahead we choose to focus on you King Jesus because we find favor in you we find protection in you we find Mercy In You we put all focus and attention on you we magnify you above Jesus we magnify you above the Troubles of tomorrow we magnify you and put you above every Health crisis every Financial setback and and every problem father God we will not worry about tomorrow because of your word father we sincerely ask that you would open your ears to hear our cry give us a mind filled with peace and during those times in which my heart is heavy I pray that you would make my burdens light whenever the attacks of the enemy are many I pray that you would defend me Lord fight for me and my family fight my battles Lord though the adversary prowls a

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