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Kanye West: “i’m EXPOSING the whole damn thing.”

wake up wake up Mr West wake up culture wake up everybody think they so woke but they following the rules of what woke supposed to be we get too caught up in the past and what everyone's saying and what everyone's tweeting and sometimes you just have to be Fearless enough to break the simulation Kanye West is getting hit from all sides ranging from political backlash to Twitter commentary and now everyone's calling him anti-semitic I wake up every day just surprised to be alive like because of how many threats I got from political to you know Twitter commentary to all that just like going through just be like boom I'm exposed to because the first thing the first step to cleaning up something is like people be like man this something smell it just smell like that it's like have you checked under that couch do nobody want to lift up that couch and you go to lift up the couch a whole industry is like stay away from that couch do not if you lift up that couch that's going to be we're going to call you anti-semitic Kanye West straight up calls the industry a joke for milking its talent but are we okay with just letting that slide or can we do something to make things fairer if you lift up that couch we're going to call you anti-semitic if you say this is literally you can read it and you know this where y can do y edits whatever y want to do um if you say that the lawyer is talking to the manager is talking to the label and all you are is a cow like the meat packages should coming in out all you are is a a a supermodel showing up at the club and bringing the celebrities around like just the new models around and when they get older they put they bringing a new batch that's who the artists are you know there's a joke this why I be like surprised I'm still alive there's an industry joke there's two jokes one joke uh that a friend of I'm not going to you know put on blast this because it's just about the joke more than it's about the name um he says you he he as a manager he said you know what I hate about artists um they take 80% of my money Kanye West saying what might happen if artists understand how the whole industry worked are we ready to face the truth wow and the other joke they had is um what will we do if artists figured out their own distribution and the punchline is we'd have to kill them so I'll be surprised that I'm still alive cuz I'm God and anyone to disagree I'm the god of me and you can't tell me who I am I can't tell y'all I could tell y'all it's y'all job to listen I'm the god of me I don't know if I'm in heaven already and [ __ ] I got number one that for all you know I might be in like a fourth dimension version of the lifestyle Kanye West spills about fighting for his life and diving into spirituality why am I protected why did I become the richest black man of all time like how did that happen and the more and more I lean into God and work for God the more WIS God is going to bestow on our team on Jesus gang and for me to go out and just State an obvious an empathetic statement in the middle of the most liberal Central like to go that was like ten and square or something right was like with Candace Owens and we both wore the shirt at the same time you know we got some Jesus soldiers out here and people say they're willing to for it but we live for it we're living for the battle and what's the battle for life itself our children they're us through the food they're King us through the content they're King us through the programming but God is alive and is alive in all of us and we will overcome and the whole thing the comparison to this church to me going and saying okay why why am I running for president is to be in service that service to my my own ego uh uh you know I feel like God says to me like haven't I given you enough and I I gave you an ego that helped you overcome all these you know roadblocks and smoke screens and people telling you what you can't do now you need to realize when you're doing things for your ego and when you're doing things for me this is like God the what I feel God is saying to me uh cuz it it really irritates me when people say God told me to tell you you so I'm very like mindful with this kind of wording this I'm saying I have a feeling that that's what God is saying for me to be in service so the ultimate service position is leader of the Free World to be the president of the United States serving both God and Humanity in a leadership role is a noble goal Kanye West's year-long break from rapping to focus on serving God every week shows this well Soros would use black trauma economy for to win an election what I love is having a healthy conversation and as opposed to there's certain things you know boom this drops people going to have hat on Boom this drops it's going to be you know black people and white people with signs boom this drops so hey China hey left agenda hey what we're going to do is say that our species can have a healthy conversation here's the idea why you you're in a simulation let's start with acting first of all and a 2-year-old uh screams at a restaurant the entire restaurant screams teach that kid how to act we're all unpaid actors in some giant script that we didn't write simulation a 2-year-old jumps on a coffee table and someone says that's a coffee table don't jump on that so it went from being something that makes him feel like Superman he's got his cape on to something where he has to think about this person is like a family member he Downs in the like anyway he's 2 years old he doesn't give about a c coffee or a table and he's starting to like calculate all these things and by the time you're 40 years old you've got a wall full of coffee tables calculating you into traffic calculating you into your career choice calculating you into this house townhous that's not quite as big as the townhouse next in just never worked you know that's the simulation that I'm talking that's what I mean when I say simulation Soros could use the black trauma economy to score an election win while Kanye West Ponders if we're all just living in a simulation but are these just political games and deep thoughts or is there something more going on someone or when someone gets in a position of leadership that is is in service to God and in service to people period but immediately the American people um I had this joke I was saying like man no one outside of our country should be able to see these debates this is family business right here this is only for America to see we can't let anyone outside the country see but to be in service so I I stepped away already from my rap career for for a year and served God every week sometimes twice a week three times a week never miss a Sunday until and um and this is the thing there were people inside of the church stealing doing different things trying to just take them and God still provided a way for us to keep that boat afloat we never missed a we never missed uh a service and

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