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I’m Listening to Your Prayers | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child very soon you're going to see how I your Lord powerfully bless you and your family a time of Peace healing and wonderful blessings is on its way I see how strong your faith is I'm listening to your prayers it truly touches my heart to see how genuine and sincere you are your faith shines brightly you make it a point to be in my presence every single day your spiritual life stands out you remember me consistently unlike some who only seek me now and then and don't trust me with their life and plans I wish for you to be an example for your family and everyone you care about show them through your good actions how to live let them see the good that comes from your life as your faith grows so does your inner strength your thoughts and your very Soul many blessings are await you but also great responsibilities I shall place you in the Forefront so that many May witness how I bless those who obey me those with Humble Hearts who are willing to await my response without succumbing to anguish and impatience when things do not go well beloved understand that your life your family and everything you do are under my care many worry incessantly feeling as if they are constantly in turmoil believing that these are desperate times yet all wonderful things are within reach for those who love me follow my guidance and have faith in me you stand among those who are steadfast in their faith for you doors are wide open and a continual downpour of blessings and joy will shower upon you everywhere and always stay alert for an outstanding opportunity is on its way to you some turn away from the blessings I offer feeling they don't deserve them in your journey you'll meet many who suffer shedding tears for they fail to see there's someone who truly loves forgives and Promises them a future free of Anguish and demise If Only They would shed their doubts and allow me to drench their lives with my love yet yet as you grow and become robust like a fruitful tree you'll bear Abundant Blessings I've planned for you I've promised extraordinary miracles for you and your family I cherish you your prayers have been heard and answered get ready for a remarkable Triumph you'll cry tears of happiness for I will mend your sorrows and transform your life I am removing the anguish that once consumed you very soon the things you believed lost are being taken into account I recognize your courage and your decision to trust me wholeheartedly despite the obstacles you have faced you may not understand them yet you have remained faithful never losing your desire to continue believing you have reserved a special place for me in your life and home teaching your family that they must seek me through faith and perseverance you're on the verge of overcoming all the negative forces that had pushed you back you once felt fear but you dared to believe in my love and infinite grace you received my forgiveness and clung to my promises that's why I am removing all obstacles all your enemies all sickness and from today I shall abundantly bless you I know you are brave understanding well that you must rise in faith paying no heed to discouragement and doubt so that you may see and receive all the blessings coming your way your prayers are powerful filled with genuine Faith remember it's not about how many words you use it's your faith that truly matters to me I will envelop your home with my presence and your family will see for themselves eles the vastness of my power they'll witness the incredible things I will do in your life do you trust in me I cherish you deeply you are forever mine you've come to me with your heart openly and with trust know that my love for you is immense and I will never let you stumble today I'm going to make you stronger instilling in you a resilient Spirit to face challenges I want you to stand up and move forward confidently aware that I am with you even when I seem invisible or unfelt do not be afraid Proclaim yourself as strong and triumphant when life's trials make you feel weary My Divine Essence will rejuvenate you infusing you with renewed Vigor granting you courage patience Insight peace and clear thinking I'll remind you of the precious promises I've placed within you so you can voice them out loud causing your spiritual foes to scatter and keep away I speak to you as my beloved child always feel deeply loved and surrounded by my arms yet I address these words to you as one would speak to a warrior you are not a helpless loser or a coward filled with fear the words I have spoken to you shall raise a shield around you strengthening your arms to wield your sword granting you the skill to face the battle and emerge Victorious the enemy always comes to frighten you with shouts and threats previously you remain seated in a corner Paralyzed by fear and enslaved by Terror but everything changes from today onwards you're hearing me I'm speaking to you myself after hearing these words you shall change once and for all obey me in this request I make of you and see yourself as you truly are deeply loved and Incredibly Brave you do not flee from your battles as others do you are strong and different you walk steadfastly forward because you know that with my love and power you need nothing else to conquer you need not wait for years months or days to rise with faith and strive for your happiness today marks a significant day take heed for what I say is true I am reaching out my hand for you to grasp urging you to take firm steps forward with confidence knock on the doors of opportunity for I shall open them wide enter with determination and unwavering trust into the new realm of joy peace and prosperity that I am bestowing upon you such is my decree and so it shall come to pass before you were even born I had already planned your path in my care are all your deep wishes and dreams that you've held in your heart forever I remember every prayer you've whispered for your loved ones they're all noted in my records nothing is missed every moment has it it's right time I long to shower you with blessings to open doors that will make you wiser deepen your faith grow your humility and teach you patience you are precious to me planted in good ground to thrive and bear good fruit your guide to Blessings is in your own hands my words are powerful and holy hold them close believe in them and keep them in your heart if your past is filled with mistakes or losses if you've stumbled or lost things dear to you listen closely and declare these words my past is behind me from now on my life my family my future they're all under your blessing don't let embarrassment stop you from speaking this truth openly eternal life is woven into my promises to you incredible Heavenly events are in store when tough challenges appear a holy phrase will give you the Insight needed to overcome and succeed dive into the Bible read it eagerly for knowledge and personal growth as you read know that I'm with you guiding you

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