I’m Here to Help You | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say
loved child I want you to know that I'm always here for you ready to smooth out all the Tangled places in your heart and mind you don't need to come to me with everything perfectly sorted bring your naughty problems and loose ends to me just as you are I understand that many of your difficulties are made more complicated by the perplexities of others and it can be hard to untangle what's yours and what's theirs but remember you are only responsible for your own mistakes and Sins Not the failures of others I'm here to help you unravel these complex issues and find the best way forward Christianity is a journey of transformation a lifelong process some knots from your past may seem hard to untie especially when they involve people who continue to hurt you it's important not to get stuck in introspection or obsessing about how to fix things instead keep turning towards me seek my face and Trust in my timing to untangle things and make your path clear be willing to live with unresolved problems but don't let them consume your focus my presence in your present is your portion and your boundless blessing sometimes long-term problems can become like Idols in your life when you're troubled by a situation that seems never ending pay close attention to your thoughts ongoing difficulties can gradually occupy more and more of your mind until they Loom Larger than Life when you realize this has happened confess it to me pour out your feelings as you seek to break free from this hurtful preoccupation acknowledge your weakness in the face of hardship and humble yourself under my mighty hand a problem preup Pati can make you anxious so I urge you to cast all your anxiety on me trusting that I care for you you may have to do this countless times throughout the day but don't give up each time you cast your worries on me you redirect your focus from problems to my loving presence to strengthen these transactions thank me for caring so deeply for you remember I not only died for you but I live to intercede for you your life is a precious gift for me open your hands and your heart to receive this day with gratitude relate to me as your savior and friend but never forget that I am also your Creator God all things were created by me as you journey through this day that I've gifted to you look for signs of my abiding presence I am with you watching over you continually on bright joyful days speak to me about the pleasures I provide and your joy will expand abundantly on dark difficult days grasp my hand in trusting dependence I will help you beloved your physical life is indeed a remarkable gift but your spiritual life is a treasure of infinite value those who don't know me as Savior will spend an eternity separated from me but because you belong to me you will live with me forever you'll enjoy a glorified body that will never grow sick or tired since I saved you by grace through faith let thankfulness for this Indescribable gift fill you with overflowing Joy your times are in my hands so trust in me beloved I'm training you to feel secure in the midst of change and uncertainty it can be a relief to realize you're not in control of of your life accept this human condition while resting in my sovereignty and you will become increasingly free I'm not asking you to be passive or fatalistic use your energy and abilities prayerfully pray about everything and search for me in your moments I'm a God of surprises so look for me in unexpected places I invite you to rejoice in this day that I have made and asking me to orchestrate its details and events since I'm in control of your times you don't have to be anxious about making things happen faster rushing and anxiety go handin hand and I've instructed you not to be anxious if you let me set the pace I will bless you with a peace that transcends all understanding in a world filled with threats and uncertainty it's natural to feel feel unsafe at times but for Christian Believers there is no place that is truly unsafe your ultimate home is in heaven and no one can rob you of this glorious inheritance that can never perish spoil or fade furthermore I am Sovereign over everything including your life and your loved ones nothing can happen to you or to them except what I allow the truth is the world has been at War ever since sin entered it the Fall In the Garden of Eden made the earth a dangerous place where good and evil contend continually so it's crucial to be alert and self-controlled remember that your Ultimate Enemy the devil has already been defeated I have overcome the world and you are on the winning side my side in me you have peace and in me you are always safe as the world grows darker remember that you are the light of the world don't waste your energy lamenting things beyond your control pray about these matters but refuse to let them consume your thoughts instead Focus your energies on brightening the place where I have put you use your time talents and resources to push back the darkness shine my light into the world I am the True Light that shines in the darkest of conditions your light originates from me and reflects from you I have called you to reflect my glory you do this most effectively by becoming more fully the person I designed you to be spend ample time seeking my face beloved focus on my presence and my word to grow in Grace and discern my will your time with me nourishes your soul providing comfort and encouragement I strengthen you so you can be a source of strength for others your prayers are not cries in the dark they rise to my kingdom of Glorious light call to me and I will answer you and show you Great and Mighty things people often fail to perceive the most important things in life but I Delight in those who have a teachable attitude when you come to me eager to learn wondrous things that you do not know I Rejoice your desire to learn from me helps you understand the hope to which I have called you in the riches of the Glorious inheritance you share look forward to living with me in the holy city where the glory of God provides eternal light as you wait with me I'm working to renew your mind my presence shines into your mind dispelling darkness and unmasking deception there may be many crevices where old thought patterns try to hide but my spirit can search them out and Destroy them your cooperation is essential habits of thought do not die easily when the light of my spirit illuminates a hurtful thought capture it by writing it down and bring it to me so we can examine it together I will help you identify the distortions and replace them with Biblical truth the more you focus on me and my word the more you can break free from painful irrational thoughts rooted in distressing experiences you may need to confront the same thought multiple times before gaining Mastery over it but your effort will lead to increased freedom and greater enjoyment of my presence I have searched you and known you intimately I am acquainted wit