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I’m Always Here For You | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

my dear child listen with your heart and take to heart this deep message I know about your pain and want to help you will you accept this love I offer which can heal you I see you're going through tough times and I'm reaching out to help are you ready to accept the love I have for you being with me you'll find Comfort strength and the peace you're looking for trust in me let my love wrap around you and lead you to full healing and Lasting Hope I'm always here for you thinking about the wonderful blessings I'm going to give you blessings that you'll soon see listen to what I say to you as I guide you with my words you mustn't give up the fight goes on every day there are crucial things in your life you need to focus on because discouragement doesn't waste time and shows up early bring negativity with it but don't be afraid I'm with you hold on to my hand as we go through this day together I will talk to you about my promises promises that will bring about new and amazing miracles in your life don't be scared don't lose courage and don't look down face everything with faith and confidence because I will visit you every morning to fill your soul with my holy words please please feel the immense love with which I speak to you put your hands on your heart and notice how it beats with joy when you hear my voice your soul has no space for loneliness or sadness go ahead look at yourself in the mirror and talk to yourself with faith repeating the promises I will fulfill for you in this message remind yourself of who you are you are a child of the almighty God vibrant with life and a wonderful future awaits you full of dreams to achieve and a zest for living splendidly say goodbye to the depression that trapped you believe in my words and free your mind from all harmful Thoughts with the strength of my love I'm removing every bit of the past that still clings to your mind C and heart your heart should only have space for this heavenly father who loves and saved you and you need to love me with all your strength I should be your priority in everything you do and every morning when you wake up remember that I am here say good morning to me with love because your kind words make me happy I enjoy hearing your voice and seeing the willingness of your heart and with your praise I will richly bless your life and your family notice the grace you've received the immense love you found feel this wonderful emotion flowing through you from your head down to your feet like tears of joy rolling down your face and touching your heart feel my love again just as you did before stand up shout and open your arms wide to welcome this downpour of Grace from Heaven accept with an open heart this invitation to be happy in my presence bow your head in prayer and embrace this new life I've lift Ed you from sadness and renewed your strength I've removed your pain and filled you with courage so you can stand out and continue to bless many so I tell you don't stop keep going every day be brave and strong because I'll take care of the things that seem impossible to you remember real victories aren't one with weapons or armies but through the extraordinary power of my Holy Spirit do your part and stir up your faith don't overlook this message don't underestimate what I'm saying sit alone in your room with your Bible and read it carefully because I'll keep talking to you until you're completely sure that you are loved cared for and gently protected you will succeed in everything nothing can hurt you even the challenges you face will become blessings because I don't make mistakes I know exactly what I'm doing and I love you and your family I'm getting you ready for something great I want to lift you to this Supernatural level you deserve to live a Victorious life that's why I'm here to clear your path and defeat your foes mightily accept my gift for you are more than a conqueror already it's not my desire for you to struggle so much open your heart and embrace the peace I'm giving you today and tomorrow when you feel my presence by your bed your faith will be refreshed and your heart filled with hope a fantastic blessing is on its way welcome it as you've earned it your Solid Faith hard work and courage through many trials have kept fear at Bay you show remarkable strength and unwavering character only my deep love and gentle care can reach and stir your emotions deep deeply your spiritual sensitivity is Keen you feel my presence enveloping you and can identify spiritual foes trying to battle you yet you stand strong against them not retreating or showing fear like others might what lies ahead for you is magnificent vast blessings are on their way my love for you has been proven time and again through tough days harsh moments and nights when I've comforted your heart gently I've provided Heavenly consolation and by the next day you were uplifted stronger and had a Clear Vision of your purpose and wonderful Destiny your incredible faith is why I'm sending down Abundant Blessings of spiritual renewal for you and your family now is the time for healing come close and Lay All Your troubles and any unforgiveness at my feet it's time to put aside differences and welcome a wonderful reconciliation if you're ready for this blessing let me use you to pour out abundant wisdom strength in your character and help you understand my word better so you can guide your loved ones some in your family might not yet be ready to follow me but they'll start to change when they see how my love and power trans form you let me work in you don't be afraid you won't be embarrassed if someone mocks you or tries to cause trouble stay kind cuz I'll step in stop complaining fill yourself with my wise teachings read my words and let them sink deep into your heart love and respect yourself as I do show the same patience to your family and everyone else that I have shown to you act now now because those Miracles you've been waiting for are just around the corner those of difficult disposition will change those who have lost their way shall find the PATH back to your home and when they arrive let them see you as an Exemplar never fearing to approach you feeling loved knowing that your Embrace is without reproach or judgment pray for them tenderly without complaint or condemn ation as prodigal children they will return repentant you will go out to meet them and they will run into your arms weeping you will receive them with a tender warm embrace removing their soiled garments and clothing them in love you will forgive their transgressions wholeheartedly even if you do not agree with their way of life their mistakes or their vices you are not their judge I do not send you to punish your duty is to love as I have loved you you have faltered many times yet I have never shamed you I've been patient and forgiving I have given you more than one opportunity and I shall give you more still for such is my nature my faithfulness is boundless my grace inf

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