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If God Has Brought You Through Before – HE CAN DO IT AGAIN!

every day we have a choice to either trust in God or to be overwhelmed with our circumstances you can go through your day believing that God is in control or you can go through the day focused and depressed thinking that the sky is falling and the worst is about to happen who's what you believe in you choose who you believe in I hear people say I'm afraid to lose my job I'm scared for my health or I'm afraid that my marriage won't last but people with this mindset people with this perspective often don't realize that they are choosing to feed the spirit of fear instead of feeding their faith in first Samuel 30 verse 6 the Bible paints a very Bleak picture in David's life his army has been destroyed and their wives and children have been taken captive the Bible tells us that David was greatly distressed because his own men the people who once supported him they were so distraught that they were considering stoning him so look at it this way David was in a place where he really had lost everything no support no family no real influence over those who once supported him but in the middle of this crisis the Bible gives us a revelation it tells us that David encouraged himself in the Lord no one else could encourage David but he took it upon himself and strengthened himself in the Lord I believe that this means he reminded himself of who God is and what he has done for him in the past I believe this means David began to speak God's promises over his situation I believe David began to build his faith and trust in God's ability to turn things around David didn't allow himself to be overcome by fear or doubt instead he turned to God and found strength in him I can just imagine that David must have been there reminding himself of all the battles in previous years that he went through and how God gave him the victory in his Mind's Eye he would have relived the battle with Goliath and how God showed up that day in his heart he would have remembered how God had delivered him from The Lion and the bear when he was a Shepherd boy and this is what encouraged him God Did It Before he can do it again so what did God do he gave David the strategy he needed to recover everything that had been stolen from them David and his men were able to defeat the amalekites and rescue their loved ones what seemed impossible became possible because David encouraged himself in the Lord friends we can do the same today whatever you may be going through remember that God is with you he has not forgotten you he is still on the throne and his promises still stand too often we only look at things from a natural logical point of view but God doesn't work that way all the odds can be placed against you but God has said you are more than a conqueror all the odds can be against you but even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death you should fear no evil you see there are times when you will have to turn off all the other voices in your head and around you turn off the voices of unbelief the voices of doubt the voices of discouragement turn off all this negative around you because if you begin to listen to logic and facts and probabilities then this will all feed your fear instead of your faith but if you dare to give God a chance you will find First Corinthians 1 verse 27 to be true because the Bible says but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong meaning that if someone else can sit there and tell you 10 reasons why you can't achieve the vision that God has given you then all you need to do is tell them that my God will use what you consider foolish to shame the wisdom of the world if someone says you're too weak to be gifted by God you're too weak to be anointed for Ministry you have to turn off that voice and turn up the voice that tells you that God chooses what is weak in the world to shame the strong dare to believe stop focusing on all the reasons why certain things can't happen dare to believe in Jesus your circumstances are not too far for God to reach in and change them all you need to do is believe whatever it is you're coming up against I want to remind you that you are an overcomer in Jesus Christ and let me tell you something where God is at work the devil will also be at work but he's working in opposition to the Lord he'll be working to try and disrupt or discourage any move of God among his people you see when we set about to fulfill God's vision for our lives and all of the enemies external plots have failed all of his external attacks have been blocked what do you think happens when all of the devil's external plots have failed he attacks from within the devil will try and plant a seed within you when he can't affect you physically take a good honest look at yourself what is the devil trying to use to distract you from being an effective Christian what's he using to discourage you doubtful thoughts thoughts of insecurity or inadequacy name your enemy and rebuke it and we all have one no one is so holy so saved that they have no internal private things they're dealing with the Bible says those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires that verse is all about identifying that sin Within that ungodly desire that unhealthy passion and then saying no to it get to the point where you say my love for God is greater than my love for anything else that's how you crucify your flesh so if your enemy is bitterness it has to go if it's unforgiveness that has to go if it's low self-esteem stand for it no more I encourage you to do three things if you are to overcome the enemy firstly take your eyes off the problem and focus your eyes on God's promises magnify God instead of your problems secondly change your words from talking about defeat and begin to speak God's word over your situation begin to speak God's promises over your situation and finally call on the power that the name of Jesus Christ offers [Music] in Exodus 14 verse 14 the Bible says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace this is a promise for us a promise of safety God will fight your battles he will fight our battles and we need to only hold our peace and so there's no need to go back and forth trying to fight here and there and everywhere instead let God work on your behalf because we have a promise that the battle you face Belongs to the Lord the Bible in Philippians 4 verse 19 says and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus this is a promise for provision if you have a need God can meet that need this doesn't mean you will have everything you want but in Jesus Christ you will have everything that you can ever need so I encourage you to get to know God's promises get to know them and hold on to his promises our part is to have faith that God means what he says and he says what he means if he says all things will work together for my good then my

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