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I See Your Struggles | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

[Music] my dear child do you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders in those moments of overwhelming burden remember that I am with you always ready to lift your load when life's challenges seem insurmountable lean into my strength and guidance I see your struggles and your efforts to persevere even when you falter I am here to steady you to infuse you with my unwavering support picture the Dawn breaking after a long dark night that is my promise to you every trial you face is an opportunity for me to Showcase my power in your life trust in my love for it is constant and unshakable open your heart to my presence and let me guide you through the storms together we will navigate every obstacle feel my peace wash over you replacing your anxiety with Divine tranquility your journey is not solitary I walk beside you offering comfort and Direction believe in the Miracles I am working in your life for you are precious to me my child let go of your fears hold tight to my promises and witness the transformation that comes from living in my grace Embrace each day with confidence knowing that I am your refuge and strength know that I will respond to you your lips will be filled with praise and laughter you have longed so much for an answer prayed day and night and suffered in waiting but my hands like those of a Potter are molding you even if you sometimes do not feel or see it I am removing your fears and Imperfections your character and your way of seeing life I am changing you after waiting so long after nights of crying when my blessing reaches your door you will realize how you have changed you will no longer remember the sadness nor struggle with discouragement you will never again sink into painful depressions nor will your emotions be shaken by the winds I promised you a future of prosperity and that is what I am doing tead is why I want you to fill yourself with my word so that your faith is renewed and your character is strengthened prepare yourself to receive wonderful blessings open your hands to receive many things and I will give you much more than you have asked for do not be afraid to think and dream with great plans you have the right to start a new there were many situations in the past that did not turn out well but believe with all your soul that because of your faith and Fidelity this time you will be so successful that you will be surprised in my word you will will find guidance and wisdom seek me with all your heart and open your Bible every day read with Hunger learn with devotion in every page you read you will be able to see feel and hear my voice in your spirit so today come into my presence here I wait to hear your petitions and open the doors of Heaven for you here is your blessing in my hands the definitive solution to all your problems is with me go for it what are you waiting for you know that I love you you have always felt it deep inside you even if you think you are far away even if the voice of disbelief tells you that you have failed and that I do not love you that is not true in your heart there is a small flame still burning and a fervent desire to return to this home that awaits and Longs for you do not be afraid come I know you feel so confused not knowing what to do you thought you had faith and many things failed you especially those in whom you trusted so much each went their way and forgot about you you became so discouraged because you thought I did not come when you asked me but you know well that I always arrive on time I never left I was watching you I gave you so many answers and all the solutions you needed but you did not believe me I spoke to you with beautiful words but you did not accept them it seemed so difficult to you that your omnipotent God would speak to you do not walk the wrong path anymore here is where you are greatly loved here is your home your shelter in this place you can feel protected filled with peace so that at night you can rest your sleep be deep giving me the opportunity to take you to the supernatural World learn to find Joy when things don't go your way don't start Each Day determined to make everything Bend to your will every day you'll encounter something that doesn't align with your desires big or small my purpose for you isn't to Grant your every wish or make life easy I want you to learn to trust me in all circumstances if you insist on having everything your way you'll often find frustration instead trust in my control over your life remember I am always close to you and there is abundant joy in my presence my face radiates with joy and that Joy shines upon you tonight you will dream by a crystal clear River you will see me with your own eyes I will extend my arms to you and you will walk in peace over the miraculous water washing away all your pains anger and frustrations when you wake up in the morning you will feel transformed filled with strength you will realize that I have lifted all Heavy burdens from your shoulders you will feel renewed this is one of the rewards for those who return to Faith who acknowledge their mistakes and come back to believe you don't need to wander seeking someone to tell you beautiful things here I am here is my word full of life and goodness receive it in your heart and see how my Holy Spirit fills you I am your life and your blessing the solution your heart truly needs tell me you believe speak it think it write it with all your faith ask me anything I want to talk to you and respond seek me in my word pray and align your spirit with mine so you can understand me I have sought you out I chose you before you knew me finding me is neither difficult nor impossible call to me and I will listen cry out to me and I will answer prepare for my response for you will be surprised at all I wish to do in you and how deeply you will know my will I will bless you beyond what you can imagine believe in me and do not not speak ill of yourself or belittle yourself you are my child I placed you in the perfect time and place though sometimes you have doubted and felt lost due to the trials and obstacles you face now I ask you for one thing do not get distracted and forget it give me your faith and trust despite everything you encounter You are not alone I have always protected sustained and guided you with my holy hand it is not too late do not ignore me I'm speaking to you and you feel it you know I want things to go well for you and your situation to improve seek my face and I will remove everything that displeases me everything hindering you from reaching your purpose if you have strayed from your path bend your knees before me and I will straighten your way distance yourself from Bad friends those who make make you feel inferior and unappreciated they do not benefit you if you leave them you will not miss them because I will bring kind-hearted people into your life prepare for a miracle soon you will receive Superior blessings I love you and do not want you to stray f

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