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I Reach Out To You | God Message Today | God Message For You | Gods Message Now | God Message

today I reach out to you with a heart brimming with Sacred Love as I have always done to reveal the long awaited answers that you seek these answers are the key to liberating yourself from The Maze of Trials you face understand this profound truth each event in your life each challenge you encounter serves a higher purpose although it might sometimes feel like you are grappling with insurmountable challenges that defy resolution do not be swayed by fear I am with you cradling all your worries rest in the peace I offer know this with unwavering certainty I Am Your Divine father the Creator who loves you deeply having brought you into this world with a distinct and Noble purpose embrace the Divine Essence that dwells within you you have the power to perform countless virtuous acts and and bestow blessings upon many you have weathered storms of adversity which have tested the very core of your faith yet in the depths of your being you long to believe you hold fast to my words yet your soul cries out for Comfort night and day you search for the balm that will heal the conflict stealing your joy leaving you with sorrow and pain trust in my words these trials did not originate from me I've allowed these circumstances in your life as a call to awaken to help you realize that my boundless omnipotent love is within you every struggle every tribulation and all the pain you've endured are being transformed into a fortress of security and strength for your heart with a heart full of tenderness and truth I call out to you today encouraging you to rise to a higher spiritual level let go of the days when you woke up and aimlessly wandered through life eyes cast down Spirits broken enduring harsh words and belittlement you may have thought this was my desire for you but it was not remember I created you in my image to live a life filled with strength and freedom to experience true happiness free from the chains of serving others Wills these words I speak are significant tell me will you trust them will you today choose to place your faith in me I urge you to stand up this very moment and walk forward in faith don't be troubled if you're unsure of your path or actions I will guide you I will also protect you from those who have aligned themselves with Darkness those who plot against you and wish you harm walk with me patiently and fervently and I will guide you through the days months and years ahead you may pass through valleys and climb mountains but I will be with you every step of the way in your darkest moments I will be the light that guides your path giving strength to your steps until you reach your destination I promise to bless you abundantly you will thrive in foreign lands meeting many people along the way way I will open doors for you and in due time your blessings will arrive when the time is right I will lift you up and you will soar bringing healing and love to Nations you are not weak you are strong you are not timid you are brave you are not a mere accident you are cherished Chosen and protected by my immense love therefore I will not allow anything or anyone to harm you I will reveal your great value you to the world myself those who underestimated you will be dismayed and those who expected your downfall will be ashamed to see your family's prosperity and blessings if you heed my words daily now is the time to make the most important decision of your life I have blessed you with immense strength intelligence and capability now is the time for you to rise stop wasting your time on meaningless distractions and giving your efforts to those who do not value you a land of blessings awaits you know that you have the courage within do not be afraid move towards your blessings now for if you delay you might miss them the time is right for Harvest seize your moment I will open the gates and windows of heaven but only the Vigilant will receive these blessings the idol will remain asleep afraid to face reality and continue to blame me for their plight shutting their ears to my daily words this is my will let all who are weary come to me and I will give them a life filled with abundance and peace I have a plan of kindness blessings and prosperity for all who earnestly seek and love me as you do your faith and attitude Delight me and each morning I wait to touch your heart and show you the blessings I have prepared for you I hold you in deep profound affection do not think for a moment that I am unaware or devoid of love for you sometimes my silence is a lesson in patience a message that certain things take time to unfold trust that the outcome of your circumstances will surpass even your wildest dreams I am infusing your heart with peace and calm all those worries burdening your mind are firmly in my care and I am addressing them with complete attention take a moment close your eyes and bask in my love let yourself be enveloped In My Embrace feel the gentle kiss upon your heart when the tears threaten to fall talk to me I am right here I haven't left you I haven't moved away use this time to glean wisdom from me so that when these challenges are behind you and life is writer you'll be wiser you'll know how to choose friends who value you for who you are not what you have I will never leave you nor give you more than you can handle be attentive to my guidance stay in touch with me to understand the work I am doing in your life rise and embrace this day with joy relishing the blessings I pour out from my heart where love and life-giving Waters Flow drink from this well and you will never thirst again loneliness will become a thing of the past I am vigilantly caring for your health your work your family and all that matters to you even before you ask I am orchestrating events so that everything unfolds in my perfect timing rest my dear child and put your worries aside use this time to seek me and praise my name when you grasp How Deeply I love you tell me my child how much you love me in return rejoice in my name and may your life overflow with blessings and joy even if you don't fully understand my ways just know that I love you unconditionally and will never leave you place your trust in me and let your faith be strengthened if your plans have stumbled it doesn't mean defeat it's normal to feel disheartened when things don't go as expected but your faith in me will revive your spirit and guide you back to my perfect plan I have scripted a brighter future for you and your loved ones it is my desire to see the promises you believe in come to pass don't let sadness linger in your thoughts nor allow discouragement to weaken you trust in me and your family will always be safe secure and joyous they will have the strength to face life's trials and the wisdom to have outed da dangers they will stand as a beacon and a blessing to others infinite blessings await when you place your complete and sincere trust in your heavenly father you can come directly to my throne and speak openly wit

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