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I Love You Deeply | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

[Music] my beloved child no matter how tough things get always remember how strong and protective my shelter is if you're feeling stressed come find safety under my care Lean on Me When You're troubled and tell me all about your worries hand over your fears and anxieties to me my grace and mercy are boundless I love you deeply so I will help you you are my beloved child make no mistake AK about it you have opened up to me invited me into your heart and shown me love with all your strength which makes me very happy because of this you have every right to come and talk to me with confidence speak to me openly and without fear I created you chose you before you were even born and I understand your struggles strengths dreams and weaknesses I'm not angry with you when you make mistakes when you feel guilty don't run away from me who else will you turn to someone who might say they care but ends up betraying both you and me true love is right here with me I'm not looking to catch you in a mistake because I already know your flaws I'm not waiting for you to fail so I can turn away from you in fact when you try to pull away I draw even closer to you when you stray I come to find you and lead you back to a place of Peace where you can drink from the waters that refresh and renew your spirit so please always remember even in your toughest times that I love you deeply know that my love and power are always ready to lift you from the depths of Despair fill your life with purpose and joy and give you the courage you once thought lost believe in my everlasting love and protection it has always been is now and will forever be you should feel calm peaceful and secure I am filling your heart so that you need not worry fear or feel like giving up when challenges come your way don't be overcome by fear or dread if your emotions Cloud your judgment you might make mistakes but I will turn those negative situations into blessings for you the answers you seek are close I will soon speak to your soul revealing my plans and providing solutions to your problems come and kneel in my presence I take joy in seeing you reach out to me in prayer hear my words seek me pray and find solace in my teachings when your bills Mount and obligations overwhelm you and you can't see a way out remember my promise gives you the peace and Assurance to overcome you will succeed in every challenge because I have decreed it I possess the power and authority when I speak your Miracle unfolds I ask for your hope your Surrender Your Love your loyalty your devotion tell me do you believe I can do this I'm your Beacon of Hope your safe haven your guardian in every circumstance write it down yourself trust in me for trusting in God is always the best and only right solution to any problem declare it now I believe and trust I will not fear or falter now tell me with all your heart do you love me I hear your prayers and every time you pray you bring spiritual blessings to your family your home and all whom you love I will lift you from this deep pit of despair I am reaching out my hand to you ready for you to grab it do not doubt do not hesitate I am ready to assist you now it touches me to see your great need your profound sadness even from my Throne your weeping heart is clear to me get ready to overcome all the challenges you're facing now don't listen to those who say it's impossible let your dreams be revived ignore anyone who tries to bring you down or stop your growth embrace my plan for your life tune your ears to listen only to my voice your sincere prayer born from a faith that patiently Waits and expects is the key to Miracles and blessings there have been many times when you felt defeated by a challenge but right after you prayed that overwhelming situation disappeared and instead you experienced a great victory you chose to pray instead of Despair and fought with all your faith how many times have you felt powerless but after praying felt stronger and braver remember this as proof that I always hear your prayers my child listen carefully to the words I am speaking to you right now even when everything seems dark when you look up and see no light in your current situation even when you feel weak and unable to overcome this challenge know that you will receive your Victory because I hear your prayers when you call out for help feeling weak today is the day I will lift you so high that problems cannot reach you take my hand now and rise with faith step by step up the ladder that leads to your Victory your prayers have been heard despite all the pressure fear anguish and and despair around you because of your trust in me you receive my help today and your life will change forever today you will Ascend to Heights where no adversity can touch you I've seen your suffering and tears I was by your side I embraced you sincerely I held you in my arms like a child comforting you with my love and affection I consoled you through countless tears and in your deepest sorrow you felt my inexplicable peace your crying stopped Tranquility filled your soul in the quiet of Dawn I spoke to you placing my hand upon you showing my faithfulness when you woke up in the morning everything was different you were filled with joy overflowing with hope and confidence strengthened in your faith and more determined hear me to the end my dear one for I too wish to relieve your anguish and transform your life never stop praying never stop believing Victory is already yours you will overcome any obstacle as you seek more of my power a power that might seem inexplicable but is capable of instilling Faith and Hope giving you a reason to live and filling your soul with praise do you know why I believe in you it's because even when you stop believing in yourself I still believe in you I know you are a Victor who can achieve great things even if you feel your faith is small it's enough to face and defeat any challenge I see your heart I know you deeply I look Beyond appearances and what others think many people will try to sway you daily with their words but you will stand strong because you know my thoughts about you don't Focus too much on those those who act out of arrogance trying to win you over with fake Smiles don't spend your time on them don't share your secrets and don't trust them I have given you a life of abundance you will overcome your challenges and be truly joyful But first you must stop seeking approval from others only then can you finally free yourself from the influence of false friends and if you ever need a true friend to talk to remember I am always here ready to listen with love I will listen patiently as you speak I'll be there as your pain subsides tell me you believe listen to my words stay with me until the end listen and let these wonderful things I want to share take root in your heart I have everything under control not a single detail escapes my notice when troubles come and your emotions stir leading your mind to wor

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