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I Am The Uchanging God of Promises | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

listen my beloved for I am the unchanging God of promises my words never falter and my pledges are always fulfilled the blessings you've yearned for with patience are on the verge of becoming a reality as i gaze upon you unwavering in your faith offering gratitude amidst the world's laments I assure you that the long awaited blessing is swiftly approaching take my word for it you will soon hold it in your hands bidding farewell to all anxiety and distress you have placed your trust in my word and from the very moment I heard your voice your heartfelt cries I have set in motion the response your soul so deeply desires many grow disheartened expecting an immediate answer to their prayers yet my ways are not always Swift for I take Delight in bringing bringing about changes in your life I mold your character with wisdom arranging every detail to ensure that the awaited blessing doesn't become a burden at times you request what you need but rest assured I Am The God Who bestows abundantly more than what is asked I consider your future and the well-being of your family Desiring that your blessings usher in not sadness or tension but only peace and unbounded joy our covenant is etched in your heart and mind your sins are forgiven and remembered no more seek solace in my presence for at my altar you shall find Healing boundless strength and the Fulfillment of your faith as you patiently await the realization of my promises banish bitter complaints from your heart cast doubt from your mind do not heed the tongues that mock your face faith if you ever grow weary and anxiety returns simply call upon me and I will grant you the perseverance to endure I will bestow upon you the gift of patience ensuring your emotions remain undisturbed you shall receive Prudence to control your tongue so that no foolish words emerge from your lips to offend my heart I bestow great blessings upon your life with love and tenderness much like a father or mother nurturing their precious child I only ask that you be grateful and never dare to demand anything with pride and arrogance there are many in this world who disrespect me but I possess patience and await them with love they may raise their voices and play with fire but it is a Dreadful thing to fall into the hands of a living God I know you feel frustrated because things don't always go as planned nevertheless this shall always be the way you pray I respond you strive conflicts and adversaries arise suddenly to challenge you there are obstacles and it may seem like my response is delayed however I will open your spiritual eyes revealing that the situation is not as you perceive it your blessing is right before you waiting but you must Advance without looking back discarding any feelings and thoughts that paralyze you if you desire to be blessed you must be tested I want to see courage in your heart and observe your reaction when your expectations are unmet what will you say will you continue to wait with joy in your heart without complaining or will bitterness fill you wasting your time and effort as it does to others I want you to to be strong to love me with all your heart and all your strength even if I do not respond immediately and you must wait I want to see that steel-like Spirit I've instilled in you a character more valuable than a diamond I desire your loyalty you will not betray me nor will you sell your convictions for a few coins you will not engage in dishonest Deeds or lie to escape trouble for true vict iies in this world are won this way and your long awaited blessing shall become a reality wait with faith do not let doubts freeze your patience do not heed the foolish opinions of the unbelievers and mockers with love I implore you to remember these words and hold them dearly in your heart I am faithful and I also ask for your loyalty return here every morning and fill yourself with these words that strengthen your faith and engulf you in peace do not fear I love you your blessing is on the verge of arrival repeat these words with your voice and your hand beloved God I await you with all my heart I am your heavenly father your friend your lord your Shepherd if you've never heard of me before I present myself to you I chose you before you were born I ignited that unwavering purpose within your soul I am the love that fills your life and pours boundless mercy upon you I am love I am tenderness I am peace I am your path your truth the light that guides you in the midst of Darkness today Herald's a day of Miracles where my words Infuse you with faith beside you always is my Holy Spirit guiding each step you take open your heart to the promises ingrained in your mind ready to resurface in times of urgent need the gateway to my grace stands open welcoming you without rejection approach with courage come forth in assurance find Healing within I mend the lingering scars in your soul the secret Pains of your past lose their grip over you this day I absolve your faults free you from their memory let go of guilt it has no claim on you now do not be troubled or lose your peace in addressing past errors be humble seek forgiveness repay your debts and purify your legacy if others clouded by bitterness deny you the chance to make amends release that burden you are cleansed you are forgiven leave them behind surrender to me all that pains you the Shadows tainting your emotions the negative seeds sown long ago that still trouble you release the memories and thoughts long held within and witness my power transforming your heart I break the chains of fear crush the grip of anxiety and plant my holy word within you my grace will flood your being gifting you the miracle of Liberation enveloped in my Mercy clothed in my goodness you will be surrounded by blessings today the shackles binding your spirit shatter your character is renewed anger quelled and fury dissipated your words will no longer be of anger or insult but instead your lips shall utter praises and words of holy power bringing Liberation and healing you are never alone I have spoken to you persistently and now you understand that Faith must must guide your steps despite obstacles you move forward and I shall reward your faith today is a day to believe in miracles a day where nothing is impossible for those who trust and yield to my will every Challenge and trial even temporary defeats and victories are opportunities to experience my profound love you are in my hands guarded by Angels day and night my Holy Spirit ensures peace and Harmony in your home your family is precious to me no force can remove you from my care I am your protector your comforter your encourager nourishing you with Heavenly words I provide the Eternal bread ensuring you never hunger For Love or yearn for affection I offer the Water of Life quenching your thirst for joy and companionship do not overly depend on fallible humans my Holy Spirit fulfills your desires inspiring you to live and chase your dreams trust in my

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