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I Am The Giver | God Message Today | God Message For You | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child I will grant you an extraordinary and divine favor fulfilling all your desires I am the Lord your God the one who understands your thoughts and examines your heart I Am The Giver of blessings to your soul enriching you with Grace and mercies it was I Who challenged your faith in your struggles and you have proven steadfast with bravery and resilience you have persisted unwaveringly adhering to the path of Truth willing to sacrif rifice greatly all to honor Me by upholding my word you remained steadfast you were Valiant and devoted embodying a living example of my teachings you did not hesitate to share my message nor did you let yourself be overwhelmed by worldly influences rather you remained firm in your faith not allowing yourself to be swept away by worldly pleasures or carnal desires therefore my child child in recognition of your remarkable Faith your courage commitment and devotion I pronounce today that you have earned my favor a favor that brings blessings and prosperity in all your undertakings I will bless you in a unique and divine way I will make the work of your hands flourish providing everything you need my blessings will shower upon you abundantly and you will become a source of blessing to others especially those in need you will prosper and multiply enjoying all the goodness and Beauty I have planned for you I will endow you with health strength and more than you could imagine I will guide you towards a future of success and prosperity I will enrich your work your studies and your Ventures I promise to bless every Endeavor you Embark upon your arrivals and departures shall be fortunate it I will lead you to opportunities that Foster your growth and advancement you will be prosperous in wealth and health in love and happiness you will shine as a beacon in the dark a symbol of strength faith and patience dear child I will grant you far more than you can comprehend you will not only be bestowed with substantial material and spiritual gifts but also with peace joy and Lasting contentment today my child I endow you with power and authority so that no challenge May obstruct your journey proceed and harvest the rewards of your labor extend your hands towards the sky and receive all the blessings I your father bestow upon you accept these blessings with faith and always remember that it is my heart's desire to bless you to envelop you in grace and mercy and to prosper you in all your ways I ask only that you persist with courage and resolve never waver or drop your guard be mindful that I am with you I will accompany you wherever you may go I will be your shelter and strength a palpable support in times of difficulty place your trust in me and I will never fail or abandon you for I am your almighty God powerful in all things and omnipresent I will never leave you as I was with the prophets so I will be with you remember you are my child my treasured possession an heir to numerous blessings I created you for a Divine Purpose destined to be a light and a blessing on Earth always recall that I chose you and sacrificed everything for you so that today you might relish the vast and Abundant Blessings reserved for you even before the world's Foundation before you were formed Med in your mother's womb I loved you I love you my child my beloved so continue moving forward unceasingly you have the capability to achieve all that you aspire to rely on me and no trial adversity or barrier will obstruct you advance with faith determination and bravery claim what is rightfully yours for I have endowed you with the power and authority to do so remember I have instilled my spirit within you it will Empower you with strength love and self-discipline utilize what I have bestowed upon you and be assured that nothing and no one will overpower you in the days ahead I love you my child I love you with an everlasting love raise your hands to the heavens and receive the multitude of blessings that I pour upon you today marks the beginning of a season of Supernatural abundance in your life today I declare over you well-being and prosperity I bless the work of your hands so that every project you undertake shall be a success and you shall fulfill all your endeavors may you always find happiness and fulfillment in all that you do may your life be like the light of the Dawn steadily increasing until the day is perfect may my peace accompany you at all times my child and may you never lack the strength to persevere I love you my child I love you my daughter I shall take care of you ensuring that all goes well for you you have been going through challenging times but I have come to heal you and break your chains I know that you are suffering from an illness and fear that you will not overcome it but you must know that I am I am with you I will not leave you nor forsake you for even before you were born I knew you I intricately knit you in your mother's womb with delicacy and care every fiber of your being is a living testimony of my love and my purpose for you today I want you to listen carefully for I have an important message for you your Miracle the one for which you have fervently prayed will come to pass that Supernatural sign will manifest in your life because I your father will unleash my divine power at the most unexpected moment so do not despair have faith in me your Miracle will happen now is the time my child now is the time my daughter embrace my presence as it envelops you in a cloak of Grace and strength allow my Divine energy to rejuvenate every aspect of your being letting my Essence flow within you bringing healing to every part of your body I know you have long sought an answer a sign from above to quell your fears your moment has arrived for I have listened to your prayers amidst the Shadows I bring a light to dispel all doubts and fears within you your endurance and constancy through trials have not gone unnoticed your tears have been meaningful I have seen it all and thus I declare that the season of reaping your rewards is here the miracle awaits you ready to shower my abundant blessings upon you the challenging times are drawing to a close raise your head and shed the burdens that have pressed upon you for I have set A Feast for you in the presence of your foes and your cup will brim with joy and plenty your deepest desires and dreams I will fulfill them beyond measure step forward boldly my child progress my daughter do not be constrained by circumstances resist The Whispers of Doubt or the enemy's voice that seeks to dampen your faith remember I am the god of the impossible and with me all things are possible what seems unreachable will be within your grasp becoming your reality I will restore what you have lost and what has been damaged in your life will be healed and made new do not fear my son do not fear my daughter for my love and power surpass any challenge you may encounter embrace my promise and trust in me with all your heart for there

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