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I am Molding Your Heart and Soul | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child I am molding your heart and soul shaping them for a future filled with Triumph With Every Breath You Take I am strengthening your resolve deepening your faith so that you may stand firm in my teachings unwavering and Resolute imagine yourself clad in armor of unbreakable courage a warrior whose spirit is as impenetrable as a fortress of Steel no Force no matter how for itable shall ever lay you low Envision Legions Rising against you yet in the midst of this turmoil I whisper a sacred truth into your ear a secret meant for you alone this truth is a testament to my boundless love for you treasure this secret in the depths of your heart for you are chosen to rise with Valor in my name embrace the power to work wonders to achieve greatness and to keep the Flames of your dreams and aspirations eternally a light hold fast to your vision of a brighter future Proclaim this truth with conviction let your voice echo in the heavens I am not frail I am a Bastion of strength wisdom and courage I am ready to face and Conquer every challenge conflict and adversity that this day may bring I do not cower in the face of my adversaries when they confront me I stand unshaken always battle ready my faith Burns fiercely and the sword of truth is ever in my grasp I am poised for victory anticipating Triumph with a steadfast belief that my dreams will manifest into reality I am speaking to you for you are the embodiment of this strength never underestimate yourself or be surprised by your own potential my cherished child each day I come to you renewing your spirit with reminders of your bravery and Valor in the daily battles you face know that your adversaries may try to dishearten you to steal away the words I have planted in your heart yet I am ever faithful reaching out my hand to secure your Triumph each word I speak each seed of faith I seow within you is nurturing your strength tell me do you feel this Growing Power Within you just utter your request and it shall be granted by my grace I speak to you not of fleeting desires or worldly possessions but of Miracles unconditional love the healing of your soul abundant provision and forgiveness I bestow upon you not just what you need but beyond for you have learned to wisely use the gifts I entrust to you not squandering them on the transient but investing in what truly edifies eyes administer wisely and I will shower you with blessings beyond your imagination show me your devotion live as a champion Victorious and courageous committed to fulfilling my will through you miracles will flow to Nations healing will touch the sick Grace will reach children and the elderly the hungry will be fed and the downtrodden lifted your family too will be instruments of my power experiencing the supernatural in profound ways this is the grace that surrounds those who love me who don't hide behind excuses but surrender with unwavering faith in my love and power these words are your beacon guiding you on A New Path you are not lost or confused today I am here to lead you into a world of Wonders your children will have visions and the adults will dream dreams beyond the ordinary their spiritual eyes will be open to Secrets hidden from others revealed through their steadfast Faith but I long to see them in prayer at dawn and dusk tirelessly seeking me for step by step I will fulfill their heartfelt pleas I also yearn to see gratitude for each blessing received and even greater Joy when I withhold for they trust that I have something better in store so now let me witness the growth in your heart after hearing this message write down your reasons for gratitude if you find none remember those times when I resolved your troubles miraculously reflect on those moments I was there even when you felt distant from me say now thank you beloved God for all your blessings write with a heart full of gratitude and feel your spirit up lifted with courage and divine encouragement I am deeply invested in your life I desire your faith to be steadfast your heart at peace I long to embrace and speak to you for you to hear my voice and see my actions that secure you in my love each day brings new challenges but I am always beside you morning or night to strengthen and guide you through any trial even as new challenges emerge my Mercy is renewed I will envelop you in my power and Glory enabling you to endure it gladdens me to see your faith now unshakable Fearless in the face of adversity feel secure and confident for your love for me has deepened and you are undergoing a transformation you are ready to rise to new heights your character has evolved your faith solidified Embrace this encouragement feel my strength empowering you walk forth with boldness from this day forward nothing will hinder you you have embraced my word clung to my promise with unwavering Faith believe in the grand plan I have for you you were created for greatness do not be dismayed by your current circumstances I am despatching a legion of heavenly angels to Aid you in your journey towards Victory witness as you be to Triumph in all aspects of Life causing your adversaries to retreat in defeat arm yourself with courage remember you are not just surviving you are thriving under my watchful eye your belief in my word your steadfast faith in my promises is your shield and strength you were designed to soar to extraordinary Heights to overcome any obstacle the challenges you face today are mere Stepping Stones to your greater Destiny my Celestial hosts are by your side ensuring your success in every Endeavor the enemy's Fury will be feudal against your spirit filled with bravery and my unwavering support stand tall and confident for with each step you take you are moving closer to the Fulfillment of your Divine Purpose your faith in me has set you on a path of Unstoppable progress You are not alone in this journey my presence is your constant companion providing strength wisdom and courage Embrace this moment for you are on the brink of witnessing wonders beyond your imagination let your heart be filled with courage and rejoice in the Assurance of my everlasting love and support stand Resolute and unyielding You Are My Chosen Warrior victorious in countless battles embod EMB bodying bravery and Triumph your life is blossoming through your unwavering trust in me it fills my heart with joy to see you understand that I have selected you to display my miraculous Works to the world to be a living testimony of my incredible power at work within you you are flourishing and in this growth your life is safeguarded your family enveloped in protection and your heart brimming with boundless C courage and Jubilation for life for the battles you face and for your service to me your dedication and fervent desire to prioritize me above all else is something I deeply cherish anticipate Abundant Blessings soon to be bestowed upon you when you seek me in prayer in Worship in praise your words deeply touch my hear

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