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How To Stop Eating Non-veg Even Though You Like It | Sadhguru

meat is a good survival food but it is not good food for those who have many choices in front of them cannot live without meat consumption generations of people in societies like India have lived on false consumption last few moments it always knows it's going to be killed and when we consume this unnecessary levels of mental fluctuations will happen so it's extremely important for the humanity as a whole to move in this direction ction one thing about food I'm a foodie I'm a foodie foodie foodie yeah I love to eat so during shoots yeah I avoid but when I'm at breaks yeah I hog on food but I'm an animal lover too oh so that's why you eat them no not really when I see some incident when some no people say I love my food so you love animals so you put them in the food no I've tried many of times like okay I have to quit eating nonv I have tried that also so I've stayed away from nonv for a week or 10 days but the minute when I see somebody having nonv I'll be like okay from next month I don't know I I how do I come out of this like of course like even I have two pets at home and uh I don't know like what do you say Satur about this thing this nonv and not eating nonv what now you planning to eat the pets no no they're like my babies that's what they say even I've seen people talking to the chicken and all very nicely and next week they eat them up are you vegetarian or non vegetarian I'm a humanitarian [Laughter] [Music] humanitarian say today the substantial documentation to show that plants are as sensitive as any other creature so whether you eat a plant or an animal or whatever it is still violence only thing is they don't scream they do scream you don't hear that's all there's enough evidence to show that they do scream so whether you pluck a fruit or a vegetable or cut a animal and eat everything is cruel it is just that we must do it with some sensitivity only to the extent it's necessary you should drop this idea of being a foodie we all eat food we must eat food otherwise it'll be cral to this one but becoming an identity with food not right because that means we will indulge we will not just nourish ourselves we have a right to nourish ourselves as a life we have a right to nourish ourselves because this is how the food cycle is in the world but we don't have a right to wly take another life just for pleasure we have no business to do that we have every right to nourish this life but we have no right to enjoy taking another life so don't call yourself a foodie because food should never become the identity right now uh approximately 38% of India's population are pure vegetarians by you know traditional eats like that the about let's say about 50 years ago nearly 60% were vegetarians but Western educated doctors have been telling people if you don't eat meat you won't get nourishment you have to eat some meat so because of that some meat has come in but still in India meat eating is not like how it's in the west uh it is only a side dish even for nonvegetarian people it's only a side dish but why vegetarianism is we see if your survival is under threat your entire life is about survival once survival is taken care of now you wonder what is this all about because when survival is in question it looks like when your survival is fulfilled everything is going to be great but once survival is taken care of you realize that is not the truth your life is longing for something something else so survival was very simple and easy it was a rich land people survived well because of that they started looking Inward and it started developing various things and one important thing is nearly 70% of the country's population was always actively [Music] spiritual turning inward was an important part of life because of this when they turned inward they realized that what they eat matters if you just want to be all beefy brwn then you can eat lot of meat and just grow muscles and fight with each other but if you're looking at how to become sensitive to life how to become perceptive how to be able to perceive things beyond what is considered normal perception then what you put into the system becomes very important so what is it that passes through the system with least amount of resistance with least amount of uh uh you know struggle in the body so to put this into perspective let me put it this way see if you eat raw meat for example in the human system compared to carnivorous animals in all the carnivorous animals the length of the elementary Canal is only three times the length of his body approximately in all the herbivores the length of the elementary Canal is 5 to 6 times the length of the body body so in a human being it could be anywhere between 24 to 28 or 30 ft which is nearly 5 to 6 times the length of our body in this kind of Elementary Canal if you put meat it will travel through this very very slowly approximately raw meat would take 70 to 72 hours to pass through the system if you put cooked meat it will take 50 to 52 hours to pass through the system if you put cooked vegetable meals it will take anywhere between 24 to 30 hours to pass through the system if you put raw vegetables into the system it will take 12 to 15 hours to pass through the system if you put fruit into the system it will take 1 and 1 half to 3 hours to pass through the system so we started recognizing what is that food which happens in the body with least amount of residue least amount of impurities and passes through the system very quickly because in yoga this is an important thing we all manage this even now if we eat anything within 2 and a half hours we must be hungry or stomach must be empty but we won't eat stomach is empty but we are energetic so we don't eat so generally uh here in The Yoga Center everybody does only two meals uh 1 10 in the morning 7 in the evening that's it I do only one meal most of the days if I'm traveling I may do something else a little bit but otherwise generally if I am home I do only one meal that in the morning or the even evening I'm just curious uh generally generally for me it is 4:35 in the evening uh it'll keep me going the entire 24 hours it's not like a a rule it is just that that is a need so Suppose there is lot of physical activity on a certain day then you may eat a small breakfast or you meet a fruit or something like that food is not to be made into a philosophy or a kind of a religious process food is the requirement of the body if you watch the body with what sort of food the body is most happy body is most at ease you will naturally notice vegetarian or plantbased food body is most comfortable and is at ease it uh it is flexible it is at ease it it has less to process on a daily basis so naturally those who observed the nature of their own bodies naturally became vegetarian when survival was the question hunting and eating whatever you kill was the natural process but once Society settled down they could grow what they want as they observed themse

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