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How to Stop Creating Suffering | Eckhart Tolle

there's only [Music] now it's when your when the your mind is taking you to all kinds of unpleasant places you can always you come back that there's only this moment there's only this that's a and then now of course is the opening into the vertical Dimension so you become aware of the present whenever suffer arises you don't want to manifest suffering but millions of people on a daily basis continuously manifest suffering but you don't want to so when you the beginning of an Awakening is the realization that that you are manifesting suffering of course that's already an Awakening there because if you're very unconscious the blame for all your suffering is always elsewhere it's never in your own mind when you're very unconscious other people the world situation faith God Destiny your karma your parents the unjust system whatever all kinds of things they're all to blame they are cause your suffering and you haven't realized that you are manifesting your mind ultimately is manifesting and in fact if you if you tell this to a person who is not ready to hear that they will get very angry very angry so uh but the that realization your mind the unconscious mind manifests suffering and when you discover that that that ultimately the suffering arises in your mind because your mind reacts to things your mind creates a narrative that makes you unhappy not the situation but the narrative that you your mind creates around the situation makes you unhappy when you discover that that's the big first stage of the W The Awakening is oh and at that moment that's an amazing discovery that virtually all your suffering is created by your mind amazing and then you realize you don't want to manifest that anymore and then you you want to manifest something else but first before you manifest something else you need to stop manifesting suffering and a good way is bringing your attention into the present moment this what what is my problem now what nothing what's wrong with this moment this moment is as it is what's the problem problem so bring your attention to now whenever you feel unhappiness arising look at your mind and bring attention to the present moment which always means the externals of the present moment that's a manifested dimension of the present moment and then the essence of the now which is cons ious awareness presence and so that's the how you stop manifesting suffering and then you can if you want to manifest other things from once you have the foundation which is the being then you begin to work work on the two levels so you you reconcile the two the being and the doing in your life and that's that's your purpose and uh you will not always succeed it's you fall back into usually you fall back into losing yourself in doing uh and then you suffer and this unhappy that arises can you can then use as a very helpful way of um telling you you've lost yourself you've lost the present moment and once you know that you can come back so let's leave it at that

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