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HOW TO SLEEP WELL AND SLEEP DEEP | Buddha story on sleep | 7 tips for a good night’s sleep |

foreign [Music] once upon a time a rich man went to a Buddhist monk and said sir I am very disturbed with my sleep even after trying very hard I cannot sleep till late night and even when I fall asleep I keep turning sides all the night and Ben I wake up in the morning I do not feel well I feel tired and Restless please give me some solution for this problem the Buddhist monk said before I tell you the solution to your problem I want to tell you a little story about The Secret of kottam Buddha's deep sleep then the Buddhist monk began to tell a story and The Story Goes Like This when Buddha slept he used to stay in the same posture all the night he never changes posture he had a disciple whose name was Ananda he always used to sleep near Gautam Buddha he often used to notice that Buddha spent the whole night in the same physical state whenever he would awaken the middle of the night he would see Buddha in the same posture this would create many questions in his mind one day Ananda could not stop his curiosity he awakened Buddha in middle of the night and said Lord please forgive me I know that this is not the right time to ask a question to you because you keep walking all the day but my curiosity has increased so much that I cannot feel till morning so please answer my question and calm my curiosity then Ananda continued I have been with you for the last 20 years and I have been seeing that you spend the whole night in only one posture you do not even move the slightest so do you really sleep or not and said Ananda I have found the right sleeping posture for myself now I do not need to move while sleeping I remain awake even in the state of sleep while my body is asleep I stay awake Ananda asked but Lord how is this possible to keep awake while sleeping Buddha said Ananda during the sleep when the mind is restless then the body also become restless and it keeps turning and changing posture again and again but I have gone beyond all these things now there is nothing left in me like a mind therefore when I go to sleep my body becomes just like a dead body and have you ever seen a dead body changing its state then Buddha said it is only our mind which does all this work even in the state of deep sleep but once the Mind becomes calm then your body will go into deep sleep but you will be awake from within from within you will be able to feel everything even after sleeping your awareness will be ignited continuously like a small burning lamp after finishing the story the Buddhist monk said to the rich man my friend an enlightened man does not sleep like a normal person when a normal person sleeps he becomes unconscious and he does not even know about his surroundings but when a man like Buddha sleeps he is always aware when we go to sleep then there comes a moment between waking and sleeping something amazing happens in that moment but Common Man fails to experience that moment it does not know when he falls asleep where else enlightened person stays in that moment only that moment brings you closer to awareness hearing this the man said sir I do not understand the things of such a deep spirituality please explain to me in easy words why I do not get a deep and a good sleep [Music] the monk said my friend there are seven main reasons for a disturbed sleep the first reason is doing some other work then sleeping on your bed many people have a habit of eating food on bed watching videos on mobile phone while lying on bed playing games or gossiping on their bed they do many other such things on their bed which they should not do the meaning of bedroom is sleeping place but people also use it for other purpose due to which the bedroom does not have a definite meaning in our brain so when we go to sleep in the bed our mind does not fully accept that now we have to sleep and this is a big reason that we do not fall asleep quickly and get soundly then the monk further said in Buddhist Monastery a mock leaves his bed as soon as he wakes up in the morning and then he go back to the bed only at night by which his brain knows that going to bad means going into deep sleep second reason for not getting sound and restful sleep is not having a fixed bedtime schedule if you want to wake up early in the morning and get full sleep then you have to make a habit of going to bed early in the night and at a fixed time when we regularly sleep at a fixed time then our mind becomes Jack to storm to that and then at that time you will automatically start feeling sleepy then Buddhist monk said third reason for restless sleep is thinking about negative things before going to sleep if you go to sleep at night with thoughts of worry in your mind then your mind will become Restless and this will disturb your sleep the thought that you will have before sleep will become the first thought when you wake up in the morning when we are just about to sleep then our subconscious mind is most active and at that time the thoughts we are creating inside us are accepted quickly by our subconscious mind and then it tries to bring them into reality our subconscious mind cannot choose between good and bad thoughts it does not know what is good and what is bad it just starts working on the information received therefore instead of thinking about our problems and negative thoughts while sleeping we should think about those good things which we want to get in our life it can bring positive change in your life then the monk said the fourth reason for not getting good and sound sleep is sleeping in the wrong way when you sleep you should not sleep with your head towards the North disease because when you sleep with our head towards the North then due to the magnetic pull of the earth a lot of blood of our body tries to go toward the brain and due to very thin beans found in the brain there is an increased risk of them bursting and if a person is very old and weak then he can also die some research has found that animals such as cattle and deer naturally align their bodies with their head in a South Direction when they are resting additionally a research shows that when people switch to sleeping in a Southwest Direction their blood pressure lowers and their sleep quality improves therefore one should always sleep with his head towards south or east the fifth reason for a Restless leave is wrong sleeping posture a simple mistake that people make in their sleeping position is that they simply fall asleep in any position they do not care whether their spine is straight or not while we should try that either we sleep straight or we sleep on our left side sleeping on your left side will keep your digestion working and you will also have very less dreams in this posture you will not have any nightmare or any Nightfall young people who suffer from Nightfall should try to sleep on their left side to get rid of this problem the sixth reason for not getting good sleep is consumption of heavy food items late night if you will consume h

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