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How To Identify Who Is Enlightened? | Sadhguru

In a way, enlightenment means you are an unblemished life. No branding. Once you mistake memory for intelligence, then you're messed up. There are only two kinds of people, mystics and mistakes If you see things just the way they are, people will label you as a mystic. Even if you're blind, you're still know The sun has come up because nobody comes. It is not a small event that anybody can miss. You may not know whether you are born or not born but if you get enlightenment, you will know So if enlightenment happens, how do we know it has happened? Suppose we are hallucinating to be enlightened if such a thing happens It will be clearer than daylight. It's not something that you can miss. It is not that kind of an event that you could miss it. You will not miss it. But when I say this, there is a problem attached to this because these days it is going on in many places. But a certainty within a weekend time you can get enlightened. You'll be declared enlightened by somebody Yeah, this is happening everywhere. If you just be a certain amount of money, one weekend, you can get enlightened. People even believe this, that there will be some science in the body and the burned Trishul in their back on the forehead. See, this just appeared in the west. People show their hands and there are marks here. And you see, I have the crucifixion marks. So Jesus has appeared for me. In India, Sanko will appear on the shoulder. You just have to burn yourself. You can brand yourself with Shanka Chakara or with crucifixion marks or whatever nonsense you want. In a way, enlightenment means you are an unblemished life. No branding. So you brand yourself and you think you're enlightened. Very sorry. So if there is no branding. How do you recognize? You cannot recognize You cannot recognize. How does anybody here know I am enlightened or not? I never made a statement on that. So do they know? They are just assuming Yes See, you go and sit in front of your kindergarten teacher. Do you know how knowledgeable he or she is? No. But that he or she knows A-B-C. You do not know. So you sit So right now we are talking X, Y, Z. You do not know. So you sit So what does it matter whether I got acknowledgment from somewhere else or not? You want to learn X, Y, Z? You sit here. You don't want. You go So what it means is there are only two kinds of people, mystics and mistakes If you see things just the way they are, people will label you as a mystic. So what are they? They're mistakes They're making mistakes about pursuing basic aspects of life thats all people just read one book and they become religious. Just one book. How come it qualifies you to become a representative of God? So this is a mistaking memory for intelligence. Our entire education system is just this rubbish, mistaking memory for intelligence. If you mistake memory for intelligence, we call your karma case. Because you live out of your memory, not out of your intelligence. If you live out of your intelligence. Absolutely. Without getting your memory and intelligence mixed up, then people say ohh he is enlightened because whatever you bring it in front of him he look at it and say, this is what it is. Simply because he doesn't mix up memory and intelligence. That's all Much experimentation was done during the sixties and seventies about these things. One is with these psychedelic machines. Another is with psychedelic drugs. You've taken LSD and people claim they're enlightened because they had an expanded sense just for a while and then they came back. This is not something that you do This is not something that you can do. It is just that if you cultivate the system, your body mind, emotion and energy to its peak possibility, then an absolutely wonderful flower blossoms within you. Not something that you did. You just waited with the right kind of conditions and it happened Without this four things getting together within you, your head, your heart, your hands and your energy, unless it all falls into place, unless all of it reaches its peak, it will not happen. And if it happens, is there any chance that I may not notice it? There is no such thing. Even if you are blind, You know the sun has come up, isn't it? Yes. Even if you're blind, you still know the sun has come up because nobody can miss it It is not a small event that anybody can miss. You may not know whether you are born or not born but if you get enlightened you will know it's much bigger than that. Birth will happen many times. This will happen to you once.

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