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HOW TO CONTROL YOUR MIND | Seven easy ways to control mind | Zen story |

foreign [Music] quickly down the road it seemed as if the man on the horse had somewhere important to go another man who was standing alongside the road shouted hey where are you going and the man on the horse replied I don't know ask the horse a monk who was standing nearby with some of his disciples looked at his disciples and said did you all see the man who just passed from here very fast on the horse what do you think about this incident the disciple said Master the horse was out of control and it was taking Rider to some unknown destination listening to this the master smiled and said my pupils this horse is a symbol of our mind this is how our mind is just like a galloping horse and we are just sitting on it riding it without a clue as to where it is going we don't have any control over it and it continues the pulas in the direction it wants to most of the people live their life just like this just at the mercy of their habits created by their mind if you ask yourself what are you doing or why are you doing so you might be surprised to learn that you are just being dictated by your habits and not by your free will we are at war with our mind we struggle incessantly to have control over it even if we close our eyes for just a minute we see a deluge of images and thoughts across our mind it becomes difficult for us to calm our mind even for a moment because we don't have any control over it we have never tried to control it mind is like a horse if you have control over it you can take it anywhere you want but if you lose control over it then you will get lost in males and will never be able to reach your destination if we see in our lives we will find that it is our mind which is the cause of our happiness and sorrow peace and distress progress and failure one who controls his mind ultimately attains happiness peace and progress but those who are in control of their mind ultimately get sorrow distress and failure that's why we should always try to control our mind but now the question is how can we control our mind how can we break free from slavery of mind here we will discuss about some ways by which you can have control over your mind these methods are very simple but very effective so listen carefully first method is breathing exercise it is at that our breath is the reign of our mind the more you will have control over your breath the more you will have control over your mind the breathing continuously changes with your emotions when you are angry you might notice your breathing gets quicker similarly when you are afraid or you have lost in your mind you can find certain breathing pattern in your breathing one easy way to calm your body and control your emotion is too slow and deepen your breathing try breathing slowly into your nose and out of your mouth by doing this you will find that after some time you will be able to control the emotion in your mind and feel calm if you can practice breathing exercise every day for half an hour in the morning then you will have better control over your mind for the whole day and you will feel joyful second try to live without something which you are addicted never get used to something so much that you cannot live without it for example if you cannot live without your mobile phone then sometimes spend few hours without your mobile phone if you have the habit of watching too much TV then try not to watch TV for one day in a week if you eat too much fast food then try eating it only once a week by taking a resolution like this you can have control over your mind third control the mind with intellect before fulfilling the desire that arises in your mind just think about it think about the consequences with consequence will be bad then explain it to your mind and try to curve that desire for example if you have a desire to smoke cigarette or drink alcohol then immediately think about its consequences think about the harmful effect of smoking and drinking by doing this your mind will automatically give up the bad desire arising inside you and it will start to come in your control fourth never keep your mind free it is said that empty mind is a devil's house negative thoughts and desires often arise in an empty mind and then you start to fulfill those desires then you become habitual to it therefore always keep yourself busy in some work keep yourself busy in study office work or any household work by doing this used as thoughts will not come to your mind and your mind will be engaged in work fifth calm your mind with meditation practice meditation every day to keep your mind calm meditation teaches you to live in the present moment the more your mind is in the present moment the karma your mind will be a Calm Mind does not Pander here and there and can be easily directed in the right direction a calm mind can think right and make right decisions and there is nothing better than meditation to calm your mind when your mind is calm then you can control it in a better way sixth make a habit of reading good books read books that motivate your mind and inculcate good habits in you good books can bring miraculous changes in our lives all the famous and successful people in the world have the habit of reading books reading books changes your thinking it reduces your stress level and you will start thinking positively and as will be your thoughts so will be your habits therefore start reading books from today onwards this will change your thinking and increase your control over your mind seventh have a self-confidence in yourself whatever work you do do it with full confidence do not keep any kind of doubt in your mind the more you have self-confidence the more you will be able to control your mind when your self-confidence is weak your mind start to dominate you but with self-confidence you can not only control your mind but also achieve success in the outer world that's why you must have self-confidence in yourself this will help you to have control over your mind so friends these are the sum of the ways by which you can control your mind and overcome bad habits if you can apply even any one of these methods in your life then you will surely start to have control over your mind we must understand that it is not only necessary to control our mind but also it is very sensual because if you took control over this horse of your mind then you can take it anywhere and get anything in this world foreign [Music]

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