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How to Celebrate MahaShivRatri at Home

Sadhguru: Please prepare for Mahashivaratri. Simple ways to do this is shower twice a day from today onwards. See if you can be on one cooked meal and rest of the time, either on fruits or salads. This will make you receptive. There is a powerful sadhana for Mahashivaratri available to you online. Please make use of this and prepare. It includes a practice called Shiva namaskar, a certain chant and a few other aspects. This will make you receptive for an immersive, meditative experience that we will offer to you on this wonderful night of Mahashivaratri. Make divine a living possibility in your life, in the very comfort of your homes. Stay home, stay safe, be aware and make this Mahashivaratri a blessed night for yourself.

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