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How Offering Food Can Energize a Space | Sadhguru

so this question about why we offer naivety we don't offer the same type of naivety to all the gods it's very different so there is a whole science behind it from the leaf and the flower and the fruit and the food either to enhance that or to receive it both there are two types of naivety [Music] because they want to eat the god doesn't eat how do we eat no it's uh there are various aspects to if i go into all this with too much fur but one simple thing is one thing is devotion there is a science behind it but the essential thing is devotion suppose you had a guest in your house because here we are not the see you need to understand this india is a godless country you don't like it when i say a godless country this is the only culture which clearly understands that god is our making everywhere else people think god made them here we know it is we who made the gods there's a whole technology of god making in this country that you can make a god that you want so we have today 330 million gods and goddesses but that happened when our population was 330 million since then since the europeans came and others came and made us feel ashamed of many gods we lost our imagination we are trying to reduce the number of gods but whatever said and done there will be two dozen gods in every home below that they can't go minimum two dozen less than that will feel kind of lost [Laughter] now the idea of a god up there is essentially a western idea when i say western anything west of india is best for us which includes pakistan [Laughter] so it's just essentially that here we never looked at that that way here we said you can have any go any number of gods you want you know same house they worshipping 25 gods you see in indian households so how can you worship 25 gods 25 gods only because our houses are not big enough otherwise we would put 2500 gods the science or the technology of god making in the sense we understood that existence is just the same energy everywhere it can be a rock it can be a tree it can be a flower it can be a fruit it can be an animal a bird a human being so if a rock can be a human being see what was soil what was mud out there became food what was food is sitting here as alexander the great yes or no no okay well any convoluted way yeah yes or no what was there i was walking upon it yesterday today it is sitting here with alexander the great this alexander the great the old one is there now yes or no so if mud can become alexander can't we find you need to become something more so we understood this this is called the science of consecration if this mud can become a human being it can become a tree it can become a flower it can become a fruit if you create the necessary tuning it will become a divine entity it will become a divine presence this is the whole science of consecration so people started creating various kinds of gods for different purposes different kinds of gods this is not just belief system you've been to the temples you go sit in the dhyanalinga how it feels go into the bhairavi how it feels very different go and sit in the adiyogi alarm very very different because they are consecrated differently different kinds of manifestations of the same energy even now it's the same thing the same energy is manifesting itself as a stone as a tree as a flower as a fruit as a bird as an animal as a human being the same thing if it is taken to its subtlest possibility it becomes divine so here we did not wait for god to come down we created our own gods the way we want it we are still given the freedom that if we don't like any of the present manifestations we can create new ones called you can create your own god or goddess nowhere else this freedom is there this is ultimate democracy where you can even create your own god where else is those people have such freedom tell me you have to believe the god that they tell you otherwise you're dead yeah they don't dare to act so this question about why we offer naivedhya we don't offer the same type of naivedhya to all the gods it's very different that energy what it needs that is what we offer for example dhyanalinga no offering he doesn't need anything if nobody enters the temple for next thousand years and you come back after thousand years he will still be the same he will simply sit there he's a yogi he doesn't need any attention but bhairavi is not like that every day we have to offer to her we have to take care of her if you don't take care of her initially she'll get angry after that she will dissipate and when she's angry i don't want to be here so they're very differently made so for every kind of deity we have a specific type of naivety which enhances and supports that type of energy so there is a whole science behind it from the leaf and the flower and the fruit and the food everything is different for every deity today there a lot of people are simply doing something whatever they know but if you look back into the tradition very distinctly defined that this is what you must offer to this deity because every substance has its own vibration you take the you know you take this bamboo leaf into your hand and feel it how it feels you take that other leaf and hold it and see how it feels every tree and every leaf will feel different if you are sensitive if you're not sensitive to it everything is you know you can ignore everything and go on so what you offer to a particular deity is all structured in such a way that it enhances that energy it supports that energy either to enhance that or to receive it both there are two types of naivety yes one is just given to the god another is placed there and given back to the people so these are two different types of naivety one is for you one is for that one is to enhance that energy that's your contribution another is to receive that energy so that you can take it home with you so these are two different aspects it's a very elaborate system [Music] you

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