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He Who Understands The Principle of Vibration Has Seized The Sceptre of Power

this Grand third hermetic principle the principle of vibration embodies the truth that movement is Manifest in everything in the universe nothing is at rest everything moves vibrates and circulates this hermetic principle was recognized by some of the early Greek philosophers who Incorporated it into their systems however it was then lost to thinkers outside the Hermetic tradition for centuries later physical science rediscovered this truth and the scientific discoveries of the 20th century have provided additional evidence supporting the validity and truth of this centuries old hermetic teaching the Hermetic teaching states that not only is everything in constant motion and VI vition but also that the differences between various manifestations of the universal Force are solely due to the varying speeds and modes of vibrations moreover the all one itself manifests as a constant vibration of such infinite intensity and Rapid motion that it can practically be considered round teachers draw students attention to the fact that even on the physical level a rapidly moving object such as a spinning wheel appears to be at rest the teachings state that the Mind resides at one end of the vibrational Spectrum while the other pole consists of certain extremely coarse forms of matter between these two poles are millions and millions of different vibration speeds and types modern science has proven that everything we refer to as matter and energy are merely forms of vibration and some of the more advanced scientists are quickly moving towards the position of occultists who CL claim that the phenomena of the Mind are also forms of vibration and motion let's consider what science has to say about vibrations in matter and energy first science teaches that all matter manifests vibrations caused by temperature or heat to some extent whether an object is cold or hot both are just manifestations of the same thing it exhibits certain heat vibrations and is in this sense in motion and vibration then all particles of matter are in circular motion from the corosal to the Suns planets orbit around the Sun and many of them rotate on their axis the Suns move around larger Central points and it is believed that these revolve around even larger ones and so on add infinitum the molecules that make up the different types of matter are in a constant state of vibration and motion around and against each other a molecular structure is made up of atoms that vibrate and move constantly the atoms consist of corpuses sometimes called electrons ions and so forth which are also in a state of Rapid motion orbiting around each other and exhibiting a very rapid State and mode of vibration thus we see that all forms of matter manifest in accordance with the Hermetic principle of vibration the same is true for the various forms of energy science teaches that light heat magnetism and electricity are just forms of vibrational motion somehow connected to the ether and likely originating from it science has yet to explain the nature of the phenomena known as cohesion which is the principle of molecular attraction nor chemical Affinity which is the principle of atomic attraction nor gravitation the greatest mystery of the three which is the principle of attraction by which every particle or mass of matter is bound to every other particle or mass these three forms of energy are not yet understood by science but the authors lean towards the view that they are also manifestations of some form of vibrational energy a fact that hermeticist have advocated and taught for centuries the universal ether postulated by science without a clear understanding of its nature is viewed by hermetics as a higher manifestation of what is erroneously called matter that is matter at a higher vibration rate and is referred to by them as the etheric substance the hermeticist teach that this etheric substance is of extreme viscosity and elasticity permeates the universal space and serves as a medium for the transmission of waves vibrating energy such as heat light electricity magnetism and so forth the teachings state that the aetheric substance acts as a link between the forms of vibrational energy known on the one hand as matter and on the other as energy or force and that it additionally manifests a degree of vibration that is completely unique in Pace and kind scientists have used the image of a rapidly moving wheel gyroscope or cylinder to demonstrate the effects of increasing vibration speeds the illust ation starts with a wheel gyroscope or spinning cylinder moving at a low speed we call this rotating object the object as we follow the depiction suppose the object moves slowly it can be clearly seen but no sound of its motion reaches the ear the speed gradually increases in a few moments its movement becomes so fast that a deep rumbling or a low tone is heard as the speed increases the tone Rises one one step in the musical scale in order to hear the next higher tone the movement is further accelerated then successively all the tones of the scale appear getting higher and higher as the movement increases finally when the movements reach a certain speed the last tone perceptible to human ears is reached and the shrill piercing scream Fades into Silence from the rotating object no sound can be heard as the speed of movement is so high that the human ear cannot perceive the vibrations then comes the perception of increasing heat after some time the eye sees the object taking on a dull dark red color as the speed increases the red becomes brighter and with increasing speed the red merges into orange then the orange shifts to Yellow then follow with increasing speed green blue indigo and finally violet tones then the Violet Shades disappear and all colors vanish as the human eye cannot perceive them however there are invisible Rays emitted from the rotating object these Rays used in photography and other subtle light rays begin to manifest special Rays known as xrays when the nature of the object changes electricity and magnetism are emitted when the corresponding vibrational rate is reached once the object reaches a certain vibrational rate its molecules disintegrate and dissolve back into their original elements or atoms following the principle of vibration the atoms then break down into the countless particles that make them up and eventually even these particles disappear and it can be said that the object consists of etheric substance science hesitates to follow this depiction further but the hermetics teach that if the vibrations are continuously increased the object would recognize the successive stages of manifestation and in turn would manifest the various mental stages and then progress towards Spirit until it finally reenters the all one which is absolute Spirit however the object would have ceased to be an object long before reaching the stage of etheric substance otherwise the illustration is correct in showing the effect of con

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