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God Is Still On Your Side | Motivational & Inspirational Video

[Music] now listen to this carefully faith is the only time you're allowed to quit quit trying to do it all quit trying to be your own Savior and tell God about it your reality is created through your faith the fact that you are in difficult times or difficult situations may not be your doing but it is the strength of your faith that will get you out of it so there is no losing when you have Jesus David said in Psalm 139 verse 8. if I Ascend into heaven you are there if I make my bed in hell behold you are there in other words God is always there he's there when life seems Heavenly and he's there when it feels like you're going through hell he's there when you don't have a care in the world and he's there when you're walking through the valley of The Shadow of death many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all you simply cannot break a person who was in Christ Jesus can bring change to the worst of circumstances he can speak calm to the worst of storms in your life and so your security our security as children of God is in knowing that greater is he who is in me than he who was in the world so have faith that your steps are ordained your steps are ordered by the hand of the Lord you can't be broken child of God can't I had to look deep at what was holding me back I had to find those things and really say I'm leaving you behind so that I can follow Jesus anything draining and everything toxic had to go any bitterness from the failures of the past all the hurt and the pain I had to leave it all behind and I want to encourage you to do the same too take your marriage to another level believe in God for a complete turnaround if it's a job or your finances tell God about it and believe he will make a way if it's your health and you need healing tell God about it if you're stuck in some bad circumstance tell God about it and if you're encouraged that's good but that's not to say you won't come face to face with challenging tests but even so don't get distracted don't get discouraged don't quit don't waver to the left or to the right God's not going to leave you out to dry he won't leave you alone but like the Book of Joshua chapter 1 says have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be afraid and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go God is with you so keep your eyes on him and look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith the Bible never said that because we are Christians no trial or challenge will come our way rather it says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from the mall First Peter chapter 4 verse 12 and 13 says beloved do not think it's strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you but Rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings that when his glory is revealed you may also be glad with exceeding Joy in short we are told to expect trials don't look at them like they are strange happenings and we are also not to judge God's love for us by the things that happen or don't happen in our lives and so beloved the God we serve is one who turns things around for the good of those who love and trust him we serve a God that turns threat a Triumph a God that took Joseph from the prison to the Palace he is the same God yesterday today and forever he is not a man that he should lie nor a son of man that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill I've been through storms I felt pain I've been hurt I've asked God where are you and even though the storm was hard to go through it taught me something it taught me to trust in Jesus it taught me to pray it taught me to stand with nothing left but Faith just faith and like the song says through it all I've learned to trust in God through it all I have learned to depend on his word and guess what he's never let me down it's easy to be defined by one moment in life some people are defined by a failed relationship a failed business venture a divorce even a career-ending injury but in the Bible the devil is called the Accuser and he would love to convince you that because of that one mistake because of that one failure because of that one season you should begin to look down on yourself but let me tell you that no matter the mistake you've made God's plan will still prevail God's will will still be done Paul said in the book of Philippians for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain meaning if there's a breath in his body it's because Jesus sustains me it's because Jesus Christ strengthens me and if I'm absent from this body then I am present in eternity Christ God will dry your tears who will be a bridge over troubled water he will be sunshine on a rainy day your strength in the moments that you feel weak so raise your head and don't slump your shoulders you're God's child you have been bought by the precious blood of Jesus Christ there ain't a devil that can break you there isn't a situation that can break you because greater is he who is in you than he who was in the world [Music] should you need healing submit to the Lord's will and if you receive healing that's wonderful if you don't then do not be disheartened because perhaps there is a purpose for you to go through what you're going through have an attitude that says Lord whatever your decision may be I'm going to trust in you may your will be done may your will take precedence over my life healing is something that we all need in our lives physical healing emotional healing or mental healing whatever it may be Jesus Christ still heals today he still makes people whole today Jesus Christ still mends broken hearts he can divinely rehabilitate you he can revive the dead things in your life Jesus Christ can soothe every painful scar in your life he is the master physician he's a chief Doctor Who is able to treat every visible and invisible wound in your life [Music] [Music]

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