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From Suffering to Awakening: Embracing Consciousness in Virtual Worlds | Eckhart Tolle

that makes a difference if you can reach people in their own language and people were grateful that I made this effort normally I'm not into efforting at all hi hi um my name is Baba and um I started listening to you I think uh a year ago during the pandemic thanks to my partner who introduced me to you um I have a three-dimensional question for you sir um as a technologist I come from uh this experience of creating Virtual Worlds and and I would say uh there's some good news the good news there both as a producer and a consumer is there's a lot of suffering there so and as you always say suffering is the foundation to Consciousness so hopefully hopefully we will find a solution there um on a serious note the three question the threedimensional question I have for you is uh in regards to language um how is the understanding of multiple I don't know if you've addressed this in the past but just listening to you speak it seems you have a grasp for a decent Gras for multiple languages um how is your understanding of multiple languages enabled you to get access to um wisdom in the in the conscious Dimension and communicates that in accessible ways so that's the first one uh then the second one is um pushing wanting to explore your mind around digal Medias so I don't know whether you've experienced digital media or whether you spend much time on there uh but if you were to explore your mind and talk about how you will Design social media in conscious ways what would you um recommend there because I I literally quit my job to leave in my car to explore some of this ideas uh because yeah I I think as the pandemic showed me um it's important we solve this problem and U exploring your mind would give me some insights then the final one is the power of now and it's um I come from a different Community whereby thoughts like yours was inaccessible to me and I feel like it was a language barrier and um I would like to work with you and your team to help uh make the P now accessible in major African languages uh because [Applause] I because it has really in my own personal Journey first of all being able to like I've grown up speaking English and being able to access your perspective agre Christan but being able to access your perspective open my mind to another uh Dimension and I was able to heal my deep like Kim says laundry like there's a bunch of laundry I was able to heal uh but after healing my laundry I came to the realization that okay there a bunch of this amazing things I want to communicate with my parents but I really can't cuz I speak English to them English is not their first language it's like speaking of unconsciousness slavery and colonization it's like a second third language problem and so there are some things that are not accessible but the weird thing is I started learning my native language and there's some weird thing that started going on it's like the same thoughts you were saying is actually accessible in other the languages that already exist and I'm like oh my God and I started speaking my language to my parents and is bringing so much peace to them and it's like what you're saying is actually true like ancient wisdom and ancient civilization like those things are real so uh I would love to work with you and your team to make this accessible so please languages digital media and power thank you wonderful uh a proposal and uh uh that will help perhaps millions of people um U however I must confess that uh I have forgotten your first [Laughter] question your understanding of U several languages does that help in accessing U wisdom from the conscious Dimension and does that help in communicating that in accessible ways right well [Music] um just uh when was it 3 weeks ago um we had a retreat in Mexico and uh for the first time ever I I wanted to challenge myself and decided to do the entire retreat in Spanish and uh and that was uh I learned Spanish a long time ago over half a century ago and haven't used it very much since reading occasionally reading a book uh and I experienced the in at first it was very hard for my mind to uh find the words that were that there there's an intuition that comes be before you speak it's very hard to describe before language happens you already know what wants to be said and at a nonverbal level and then this knowing what wants to be said which which is a non-conceptual knowing then gets translated into Concepts and words and with a ver in English they say your your your language is Rusty when if you haven't used the language for a long time you say it's Rusty and it's that's how I experienc it the the impulse Came to Say Something and sometimes the floor was there it was fine then so can't find the right word immediately the mind is to work over time to find an equivalent or similar word and it slows you down a bit but that was fine so I was able to reach and after a couple of days it the Flow came back and it went much more easily quite enjoyable reaching PE people in their own language that makes a difference if you can reach people in their own language rather than have it translated uh into their language this is why I wanted to do it so I I was able and people were grateful that I made this effort normally I'm not into effting at all but it I made an effort to speak Spanish and it it worked um and that was good similar thing in Germany years ago I um so out of touch with the German language that I spoke as a child uh and I said I cannot possibly that was 20 years ago I said I cannot possibly give a talk in German it's just the words are not there anymore and at the first event I had a translator I spoke English and to translate interpret interpreted into German it um didn't feel quite right and a few times I I knew the Transat was wasn't correct but I couldn't but I couldn't say anything um and at the second talk the organizer said why don't you tell tell your just say a few words in German and explain to them why you are not going to speak German and that that's a good idea so I started and I told the reason why I'm not going to speak in German I said in German the reason why I cannot speak in German to you because I haven't used the language in 60 years or whatever and so and then I and talked and talked and and 15 minutes later I said oh I'm still speaking German and then they continued um translation was unnecessary the flow was there it was a miracle and so after that I've always when I go Germany Switzerland I I speak in German now that's good but language is a strange thing um it's of course it's an it's an abstraction language I use language to teach and uh the the words that one uses uh where in spiritual um discourse the the words have a different function from the function that words have in ordinary discourse in spiritual discourse the the words are are not the thing they are they only point to the thing the all the words are Pointers to something that is beyond words so are using words in order to point

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