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Eckhart Tolle’s Live Teaching: Conscious Manifestation and the Co-Creation of a New Earth

that our goal is to reach as many people as possible with this new program and that there's a generous scholarship fund that's available as well because we want to make sure that all of the people that are interested in a spiritual guide to conscious manifestation can attend and now it is a true honor to bring forward the renowned author of The Power of Now And A New Earth eart tole eart welcome thank you Tommy and hello to everybody wherever you are in this present moment are you ready eart for our first question I suppose I'm ready yes you're always ready here we go I've heard different things about manifesting and I'm curious to know what eckart's approaches and what makes it a spiritual approach versus other kinds of approaches thank you perhaps the conventional approach to manifestation we could before I go into that we could talk of manifestation conscious manifestation and spiritually conscious manifestation as a temporary division manifestation happens continuously whether you're aware of it or not to it simply means that there's a correlation between your State of Consciousness which we may also call vibrational frequency and the way in which you experience reality or the world there's a correlation between your reality your world and your State of Consciousness uh that is undoubtedly true now for most hum most humans are still not aware of that they believe that the world they find themselves in their reality uh is an a totally separate thing from their their inner being so they they they've been put into this reality everybody is born into a particular set of circumstances and uh then humans grow up and they become conditioned in some way they're already conditioned when they are born although there is a belief that every baby is a blank slate but that is not entirely true at all every baby already comes into this world with a certain baggage which in eastern terminology we could call Karma uh and uh it obviously the baby is not a blank slate even if you don't believe in karma you can see that uh genetic in the the genes play a particular role as far as the person the person that you become is concerned your genes have a lot to do with it uh even the time you spend in the womb of your mother already already is a form of conditioning and we all know if a mother indulges in alcohol that can negatively affect the life of the fetus and the embryo then has negative effect for the rest of his or her life uh certainly there's a there are two factors when you look at external circumstances there's the the conventional expression of nurture and nature nurture and nature that means nature means uh who or what you are is uh your conditioning and nurture is your the external circumstances of your life that contribute to who you become as a human being the world you're born into and so we all get conditioned in particular way through our upbringing and pro I would suggest even we already contradition through past lifetimes and the emotional state of our mother even before we were born etc etc so everybody comes into the life with a particular set of mental emotional conditioning and this mental emotional conditioning determines how you perceive the world it determines the way in which you uh respond or react to the circumstances of your life what you say Etc uh so you manifest your life unconsciously uh through the mentally emotional conditioning that you are born into and the there's no freedom in that you don't really have a choice because there's a in that state there's a lack of awareness so you do not realize that you perpetuate the circumstances of your life according to the your conditioning then uh so often you find that the same dysfunction that uh we already manifested in a the parents life and the grandparents life are then repeated and perpetuated in the child's life and then that child has children and this similar dysfunctions operate again because you inherit them and there's uh um the conditioning of your thinking mind that you identify with when you're trapped in the egoic Consciousness uh determines um how you respond or rather react to what's going on around you in your life and you can see with very unconscious people they always blame the circumstan of their life for what's wrong they other it's always somebody else's fault that there's something not right in my life there's always somebody else to blame whether it's actual human beings or um fate or God or the politicians um or the social conditions I'm not denying that social conditions ofer uh an important factor but it's people then put all all the blame outside they never look within into their own conditioning and so they manifest the circumstances of their life unconsciously often in a very negative way uh because that's all ego this unconscious identification with the mental emotional conditioning is ego and so they manifest from their ego they react to circumstances and let's say something um challenging or negative happens to you a person or whatever it may be and you react in the same old way and by reacting against something challenging you amplify it it through your reaction you can see it when you react to an unpleasant or unconscious person if you react you amplify his or her unconsciousness and you even amplify your own unconsciousness through your reaction if you react to difficult circumstances in your life like lack of money and unpleasant living situation problematic relationships if you Rea if you react against the circumstances of your life which always manifest in the present moment uh you amplify those circumstances through your reaction and so people don't realize that so they become trapped in a vicious circle something negative happens and they they react negatively and amplify that thing and make it makes it even worse and that then comes a confirmation that they have always been right that uh um in in assuming that the world is doing it to me so you become the victim of the world in your own perception you become the victim of other people you're the victim of the world you're complaining constantly and by doing that you perpetuate all those things that are happening to you and not only that you amplify them that's Karma you you you're experiencing the Manifest you're manifesting through your karma and create new Karma you make other people unhappy you're already unhappy you make more people unhappy you create new in eastern terms that is govern so everybody's manifesting without knowing it then a moment comes when you become conscious of the conditioning of your mind and emotions your mental emotional conditioning and you become you realize that it is possible for you to some extent step out of the conditioning of your mental emotional field and this means awareness has arisen in you vital part of Awakening you begin to become aware of your own conditioning and then uh some Freedom comes in Choice comes in the possibility of choosing when you uh become conscious in cert

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